Mauritius Mauritius

Speed Cameras in Operations

The measure gives them a cold sweat. A monitoring exercise carried out by the Traffic Management & Road Safety Unit (TMRSU) has wreaked havoc last Friday.

16 Apr 2013,

Tennis De Table : Trois Mauriciens à Bercy

Ils seront trois Mauriciens en lice aux championnats du monde de tennis de table, qui se tiendront cette année du 13 au 20 mai à Paris. Avant de s’arrêter à Paris-Bercy, qui accueillera la compétition, les pongistes se rendront au Club Le Vallois, histoire de se préparer pour l’événement.

16 Apr 2013,

Biker Bulatoo Killed in a Road Accident - Tawfiq Nuckchady: "I Regret What Happened"

Prosecuted before the Intermediate Court for involuntary manslaughter, Mohammad Tawfiq Nuckchady will learn his fate on April 19. Driving his vehicle on December 18, 2010 on the New Trunk Road, Port Louis, he was fatally struck the biker Chandraduth Bulatoo.

16 Apr 2013,

Sunkai Case: Police Inspector Released, His Wife Arrested

The police inspector Bardowaz Bhujun, arrested last week, was released on bail. However, his wife found herself behind bars in the context of investigations into the company "Sunkai Co Ltd" suspected of operating a pyramid scheme.

15 Apr 2013,

Déviation De La Route À Mon Choisy : Le Jackpot de Tarisa Resorts

L'hôtel Tarisa Resorts, situé le long de la route côtière de Mon Choisy, la B 38, et appartenant à Leckram Nundlall, un proche du pouvoir, a touché le gros lot avec l'accès direct à la plage que lui confère désormais la "déviation" de cette route, juste avant et après l'hôtel, effective depuis fin mars.

15 Apr 2013,

Imelda: Alert 4 for Rodrigues

Rodrigues undergoes extreme cyclonic conditions with Imelda presence in the region. For 15 hours, Monday, April 15, the island went on alert 4.

15 Apr 2013,

Platform for Cooperation Between Mauritius and Monaco

This is the 43rd time that Mauritius signed an agreement to avoid double taxation. To the Minister of Finance, Xavier-Luc Duval, this agreement with the Principality of Monaco will increase the visibility of the island as a financial center in Europe.

15 Apr 2013,

New Partnership Between SAP and SIL

SAP recently raised SIL to a higher level of Partnership Mauritius and sub-Saharan Africa. Both companies are leaders in their respective industries - locally and globally for SIL for SAP - have marked this partnership together Wednesday, April 10 at the Hilton Resort & Spa in Flic-en-Flac, with an official ceremony and a demonstration of SAP mobile solutions.

15 Apr 2013,

Deal Firmly with Road Demons

According to the Central Statistics Office, there were 22 258 road accidents on our roads by the end of 2012. Between January and October 2011, there were a total of 19 961 vehicles (motor and non motor) involved in road accidents as compared to 18 360 during the corresponding period of 2010.

15 Apr 2013,

The Ponzi Shaken

Scams, according to the Ponzi scheme, are indeed practiced in Mauritius. The principals of four companies - Whitedot International Consultancy Ltd; Sunkai Ltd., Je T’aime Marketing and Power Masters Entrepreneur Cooperative Credit Union Ltd. - have been offside by the police. This tightrope finance would have eaten thousands of investors.

15 Apr 2013,

Rodrigues: 7000 Houses Without Electricity, Hundred People in Refuge Centers

The weather has deteriorated significantly in Rodrigues where a cyclone warning class 3 is in force since Monday morning. At noon, 7,000 customers were without electricity, according to the correspondent of Radio Plus Port Mathurin, Jean-François Collet.

15 Apr 2013,

Accident : un Mort à Pont Colville

La route a été une fois de plus meurtrière dimanche, aux petites heures du matin. Une voiture a fait une sortie de route avant de heurter de plein fouet un lampadaire à hauteur du Pont Colville.

15 Apr 2013,

Horse Racing - Day 5 - The Camille L. Nairac Cup: Hot Rocket Resists all Attacks!

The team allet savored his first win in a main event Saturday on the occasion of the 5 th day. His chestnut, Hot Rocket installed bookies favorite, has not cracked was evidence of resistance in the line in which he resisted all attacks. This is a victory that will certainly call others and saw how he shined Saturday can reasonably think that this horse would do well until mile.

15 Apr 2013,

WiFi in Colleges

The Cabinet, which met on Friday, 12 April, took the decision to install wireless terminals in each college. Similarly, a decision was also taken that all secondary schools will be connected to the fiber optic network.

15 Apr 2013,

Imelda: Rodrigues III Alert, No Warning in Mauritius

Imelda tropical cyclone moved away from Mauritius, but came close to Rodrigues where a warning class III is in force since 4:30 Monday morning.

15 Apr 2013,

Taxi: Can People Still Afford It?

In times when prices of almost everything are rising, watching the meter on a taxi tick higher and higher and receiving a huge bill can be distressing. Most cabbies today charge at least Rs 200 for any trip regardless of whether the distance is short or not.

13 Apr 2013,

Arnaque Financière : Démantèlement d’Une Gigantesque Escroquerie

18 personnes arrêtées • Hommes de loi et policiers dans le viseur du CCID • L’Icac appelée à enquêter sur les avoirs des suspects • Une vingtaine de compagnies ciblées par la police • Plus d’un millier de plaintes enregistrées à la BoM • Les victimes menacent d’entamer une grève de la faim

13 Apr 2013,

Cisco Training in Mauritius : Only Ttwo Centres are Accredited

Beware if you are about to start or if you are already training on Cisco Systems. This is not because the training center you choose is approved by the Mauritius Qualifications Authority (MQA) that is accredited by the parent Cisco.

13 Apr 2013,

Financial Fraud: the Lawyer Rajendra Appa Jala Arrested

After Zakir Mahomed, it was the turn of another legal adviser Sunkai Co Ltd to be placed under arrest by the Central Criminal Investigation Deparetment (CCID). A police officer, Inspector Bhujun, was also detained

13 Apr 2013,

Accidents : un Etudiant Grièvement Blessé

Ashley Chuttoo, un étudiant âgé de 19 ans, est entre la vie et la mort après un grave accident de la route survenu à Stanley, jeudi soir. Il est admis aux soins intensifs du Princess Margaret Orthopedic Centre après que sa motocyclette a heurté un piéton. Ce dernier, Kisna Naiken, 43 ans, est aussi admis à l’hôpital.

13 Apr 2013,