Car market Mauritius

Mouammar Al-Yasid Oozeear: The Automotive Designer

Transcendent. It’s an adjective one could use to singularly describe him. He is also involved in what may seem as an uncommon career path for a Mauritian: automotive designing. News on Sunday discusses with Yasid his style and approach to transportation design. Have a gander and read on!

06 Jan 2013,

FLEET: Record Year For The Fleet Of New Vehicles On Our Roads

The past year marked a record in vehicle sales, with an increase of approximately 23% compared to 2011. If the cars are at the top, mainly in the first half of 2012,reconditioned are not left with sales taken the elevator on the last three.

04 Jan 2013,

Automotive Industry: Resilience That May End This Year

At the end of October, the automotive sector shows a very satisfactory increase compared to 2011 with just over 13,000 registrations (new vehicles + 'recognition'), an increase of 26%.

20 Dec 2012,

Zaid Ameer (President of Imported Vehicles Dealers Association): "The Cars Cost Up to 30% Cheaper, But ..."

Mauritians are tempted by the prospect of buying new car cheap. This is not without risk, warns Zaid Ameer, president of Imported Vehicles Dealers Association. This leads him to say that sooner or later, Japanese vehicles regain their former glory.

06 Dec 2012,

Cars Collection: Beautiful Old

Lovers of vintage cars are the angels. Happy new measures taken in the budget presentation by Finance Minister Xavier-Luc Duval, they expect to add more pieces to their collection list.

15 Nov 2012,

La Voiture Tout Electrique Baisse De Rs 400 000, Mais C`Est Toujours Du Grand Luxe

La ristourne a l`air d`être de taille pour le seul modèle de voiture tout électrique sur le marché. Il coûtera Rs 400 000 de moins après la détaxe partielle décidée dans le Budget 2013.

15 Nov 2012,

Having a Car: Luxury or Necessity?

Buying a new car in Mauritius often seems complicated and unworkable. Between January and July 2012, the National Transport Authority (NTA) has registered 5,250 new cars and 3,200 used vehicles. The car is an essential tool, yet it is often inaccessible.

12 Nov 2012,

Pre-budget Phenomenon: Rush to Buy a Car

On the eve of the presentation of the Budget 2013, the sale of cars is somewhat accelerated this week. Dealers encouraging potential buyers to clear the cars they are interested in and confirm their purchases before the Grand Speech Minister of Finance.

08 Nov 2012,

Dean Ah-Chuen: "The State Must Send Strong Signal in Favour of Clean Cars"

With a substantial reduction in excise duties, electric cars are expected to sell for less than Rs 2 million and be more accessible, said Dean Ah-Chuen, director of ABC Motors.

29 Oct 2012,

Despite Crisis: Record Sales Of New Cars

For the first time, the new car sales in 9000 exceeded one year. A record while the economic situation is tough. A paradox!

19 Oct 2012,

Crackdown On Dealers Without Licences Starts

The importation of second-hand motor vehicles is governed by the Consumer Protection (Control of Imports) Regulations stipulates that “Any person wishing to import a second-hand motor vehicle has to apply for an import permit prior to the shipment of the vehicle.”

17 Oct 2012,

Motor City : L’automobile Sous Un Seul Toit

Un nouvel espace dédié uniquement à l’automobile ! C’est ce que propose Motor City, située au Circle Square à Forbach. Vente de voitures, centre de montage de pneus, maintenance, pièces détachées, lavage écologique de voiture et de bateau, ‘tuning ‘… Toute la panoplie pour faire le bonheur des adeptes des deux et quatre roues.

02 Oct 2012,

Gilles Lalanne, "9200 New Cars Sold In 2012"

2012 will be a record year in terms of sales of new cars, Gilles provides Lalanne, 'Executive Director' of Eldomotors and President of Mauritius Vehicles Dealers' Association.

24 Sep 2012,

Number Of Vehicles Increase By 2.6 Pc

According to the Central Statistics Office, an increase of 2.6 pc has been noted in the number of vehicles in the?country.

12 Sep 2012,

Automotive Dealers Fear "Big Bust"

If car sales are doing well, dealers are preparing for a "major slowdown" for the second quarter. " The economic outlook does not bode a good omen , "said Gilles Lalanne, president of the Motor Vehicles Dealers Association (MVDA).

03 Sep 2012,

Opel Astra Turbo Mode

With a 1 .4 liter engine of the Opel Astra is a road sportsbike punchy and substantial comfort.

20 Aug 2012,

Haval 5:The Champion Chinese SUV Launched in Mauritius

The new Haval 5, with a 2.0l Turbo Diesel engine and includes standard equipment such as DVD, reversing camera, integrated Bluetooth, leather upholstery, electric driver seat, 6-speed transmission, aluminum wheels 17 ", electrochromic rearview mirror, rear windows surteintées, is now available from United Motors, Subsidiary Leal, for an introductory price of Rs 1.25 million on road, with an offer of 3 year warranty or 75,000 km.

28 Mar 2012,

New Passat Launched in Partnership with SBM

Allied Motors unveiled this Wednesday, March 20, the new Passat Volkswagen belonging to the family.

21 Mar 2012,

The Second Hand Car Dealers Accuse Leal to Scare Customers

Resellers of used vehicles go up to the plate. They deplore the statement issued by the dealer of BMW and Mini for Mauritians who have returned to Mauritius with a diesel car bought in England.

14 Feb 2012,

Road Safety: These Casket Vendors That Are Permanent Dangers

These vehicles are described as "coffin street." After being considered as "Total Loss" by insurance companies after a serious accident, they found some time later on the road ...

14 Nov 2011,