Tax heaven Mauritius

Roshi Bhadain: «Sithanen Met en Péril le Secteur Offshore»

«Je ne sais pas quel document il a lu mais Rama Sithanen est en train de mettre en péril le secteur des services financiers en commentant et en donnant une interprétation qui n’est pas du tout ce qui a été traité», a réagi le ministre des Services financiers et de la bonne gouvernance, interrogé par «l’express» hier soir, lundi 6 juillet.

07 Jul 2015,

Maurice sur la Liste Noire des Paradis Fiscaux: Bhadain Dénonce une «Injustice»

La réaction n’a pas tardé après la publication de la liste des paradis fiscaux par l’Union européenne (UE).

25 Jun 2015,

Resolve Indo-Mauritius Tax Issues to Boost Sentiments: FSC

Seeking to dispel concerns about Mauritius being used for round-tripping of Indian money, the island nation's financial sector watchdog has sought a quick resolution of tax related issues between the two countries.

06 Jul 2014,

FMI : “Maurice N’est pas un Paradis Fiscal”

Maurice n’est pas sur la liste rouge de l’Organisation de développement et de coopération économique (OCDE) en tant que paradis fiscal.

27 Jun 2014,

Couldip Basanta Lala : “Maurice N’est Pas un Paradis Fiscal”

L’International Financial Services (IFS) fête ses 20 ans cette année.

21 Mar 2014,

Rundheersing Bheenick: "Mauritius Is Not a Tax Haven"

"I categorically reject the notion that Mauritius is a tax haven." Thus, the Governor of the Bank of Mauritius responded on Radio Plus, Tuesday, Nov. 19, following the broadcast of the Capital on M6. A program that introduced Maurice as a "tax haven".

19 Nov 2013,

Émission Capital de M6 : « Maurice, un Paradis Fiscal Privilégié »

«Un paradis fiscal qu’on connaît assez peu, c’est l’île Maurice… qui a tout pour attirer ceux qui veulent payer beaucoup moins d’impôt. Pas de taxe locale, pas d’impôt sur les successions, à peine un impôt sur le revenu limité à 15 % et une douceur de vivre incomparable. » Le pitch de Thomas Soto présentateur de Capital est sans équivoque.

19 Nov 2013,

Deloitte Promotes Mauritius as Tax Haven to Avoid Big Payouts to Poor African Nations

ActionAid charity says poor countries such as Mauritius are losing hundreds of billions of pounds

04 Nov 2013,

Mauritius: Tax Haven in the Eyes of the World

This heats for the Mauritian financial jurisdiction. Indians are not the only country to qualify as a tax haven. This labeling has become global. Mauritius is considered a tax haven in Africa.

22 Apr 2013,

Maurice Once Again Qualified As Tax Haven

Maurice is it a tax haven? Indians are not the only ones to think so. In a report pointing to a British sugar giant installed Zambia, Action Aid International calls our tax haven jurisdiction.

12 Feb 2013,

Minerva Maurice: Let's Shyest, this Country is a "Hub Tax"

Since 1992, Mauritius tries to position offshore destination that authorities are still struggling to put it bluntly. "We're a hub tax. "This is the truth that defends Taposeea Kamal, director of the trustee company Minerva Maurice enters its 16th year of presence in the country. Operation: rehabilitation of the image of a tax haven.

20 Jan 2013,

Offshore, Mauritius: from 'Tax Haven' to 'Match-Maker Heaven'

Tax haven, Mauritius became an important catalyst for India. Looks like the Indian press began today, a real turnabout regarding the role of Mauritius in the development of the Indian economy.

04 Jan 2013,

South Africa Narrows The Tax Gap On Mauritius

In the race between Mauritius and South Africa for the most investor-friendly holding company regime for private equity, South Africa is gaining ground on its island rival.

27 Aug 2012,

Dark Side of Offshore World: 21 Trillion Dollars Hidden in Tax Havens

At least USD 21 trillion of private financial wealth, unreported, was owned by wealthy individuals through tax havens at the end of 2010.

24 Jul 2012,

Réplique Gouvernementale Face à l’Attaque Indienne Contre les Services Financiers

Xavier-Luc Duval, vice-Premier ministre et ministre des Finances, qualifie d’injustifiée l’insinuation de l’Inde à l’effet que Maurice est un repaire pour évadés fiscaux. Le gouvernement réfutera officiellement les allégations indiennes.

24 May 2012,

Mauritius Qualified as Tax Haven in White Paper on Indian Dirty Money

The document, a precursor of legislation to combat an economy fueled by soft money, was put on the table by the Lok Sabha Pranab Mukherjee, Indian Minister of Finance. Maurice is described as a haven for tax evaders.

24 May 2012,