Used cars Mauritius

Marché Automobile : les Voitures Reconditionnées Ont la Cote

399. C’est le nombre de nouvelles voitures qui circulent sur nos routes depuis le début de l’année. Si de janvier à mars de cette année, la tendance penchait nettement en faveur des voitures neuves, tel n’a pas été le cas d’avril à juin. Durant cette période, 3 288 voitures neuves ont trouvé preneurs contre 3 111 voitures reconditionnées.

12 Sep 2013,

Importers of Second-Hand Vehicles Fear for Their Existence

According to the secretary of an association of importers of second-hand vehicles, the new car dealers simply want to eliminate through a case in court. The latter countered by saying that the law is not respected by everyone, costing Rs 1 million per day to the state.

26 Apr 2013,

Standoff MVDA / MRA: The Carbon Tax Divides Car Dealers

Importers of cars filed Monday, a new affidavit in the Supreme Court challenging the remission of the carbon tax paid to dealers second hand cars. The case was remanded to May 6 to allow the defendants to make their position known.

24 Apr 2013,

Imported Second-Hand Vehicles from Japan: Lifting Measures Against Radioactivity

Importers of second-hand vehicles and parts from Japan are no longer subject to protection measures that followed the Fukushima nuclear disaster in March 2011.

24 Apr 2013,