Zip code Mauritius

A 5 digits postal code for every Mauritian

Hello everyone! The mystery of the Mauritian post / zip code has finally been solved! Initially introduced on a pilot basis in early 2012 for the regions of Lallmatie, Bon-Accueil and Brisée-Verdière, the Mauritius...

12 Sep 2014, Yashvin, pages of my life

Code Postal: Reste à Convaincre la Population…

«Servi li et faire ou correspondant servi li.» Tel est le slogan adopté par la Mauritius Post Limited (MPL), en marge de sa campagne de sensibilisation à l’utilisation du code postal.

12 Sep 2014,

[Guest post] Have any of your parcels been lost on the way to your house?

If you’re used to online purchase, some of you can be as frustrated as me when it concerns the number of parcels which never reached me.

17 Nov 2012, Yashvin, pages of my life