Car market Mauritius

The sale of new cars increases

New cars are popular now. Sales increased by 12% for the first five months of 2011.

02 Aug 2011,

Shortage on spare parts market

Some motorists are at a bay because they cannot drive. Reason: there is a lack of spare parts on the market.

26 Jul 2011,

New legislation - Trouble around the carbon tax

The MNS system of customs not reconfigured, garages not ready to certify the emission rate ... These are the first consequences of a bill introduced and passed in a hurry.Putting the cart before the horse.

25 Jul 2011,

Auction sale in the police store

The sale by auction in the police store began on Tuesday at the central fire station and will continue until Friday. Over a hundred people attended the event for the first day.

20 Jul 2011,

Automotive: Closure of several showrooms- Warranty costs on Japanese vehicles

Business is bad for the dealers of second hand vehicles. Many of them have closed their showroom because they fail to provide the bank guarantee of Rs 100,000 required on each vehicle imported from Japan.

14 Jul 2011,

Baisse des droits d’accise sur l’importation des 4 x 4

Les droits d’accise sur l’importation des 4 x 4 (double space cabin vehicle) sont révisés à la baisse à partir d’aujourd’hui. C’est ce qu’a annoncé, mardi, au Parlement, le ministre des Finances Pravind Jugnauth.

13 Jul 2011,

Pénurie de voitures de seconde main sur le marché

“D’ici peu, les petits showrooms qui importent des voitures de seconde main devront fermer boutique. Raison évoquée : ils ne peuvent plus concurrencer les grands. Ainsi, les petits importateurs ne peuvent produire une garantie bancaire de Rs 100 000 pour chaque voiture qu’ils importent. C’est sûr qu’ils sont appelés à disparaître. Les gens ont fini par causer une psychose et ne veulent plus de voitures japonaises.” C’est ce qu’a déclaré Zaïd Ameer, président de la ‘Dealers of Imported Vehicles Association’ (DIVA) au Matinal.

05 Jul 2011,

Lack of spare parts: 100 Japanese cars locked in the garage

Spare parts for Japanese vehicles to roll on the market lacking. No fewer than a hundred cars currently sleeping in garages. This, at least, it advanced by Zaid Ameer, president of the Imported Vehicle Dealers Association (IVDA).

23 Jun 2011,

Dix voitures bloquées à la douane : Feizal crie à l'injustice

La compagnie King Motors Co Ltd livre bataille en justice pour récupérer des véhicules qu’elle a importés et qui sont bloqués à la douane.

11 Jun 2011,

A smokeless diesel against pollution

Stopping the vehicle smoke. For this, the State Trading Corporation (STC) plans to import a new type of diesel from 2012.This fuel will be more in line with international standards.

31 May 2011,

DIVA, ASVA et SVDA : "Cessez l'importation de voitures japonaises"

Les importateurs de véhicules ne savent plus quoi faire. Ils font face à une crise actuellement car près de 25 showrooms de voitures se retrouvent sans véhicule ou avec une ou deux voitures seulement.

31 May 2011,

Theft of vehicles: cars considered "Total Loss" reused

It is a reality that defies imagination. There is indeed a big problem in our society regarding car thefts according to investigators from the police force. Organized gangs were operating illegally.

13 May 2011,

Nine cars with radiation

The Department of radioactivity of the country is working. Nine cars were contaminated by radioactivity. These cars have hit the ground Mauritius on April 20.

12 May 2011,

Automotive - The market fell by 2% during the first 4 months of 2011

Mauritian’s auto market shrunk by 2% over the first 4 months of the year compared to last year.

04 May 2011,

Radiation fears lock up 4 vehicles

Four vehicles from Japan, including two cars, have been placed in isolation in the port on Friday afternoon after that they reached the country.

23 Apr 2011,

Raffick Bahadoor: "The implementation of new number plates must be suspended"

>Your Association opposes the new measure of number plates. What motivates this position?

12 Apr 2011,

Vieux Moulin presents best selling Chinese pick-up models

The Centre Commercial du Vieux Moulin, Rose Belle, organised a car expo titled ‘La Fete Des Voitures’ (car expo) over the weekend. Organised in the south of the island, the event was held to present the two highest selling brands of pick-ups and other vehicles from China.

11 Apr 2011,

Les véhicules importés du Japon la semaine dernière, ont été livrés par la douane

200 véhicules du Japon livrés par la douaneLes véhicules importés du Japon la semaine dernière, ont été livrés par la douane.

06 Apr 2011,

Importation de voitures d’occasion du Japon – L’ASVA tire la sonnette d’alarme

La catastrophe naturelle qui s’est abattue sur le Japon a ébranlé le secteur de l’automobile à Maurice. Le gouvernement a pris une décision en ce qui concerne la protection de la population contre l’éventualité d’une contamination de la radioactivité.

05 Apr 2011,

Reconditioned vehicles: meeting between importers and Xavier Duval Wednesday

A meeting is planned between importers and the Minister Xavier Luc Duval on Wednesday afternoon to clarify certain points concerning the decision of the State to control the access of second hand vehicles from Japan.

31 Mar 2011,