Lottery Mauritius

Le Prochain Jackpot Grimpe à Rs 43 Millions

Puisqu’aucun joueur n’a trouvé la combinaison gagnante du dernier tirage du loto, le jackpot du samedi 26 juillet passe donc à approximativement Rs 43 millions.

22 Jul 2014,

Loto: Prochain Jackpot à Rs 30 Millions

La chance n'a pas souri aux joueurs du Loto, ce samedi 12 juillet. Personne n'a, en effet, trouvé la combinaison gagnante. Il fallait cocher les numéros 13 - 14 - 25 - 26 - 37 - 38. Le prochain jackpot passe ainsi à environ Rs 30 millions.

14 Jul 2014,

Loto : le Prochain Jackpot Estimé à Rs 21 Millions

Aucun joueur n’ayant trouvé la bonne combinaison pour le 244e tirage du Loto effectué samedi soir 5 juillet, le roll over s’appliquant, la prochaine cagnotte est estimée à Rs 21 millions.

07 Jul 2014,

Loto : Aucun Gagnant des Six Bons Numerous

Aucun joueur n’ayant trouvé la bonne combinaison pour le 243e tirage du Loto effectué samedi soir 28 juin, le roll over s’appliquant, le jackpot du samedi 5 juillet 2014 passe à environ Rs 12 millions. Les numéros gagnants : 11-12-14-16-25-36

01 Jul 2014,

Loto : Deux Gagnants se Partagent Rs 87 Millions

Deux joueurs ont trouvé la combinaison gagnante du tirage du Loto samedi 21 juin ; ils se partageront ainsi le jackpot de Rs 86 811 662. Le prochain sera d’au moins Rs 5 millions.

24 Jun 2014,

Jeux de Hasard et d’Argent: les Inquiétudes de la Commission Justice & Paix

Les Mauriciens ont joué Rs 11,52 milliards sur le Loto et les cartes à gratter dans les 217 dernières semaines au 31 décembre 2013, soit une moyenne de Rs 53 millions par semaine. Une situation qui inquiète la Commission Justice & Paix qui a émis un communiqué à cet effet mercredi 18 juin.

20 Jun 2014,

Loto: le Prochain Jackpot à Rs 75 Millions

La cagnotte du Loto ne cesse de grimper. Aucun joueur n’a trouvé la bonne combinaison pour le tirage de ce samedi 7 juin. Il fallait cocher les numéros 2 - 7 - 8 - 11 - 33 - 38. La prochaine cagnotte passe à approximativement Rs 75 millions.

08 Jun 2014,

Loto: Someone Wins Rs 14.7 Million

Lady Luck has smiled. A player has found the winning combination for Lotto draw this Saturday, April 26. The six numbers need check: 2 – 4-10-11- 17 - 30.

27 Apr 2014,

Lottotech Listing: 85 Million Shares to the Public

At June 11 Lottotech Ltd. will be listed on the official market of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius. In its listing document submitted to the SEM Friday, the company that operates the National Lottery, said that as of May 5, it will sell to the general public a total of 85 million shares.

21 Apr 2014,

Lotto: Next Jackpot Goes to Rs 13 Million

No player has found the winning combination for Lotto draw this Saturday, April 19. Wining numbers 20 – 21- 25 - 30 - 32 – 33. The jackpot next week passes approximately Rs 13 million.

20 Apr 2014,

Loto: Group of 50 Officials Sharing a Third of Rs 127 Million

"It is from the time the Lotto Jackpot has reached Rs 100 million that we decided to play together." And luck was with this group of fifty officials last week. They are one of three winners to win the jackpot of Rs 127 million.

15 Apr 2014,

Lotto: Jackpot Rs 127 Million Won

" If I were a multimillionaire, I would ... "This phrase has been running through the head of many players Lotto this week. And this Saturday, April 12, three of them can achieve their dreams; they won the jackpot of Rs 127 130 250. They get Rs 42 376 750 each .

13 Apr 2014,

Le Loto à Rs 120 Millions Suscite L’euphorie Mais Aussi la Grogne

«Le loto, est-ce une tentation de trop ?» Cette question, posée ce matin sur la page Facebookde, a suscité de vives réactions parmi les internautes.

10 Apr 2014,

Loto: Les Joueurs Ont Misé Rs 115 Millions

Au lieu de ses Rs 20 habituelles, Patricia, 50 ans, a déboursé Rs 300 «à cause du jackpot». Paul, un maçon de 27 ans, a lui aussi misé plus que d’habitude…

06 Apr 2014,

Loto: Rs 175 Million Unclaimed

Since the beginning of operations Lottotech (five years), Rs 175 million have not been claimed. This money was paid into the account of the National Solidarity Fund.

04 Apr 2014,

Loto: No Winner, Jackpot Increases Almost to Rs 100 million

The Lotto Jackpot reaches new heights. About Rs 100 million will win next week. No player has, indeed, won the Rs 80 million in play this Saturday, March 29.

30 Mar 2014,

Lotto: Jackpot Goes to Rs 80 Million

Check numbers need to win the jackpot Saturday, March 22: 01-03-04-07-12-16. But no player has found the winning combination. Approximately Rs 80 million will be put into play as well next week.

23 Mar 2014,

Lotto: Next Jackpot Goes to Rs60 Million

Luck did not smile to Lotto players. No one has found the right combination for the drawing of Saturday, March 15. Numbers: 02-04-15-20-23-27.

16 Mar 2014,

Loto: Special Jackpot of Rs 46 Million

Special bonus on the occasion of the Independence Day. The next Lotto jackpot is estimated at approximately Rs 46 million. In fact, no player has found the winning combination for the drawing of Saturday, March 8. It was check the numbers 05-07-08-15-38-39.

09 Mar 2014,

Lotto: Next Jackpot Goes to Rs 12 Million

Numbers: 15-18-28-31-37-40. But no player has found the right combination for the Lotto draw on Saturday February 22. The jackpot next week passes approximately Rs 12 million.

23 Feb 2014,