Police Mauritius

Mahébourg : Barrage Routier, Trois Contraventions et 52 Véhicules Inspectés

Plusieurs unités policières du sud du pays étaient à pied d’œuvre dans la région de Mahébourg hier soir pour traquer les véhicules non conformes. Opération qui a commencé à 20h pour prendre fin aux alentours de 23h.

26 Jul 2013, motors.mega.mu

Dans un Clip Video: Un Sergent de Police en Boxer-Short s’Enorgueillit d’Avoir Humilié Deux Femmes

Le rôle de la force policière est de protéger et maintenir l’ordre public. Serait-ce toujours le cas ? Un sergent, affecté à un poste de police dans le Nord, a été filmé en boxer-short en train de dénigrer l'image de la femme, alors qu'il se trouvait dans une chambre.

22 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu

Police Academy in Mauritius

No reference to American B-movies of the '80s, even if the story is available here as in several episodes. ! Mauritian police want to professionalize its troops and wishes to create a Police Academy in due form.

15 Jul 2013, business.mega.mu

Circulation, Collectivités Locales : Quelle Performance ?

Les citadins s’attendent que les collectivités locales soient à la hauteur afin que celles-ci répondent à leurs aspirations. Leur travail est diversement accueilli, selon les résultats et la vitesse d’exécution. Dans cette édition, la performance municipale est accompagnée de satisfaction et de récrimination.

09 Jul 2013, motors.mega.mu

Opération Coup de Poing à l’Echangeur de Caudan

Les automoblistes verbalisés pour avoir emprunté le couloir à l’extrême gauche en vue de se rendre dans le Nord, causant d’habitude un embouteillage artificiel

04 Jul 2013, motors.mega.mu

Il a Eté Verbalisé par le Policier – Chemin Privé : Contravention ou Pas ?

Confusion totale autour d’une contravention prise dans un chemin privé appartenant à la propriété FUEL, à Bel étang. Les autorités policières, s’appuyant sur la section 2 de la Road Traffic Act, justifient cette « faute ». Un avocat affirme le contraire.

27 Jun 2013, motors.mega.mu

Penalty Points: 308 Drivers Fined in Six Days

They were 308 motorists have been taken in contravention of offenses that require an allocation of penalizing points since the entry into force of penalty points, Friday, May 10

18 May 2013, motors.mega.mu

74 Vehicles Fined for Smoke

Vehicles that emit excessive smoke had better set their sprinklers. Just since the beginning of the year, the environmental police took offense 74 vehicles that emit black smoke.

15 May 2013, motors.mega.mu

Penalty Points: Police Officer Arrested

A police officer assigned to a police station in the South was pinned by the elements of the Independent Commission against Corruption during the weekend. He appeared in court Monday morning where a provisional charge of corruption was lodged against him.

14 May 2013, motors.mega.mu

Port Louis: Expired Medicines and Rs 82,000 Seized in Drug Store

28 expired pharmaceuticals were discovered Tuesday, April 23 on the shelves of a pharmacy located in Saint-Denis Street, Port-Louis. They were seized, as well as Rs 82,000.

24 Apr 2013, business.mega.mu

Stolen Car: Two Suspects Arrested

An investigation of the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of Quatre-Bornes on a stolen car reported on February 8 has resulted in the arrest of two suspects.

19 Apr 2013, motors.mega.mu

Uniformed Police Officers in the Street Dance

This video creates a real buzz on social networks since Friday, March 8. It shows three uniformed officers outlining some dance next to their car.

10 Mar 2013, motors.mega.mu

Penalty Points: Prison for Any Act of Corruption

A strategy will be put in place to prevent bribery in connection with the introduction of the penalty points. This was announced Ben Buntipilly, Advisor Road Safety Office of the Prime Minister.

24 Feb 2013, motors.mega.mu

Polocco Blesse Deux Policiers à Riche-Terre

Une chasse à l’homme a mal tourné durant la nuit de lundi pour deux policiers de Terre-Rouge. Ils s’apprêtaient à mettre la main sur Steeve Serret, alias Polocco, sur un terrain vague, à Riche-Terre, lors qu’ils ont été blessés.

19 Feb 2013, motors.mega.mu

Sécurité Routière : Crackdown Policier Contre des Rallyes de Motocyclettes

37 délits du code de la route retenus contre 16 motocyclistes verbalisés pour rallye illégal sur la route de Blue Bay, vendredi

04 Feb 2013, motors.mega.mu

Illegal Vans and Taxis: 25 tickets in One Week

Drivers "brown" are warned! The National Transport Authority (NTA) and the police keeping watch. 25 fines were imposed on drivers last week.

30 Jan 2013, motors.mega.mu

En Portant Plainte pour sa Moto Volée: Il Allègue Avoir été Brutalisé par des Policiers

Aurait-il été victime de brutalités policières ? C’est du moins ce qu’allegue un père de famille de 28 ans.

30 Jan 2013, motors.mega.mu

Democracy, Law & Order : Recent happenings in Mauritius

I long wanted to write a new article but I could not think of anything interesting enough to pull people out of the festive mood. I kept on writing and later deleting the posts until I wrote this title.

07 Jan 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life

44 Offenders For Drunk Driving: Nearly Half a Million Rupees Fine in a Week

Forty-four. This is the number of motorists who were fined for driving drunk on the weekend of 22 and 23 December 2012, and the weekend before the new year.

03 Jan 2013, motors.mega.mu

Forty Drivers Tested Positive Breath Test in 4 Days

During the weekend preceding Christmas and New Year, forty motorists were tested positive breath test. The police are stepping up efforts to ensure the security until 6 January 2013.

02 Jan 2013, motors.mega.mu