Education Mauritius

Tablets for Form IV: the Ministry of Education Looking for Developers

They are forty companies, local and international, to wish to join the Mauritius Institute of Education (MIE).That, in order to create software for tablet aimed at students of Form IV. This is what emerges from the Market Finding Exercise undertaken by the Ministry of Education.

05 Mar 2013,

Grant Examinations SC / HSC: Registration Ends March 17

The Ministry of Social Security proposes a new formula for reimbursement for the costs of examinations SC and HSC General Certificate of Education (GCE).

05 Mar 2013,

For Nine Years: Strategic Plan for Tertiary Sector Developed

Key stakeholders in the sector of tertiary education had a consultation meeting on Thursday to develop a strategic plan for the sector. This document, which should cover the period 2013-2022, aims to identify key areas in order to develop Mauritius into a knowledge-based economy.

04 Mar 2013,

Frais d’Examens SC/HSC : Augmentation de Rs 600 Cette Année

Les frais d’examens du School Certificate (SC) et du Higher School Certificate (HSC) subissent cette année une augmentation de Rs 600.

04 Mar 2013,

Éducation secondaire : des cours sur la sexualité au deuxième trimestre

Un nouveau cours viendra s’ajouter aux autres matières enseignées dans les collèges cette année. Il s’agit de ‘l’éducation sexuelle’, matière qui figurera au programme dès le deuxième trimestre. C’est ce qu’a annoncé le ministre de l’Éducation, Vasant Bunwaree, lors d’une rencontre qu’a organisée samedi le Government Teachers Union (GTU) à son siège, à Quatre-Bornes, en présence des 78 maîtres d’école fraîchement nommés.

03 Mar 2013, Le Matinal

Choose Profession: Students Are Well Geared?

Influenced by their social background, their school performance or the ambitions of their parents, many young people find themselves in an industry they do not want. Choose a job requires some thought and this process can not be rushed.

02 Mar 2013,

Queen Elizabeth fête ses diamants…

Le collège Queen Elizabeth, un des plus prestigieux établissements secondaires du pays, a célébré son 60e anniversaire mercredi. Toute la famille QEC s’est réunie pour marquer cet événement. Une semaine d’activités sera ainsi proposée.

28 Feb 2013, Le Matinal

Open University of Mauritius: Registration Open until March 6

The enrollment during the Open University of Mauritius (OUM) is open until March 6. The institution offers distance learning courses will be operational from 1 April. The registration can be done online or in the premises of the OUM to Reduce and Forest Side (former building of the MBC).

28 Feb 2013,

Etudes supérieures : net engouement pour les universités d’Asie

L’intérêt pour les études à l’étranger ne s’est jamais démenti. Et les pays qui récoltent les suffrages des Mauriciens restent, on s’en doute, la Grande-Bretagne et l’Australie. L’Asie gagne cependant du terrain et asseoit petit à petit sa réputation auprès des jeunes Mauriciens.

25 Feb 2013, Le Matinal

QEC : coup d’éclat pour son jubilé de diamant !

Le collège Queen Elizabeth est un des prestigieux établissements secondaires au pays. Machine à lauréates, il se tisse une réputation impressionnante au fil des années…

24 Feb 2013, Le Matinal

Etudes supérieures : des milliers de jeunes au Salon de l’OVEC

Des milliers de futurs étudiants se sont donné rendez-vous les 23 et 24 février au Salon annuel de l’Overseas Education Centre (OVEC) au siège de la MCB à Port-Louis.

24 Feb 2013, Le Matinal

Graduate: Your First Steps to Success

You finally HigherSchool your Certificate (HSC) in his pocket. This long-awaited graduation marks the beginning of another journey LifeOn your professional and personal. At this stage, one gnawing question pléthorede surely your mind about the direction of your career.

24 Feb 2013,

Rushmore Business School: Same Training as Provided in England

The Rushmore Business School, present in Mauritius since 2002 and accredited by several institutions of higher learning English, offers a variety of courses in business, hospitality and engineering.

23 Feb 2013,

13 New Courses Offered at UoM

Admission to the University of Mauritius (UoM) for the academic year 2012/13, starting in August, is already open. Students have up to March 18 to submit their application. This year, the University is offering thirteen new courses.

23 Feb 2013,

Pharmacy Courses: Students Have to Study One More Year

Cold shower for sixty students who had completed their course of pharmacy at the University of Mauritius last year. They will have another year of study to obtain their diplomas. This was announced the Ministry of Health and the University of Mauritius through a press release on Thursday 21 February.

22 Feb 2013,

UoM, CIT Sign MoU for Collaboration in Research, Teaching

Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) and the University of Mauritius (UoM) for collaboration in teaching and research at Réduit on Wednesday.

22 Feb 2013,

23 To 25 February: Go With The One-Stop Shop For OVEC

Several institutions in China and Malaysia will participate in the student lounge

20 Feb 2013,

Knowledge Hub: Attracting Major Universities and Foreign Students

Worldwide, the number of students choosing to pursue their studies abroad is expected to double between 2011 and 2025. The Board of Investment (BoI) and tries to attract both new investors in this sector as new students.

19 Feb 2013,

Vasant Bunwaree : “Les risques d’intoxication plus élevés”

“Après les pluies torrentielles enregistrées sur l’île ces derniers jours, les risques de contamination sont plus élevés. Il ne faut pas prendre de risques en continuant à distribuer des repas chauds dans les écoles ZEP.” C’est ce qu’a déclaré Vasant Bunwaree, ministre de l’Education, lundi. Il a donné des explications sur les raisons derrière la décision de suspendre la distribution des repas chauds avec effet immédiat, lors d’une conférence de presse au siège du ministère de l’Education, à Port-Louis.

19 Feb 2013, Le Matinal

Post-HSC: Wide Selection for Tertiary education

The results are there for more than two weeks. Between joy and disappointment for thousands of students, it is especially the beginning of a new life. While some take the way to work, others pursue their tertiary studies. In Mauritius and abroad, the proposals are broad and open house season starts.

18 Feb 2013,