Transport Mauritius
Accident dans un Bus Individuel: Sa Jambe s’est Enfoncée dans le Plancher
Elle a eu la peur de sa vie. En descendant d'un autobus individuel, le 11 février, Vimla a vu sa jambe droite coincée dans le plancher en tôle du véhicule.
22 Feb 2013,
LRT: Preliminary Exercise Before Final Call for Proposals
The work of the first phase of the LRT - on the axis Curepipe - Port Louis - will begin in October 2014.
21 Feb 2013,
LRT: Survey of Mauritian Households
Under the light rail project whose construction is expected to begin in October 2014, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure has appointed Grant Thornton audit firm and consultancy, for he conducts a household survey on the fluidity traffic in the country.
18 Feb 2013,
LRT: Stations depend Location on "Park and Ride" Possibilities
Nothing is done regarding the route of the light rail in Mauritius. These are criteria circulation around the stations that will determine the way of the subway.
18 Feb 2013,
School Bus: When College Students Breaking the Law ...
Some students become vandals before and after school. And it is often the buses they let go. The National Transport Authority (NTA) uses common sense.
13 Feb 2013,
Students Have to Pay the Fare Bagatelle in Both Directions?: The NTA Initiates Investigation
National Transport has commissioned a survey on the path Bagatelle. The regulatory authority intends to determine whether students must pay their bus ticket on this route. Rose-Hill Transport (RHT) has already applied the knife, asking students to pay for their ticket.
07 Feb 2013,
Students Must Pay for the Trip to Bagatelle
A student complained to a trasport company on the fact that students must always pay their bus ticket for a trip to Bagatelle.
06 Feb 2013,
Métro Léger : une Première Etape Franchie
C’est décidé. Le gouvernement va de l’avant avec le projet tant attendu qu’est le Métro léger. Un appel à manifestation d’intérêt a été lancé mardi par le ministère des Infrastructures publiques au niveau national et international. Le délai pour la soumission des offres expire le vendredi 12 avril.
06 Feb 2013,
Light Rail and Public Transport: Competition or Complementarity?
It is left for the LRT. This time, the project is well on track, with the first sod given in 2014. Meanwhile, meetings are activated with the Singapore Corporation of Enterprise, pending the introduction of tenders in September. However, the project concerned operators and public transport workers.
30 Jan 2013,
Public Transport: When Impoliteness Rule
Travelling on public transport is a necessity for many people. But what should be a normal thing can be a real ordeal. Fault: annoying behavior ...
29 Jan 2013,
NTC Buses Equipped with GPS Soon
The National Transport Corporation (NTC) plans to introduce soon in its buses Global Positioning System (GPS). Objective: To discourage criminals to attack the recipient bus to steal revenue from the corporation.
29 Jan 2013,
Light Rail System: The Countdown Starts
On the cards for almost two decades, the Mauritius Light Rail Transit System (MLRT) project is seeing light long last.
28 Jan 2013,
The Tenders for LRT Launched in September
A delegation from the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise (SCE) arrived in Mauritius in late January for discussions on advanced light rail project.
25 Jan 2013,
Métro Léger: Cette Fois c’Est Bon, le Chantier Sera Lancé en Octobre 2014
Longtemps brinquebalant, le projet métro léger se précise. Le gouvernement annonce sa mise en chantier en 2014 de même que la création d’un département qui pilotera le projet.
25 Jan 2013,
Transport Unions: Penalty Points, Demonstration Endorsed a for February 21
After more than 100 minutes of a special meeting called by the Common Front transport unions in the context of the challenge of penalty points, a decision was taken at mid-day to hold an event on February 21 from Champ-de-Mars gardens to the Company.
25 Jan 2013,
Sorèze: Bus Passengers Fire Laissés-pour-Compte
Last Wednesday, a bus operator individual was engulfed in flames. Passengers complained they had not received any instructions of the receiver and the driver even less. In the absence of a complaint, the National Transport Authority just to start an investigation ...
24 Jan 2013,
Light Rail Project Takes Shape as Bidding Set for End of January
Works for the Mauritius Light Rail Transit System (MLRT) are scheduled to start by October 2014, as announced recently by Cabinet of Ministers.
24 Jan 2013,
Transport en Commun CNT Planche sur l’Introduction de Cartes Prépayées
C’est un projet ambitieux. La Compagnie Nationale de Transport (CNT) compte introduire des ‘smart cards’ (cartes prépayées) à l’intention des passagers et ce, dans le cadre de son plan de restructuration.
23 Jan 2013,
LRT: Over 50 Investors Interested
The light rail project advance. A Market Sounding Exercise took place on Friday between those involved in the case to Port Louis and those interested in investing. Fifty foreign investors participated in this exercise.
22 Jan 2013,
Public Transport Sector: Conflict Between Unions and Employers Increasing
Neither the union nor the employers do not want to change posture to improve the working conditions of employees of public transport. The first attempt to reconcile the Ministry of Labour has achieved nothing.
20 Jan 2013,