Sugar Mauritius

More rains - more sugarcane in Mauritius

The average total height of the sugarcane was at 96 per cent

18 Apr 2011,

Sierra Leone in land offer to Mauritius

Sierra Leone is putting at the disposal of Mauritian investors 200,000 hectares of land

15 Apr 2011,

Omnicane of Mauritius Sees 36% Boost in Sugar Output on Refinery

The higher output may help its sugar unit return to profit

14 Apr 2011,

Blue print signed at the Union St Aubin factory

April 7, an official ceremony was held on for the signing of the blue print

12 Apr 2011,

Medine Sugar Estates output may fall 8.7%

Output may fall as much as 8.7 percent to 42,000 metric tons this season as drought hampers cane growth

16 Mar 2011,

Saint Aubin sugar factory closing approved

According to the strategic plan, there will only be four out of the seven remaining sugar factories by 2015 Belle Vue, Fuel, Omnicane and Medine. The other two factories which are on the list to be closed down are Mon Loisir and Deep River / Beau Champs.

09 Mar 2011,

Mauritius Sugar Output Recovery Lags Behing

Mauritius’s sugar crop won’t make up the delay in growth caused by earlier drought even after adequate rainfall last month, the Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute said.

08 Mar 2011,