Mauritius Mauritius

Formation : Apprenez à Bien Ecrire le Créole en une Journée

Ledikasyon pu Travayer (LPT) tiendra, le 11 août, une séance d’initiation écrite du créole. Prévu à 13 h 30, le cours sera d’une durée de trois heures et sera délivré au siège de LPT à Grande-Rivière.

08 Aug 2012,

Road Development in 2011: Roundup Rs 1.4 billion Contracts

Of the 247 contracts awarded by the Road Development Authority (RDA) in 2011, only eight have survived the four construction companies that share the huge market of road development.

07 Aug 2012,

Vedant Seeam : Une Vie Bien Remplie

Vedant Seeam, le jeune fondateur d’ELI Africa, aide des jeunes Africains par le biais de programmes éducatifs gratuits. Une grande aventure dans le monde de l’ancien élève de l’université de Yale.

07 Aug 2012,

Permis de Conduire : Un Ancien Manuel Lui Fait Louper Son Examen Oral

Jay Heerooa est dépité. Il voulait à tout prix réussir son examen oral du permis de conduire. Mais ce Quatrebornais a fait le mauvais choix du manuel de conduite. Il s’est procuré une vieille édition au lieu de la plus récente. À qui la faute ? Au libraire ou à lui-même ?

07 Aug 2012,

The Tea Board Closes

The Tea Board, which handles licensing for the cultivation of tea, will cease operations. The reason: loss of balance sheets and projected losses of Rs 6.9 million for 2012. Its employees and its services will be integrated into the Department of Agro-Industry.

07 Aug 2012,

Security in Hotels: Deadline for Ten Weeks to Meet New Requirements

The various hotels in the country have a period of ten weeks to meet the new recommendations of the Tourism Authority. These guidelines include a dozen measures to ensure greater safety in hotels.

07 Aug 2012,

Green Training Centre To Be Set Up By Year-End

The minister of Education and Human Resources, Vasant Bunwaree announced the establishment of a “green training centre” by the end of this year in Ville-Noire, Mahébourg.

07 Aug 2012,

Training Sessions Begin for Hotline Counsellors

Ten counsellors are currently undergoing an eight-week training as part of the implementation in September of operation “Helpline Mauritius” which is dedicated to children and young people in difficulty who wish to speak to an online counsellor.

07 Aug 2012,

ANFEN Network: Therapeutic and Educational Mission

Do not just consider students as "notebooks", but to be'' listening to the suffering and needs of each young person in school failure, it is the mission of twenty alternative education centers affiliated with ANFEN (Teen Non Formal Education Network).

07 Aug 2012,

Accident Which Caused Two Deaths in Calebasses

Back on the scene Thursday morning to reconstruct the various steps in this car accident that took the lives of two people.

06 Aug 2012,

Cars for Disabled: 85% Reduction in Tariffs

The intervention of Bankur Aziz, head of the Disability Unit of Social Security, on the antenna or Xplik K, has been a chilling effect for people with disabilities. He stated the conditions to qualify for 85% reduction in tariffs on cars for the disabled.

06 Aug 2012,

Impact of Crisis: These Sectors dismissing

With the crisis that grows more intense, the risk of dismissal and closure of businesses are stronger than ever. Overview of industries where employment is precarious.

06 Aug 2012,

'Black Spots' on Our Roads: These Places Must be Vigilant

Roads prove deadly for the year 2012. Thirty-three 'black spots' were identified on our roads and the authorities take steps to reduce the risk of accidents in those areas ...

06 Aug 2012,

Jenny Calou: Creativity in Blood, She Launched Event Company at 19

She is a very young woman entrepreneur. Jenny Calou, embarked on the business at age 19. Her company, The Cafelle Ltd., specializes in events and in modeling. Beautiful and delicate, the girl hides many talents.

06 Aug 2012,

CEB: Flaws in the Procedures for Allocating Contracts

The Central Electricity Board (CEB) is vulnerable to scandals. Main reason: the procedures and guidelines for procurement and allocation of contracts are archaic. This is what reveals an internal working document.

06 Aug 2012,

Un Policier Blessé Après une Chasse à l’Homme

Deux policiers affectés au poste de police d’Abercrombie ont eu fort à faire vendredi soir. Après un hit and run à la route Nicolay à Sainte-Croix à 20h35, ils ont pris en chasse un véhicule qui était impliqué dans l’accident.

06 Aug 2012,

Maurice : Etendre la Zone Transcontinentale Jusqu’aux Chagos

Le gouvernement se propose d’étendre davantage sa zone transcontinentale dans l’océan Indien.

06 Aug 2012,

Accidents: Three People Injured

Police had three accidents. A motorcyclist was hit by a cab Sunday at 1:00 p.m. near St Thomas' Church in Beau-Bassin.

06 Aug 2012,

Eski zot difisil dan manzer?

Pu mwa, manzer ti zamais ene probleme, ni pu mo mama pu prepare zot. Mo pas exizant ditout et mo manze presk tout, sans faire nenez.

05 Aug 2012, Yashvin, pages of my life

Mauritius Shopping Fiesta Closes At Mahebourg With A Régate, Exhibition And A Show

The Mauritius Shopping Fiesta, launched on June 29 by the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA), closes today with a grandiose ceremony at Mahebourg.

05 Aug 2012,