Tourist Mauritius

Mauritius: Island Paradise Lures Chinese Tourists

Faced with stiff competition from Seychelles and Maldives in the Indian Ocean, Mauritius, one of Africa's prime holiday destinations, is seeking to attract more Chinese tourists as the growth of its European visitors stagnates.

14 Oct 2013,

General Manager of Beach Authority: “sa ban fransais la, bane sovaz sa[...]“

Welcome back again! General manager of the Beach Authority contacts l'express to try to clarify what he said the day before on the phone. Let's come back to the declaration he made....

09 Apr 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life

Tourist arrested for making false allegations

Police officials arrested a French national, Maria Daisy Mailly Puylaurant, 62, for false and malicious denunciation in writing. She is a Réunion Island citizen. On Sunday, she had claimed that a taxi driver robbed 6,100 euro from her at Vacoas. A police enquiry including the Vacoas Criminal Investigation Divion and the Crime Intelligence Unit was [...]

11 Jan 2012, The Independent Daily

Arrivées touristiques revues à la hausse pour 2011

Se fondant sur des données récentes disponibles ainsi que sur des informations provenant des acteurs de l’industrie, le Bureau central des statistiques (BCS) prévoit des arrivées touristiques de l’ordre de... Read more »

27 Feb 2011, KotZot

Tourist – Record numbers visit island

According to Minister of Tourism and Leisure Nando Bodha, the number of tourist arrivals for both December 2010 and for January- December 2010, with 114,849 and 934,827 respectively, were “... Read more »

10 Feb 2011, KotZot