Buses Mauritius

Employees of Public Transport Together to Put Pressure

After the workers in the sugar industry, it is the turn of those public transport want national collective bargaining. A letter was sent to five operators and joint action is contemplated.

07 Dec 2012, motors.mega.mu

Two New Buses For Shopping

Since December 1st, RHT Holding makes available to the public two RHT Shopping Express. These 27 seat bus will link the malls of ebony, Trianon and Phoenix. Finished the long waits! Farewell also to the seats, too tight for storing bags filled after hours of shopping!

03 Dec 2012, motors.mega.mu

Rose-Hill Transport Dessert les Centres Commerciaux d’Ebène/ Trianon/Phoenix

Les accros du shopping pourront voyager sur le « RHT Shopping Express » qui reliera les centres commerciaux d’Ebène, de Trianon et de Phoenix à partir du 1er décembre.

01 Dec 2012, motors.mega.mu

TBS Driver Ever to Spit Out the Window

An English tourist on holiday in Mauritius currently has entrusted to the Daily Challenge. It expresses its indignation at the behavior of a driver of the company Triolet Bus Service (TBS).

22 Nov 2012, motors.mega.mu

Highlands: Bus Timetables Arouse Controversy

Highlands residents say they are tired. They say they are often forced to walk to Phoenix, bus fault.

21 Nov 2012, motors.mega.mu

Transport: 37 Resolutions Passed Unanimously

At the Annual Employee of the transport sector, which was held Friday night at Beau Bassin, some 2000 employees of six bus companies have expressed their dissatisfaction with their working conditions.

20 Nov 2012, motors.mega.mu

Fire Wounding Several People: Bus Without Emergency Exits

The 29 passengers of a bus company United Bus Service (UBS) serving the route 30 - route that connects Dubreuil and Curepipe - have lived a nightmare Wednesday morning. A fire broke out on the bus, registered 846 FB 06. Several injuries are deplorable and the vehicle had no emergency exit ...

15 Nov 2012, motors.mega.mu

Transport: Bus Operators Reports Passengers Decrease

Revenues bus operators fell by 25% to 50% on certain routes. Reasons given: lack of passengers during peak hours and unfair competition vans 15 seats. They do not exclude the possibility of a go-slow if nothing is done to solve the problem of "brown van and taxi."

29 Oct 2012, motors.mega.mu

Transport En Commun : Situation “Catastrophique”

La situation financière des compagnies et des opérateurs d’autobus individuels est jugée critique. Ces compagnies lancent un appel aux autorités compétentes pour prendre les mesures qui s’imposent.

13 Sep 2012, motors.mega.mu

Transport Public : Receveurs Et Passagers A Couteaux Tirées

Voyager par autobus devient pénible. Receveurs et passagers se plaignent du manque de courtoisie et de politesse qui sévit. Le respect d’autrui n’a plus sa place dans le transport public. Incursion.

28 Aug 2012, motors.mega.mu

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