Taxes Mauritius

Treaty of Double Taxation Indo-Mauritius: Mauritius Intends to Amend Tax Residence Certificate

The Mauritian government is considering revising the format of the certificate of tax residence. Changes to be made to calm and reassure the game Grande peninsula, it is his fear at certain abuses of the non-Indo-Mauritius double taxation.

25 Oct 2012,

Electric Car: Reduction of Tax Applied

The 100% electric car will she finally on the roads of Mauritius, as a symbol of the country's commitment to make the air cleaner for future generations?

25 Oct 2012,

Tax Evasion: MRA Target Merchants Seasonal

There are many Mauritians who went to China, Malaysia and India to make bulk purchases to resell these items in the local market during the holiday season.

23 Oct 2012,

Offshore Suspended For Three Years

The Damocles sword hanging over investors operating in the offshore sector in Mauritius, has been lifted. At least temporarily.

12 Oct 2012,

Drastic Measures Proposed To Reduce Public Spending

The Mauritius Tax Payers Association (MTPA) has decided to propose drastic measures to reduce government spending in the context of the next budget submission.

05 Oct 2012,

Pre-Budget Submission MTPA: Measures To Protect The Middle Class

An increase in the exemption threshold, the introduction of a 'savings allowance' measures to protect the middle class ... These are the main pre-budget submissions of the Mauritius Tax Payers' Association (MTPA).

28 Sep 2012,

Import Taxes, War Of Shoes: Solution Need Urgently

Local traditional shoemaking Maurice raises questions over the past few months. The elimination of taxes on imported footwear threatens local companies that are struggling to compete with the prices of imported products and not always quality. They fear having to put the key under the mat.

27 Sep 2012,

Osman Badat : «Maurice Devrait Se Diversifier Au Lieu De Trop Se Concentrer Sur l’Inde»

Osman Badat, Chief Executive Officer de la firme internationale McMillan Woods, revient sur les recommandations préconisant un délai de trois ans avant l’implémentation du General Anti-Avoidance Rules, en Inde.

06 Sep 2012,

L`Offshore Mauricien Pousse Un Soupir Après Le Rapport D`Experts Sur Le GAAR

Le secteur offshore mauricien a accueilli la nouvelle avec soulagement. En Inde, le rapport d`experts sur l’application du General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR), recommande qu`elle ne soit pas effective avant trois ans.

03 Sep 2012,

Island Tax Haven Roils India's Ways

This tiny island in the middle of the Indian Ocean has become the centerpiece of a raging world-wide debate: How should India tax foreign companies?

30 Aug 2012,

South Africa Narrows The Tax Gap On Mauritius

In the race between Mauritius and South Africa for the most investor-friendly holding company regime for private equity, South Africa is gaining ground on its island rival.

27 Aug 2012,

The Price Of Capital’s Transfers Within A Multinational Not Tax Exemption

A new element to the surface. It can potentially affect trade in the work of the Joint Working Group (JWG), which took place at this time in Port Louis between Indians and Mauritians. This is the status of the pricing of capital’s transfer in the eyes of the Indian tax authorities.

24 Aug 2012,

DTAA : Xavier-Luc Duval Affiche Un Optimisme Prudent

Le vice-Premier ministre et ministre des Finances Xavier-Luc Duval se veut optimiste en ce qui concerne les discussions du Joint Working Group qui ont débuté mercredi après-midi au bureau de son ministère.

23 Aug 2012,

India Inc Propose le Report des GAAR pour 2018

Le Joint Working Group (JWG) se réunira jeudi et vendredi à Port-Louis pour reprendre les consultations portant sur une éventuelle révision du traité de non double imposition entre l’Inde et Maurice. Ce, huit mois après que des discussions ont été entamées.

20 Aug 2012,

Mauritius and Nigeria Signed Agreement About Double Taxation System

Nigeria has sent to Maurice Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Minister of Coordination and Finance. She was accompanied by a delegation of 23 businessmen from that country.

14 Aug 2012,

Uncertainties due to GAAR: Indian Offshore Companies Leave Mauritius

Offshore companies owned by Indians close their business in Mauritius. They are 24 in total.

09 Aug 2012,

Double Taxation Treaty: India and Mauritius activate consultations

The work of the Joint Working Group , scheduled for August 23 to 24 in Port Louis, will allow both parties to attempt to overcome the obstacles in a case where the issues are sensitive .

08 Aug 2012,

Indo-Mauritius Double Taxation Avoidance : Tax Residency Certificate Sufficient for Investors

All the hype on the Treaty of double taxation signed between Mauritius and India, would it not ultimately a tempest in a teacup?

27 Jul 2012,

Répit pour les Investisseurs

Avec l’introduction du General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR) en avril 2013, plusieurs interrogations se posent déjà sur le traité de non double imposition entre Maurice et la Grande péninsule.

27 Jul 2012,

Right to Exemption from Taxes on Capital Gains in Favour of Indian Company Incorporated in Mauritius

This judgment has nothing to do with the General Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR). Intended to strengthen the Indian tax authorities of the GAAR will take effect in 2013. It will take action against any investor suspected of attempted tax offense.

25 Jul 2012,