Police Mauritius
Le calvaire du caporal Farook Sahebally
La famille du caporal Farook Sahebally crie à l’injustice. Constamment humilié et harcelé par ses pairs, cet homme de 50 ans veut à tout prix respecter l’uniforme et la Secrecy... Read more »
20 Mar 2011, KotZot
Four tourists robbed
They keep bad memories of their trip to Mauritius
14 Mar 2011, business.mega.mu
The first step of police crime tracking system is near termination
Developed and implemented by the State Informatics Limited (SIL), will automate/computerise many processes in the Mauritius Police Force. This system will eventually connect all police stations to a huge network across the island.
07 Mar 2011, business.mega.mu
Dad drags son, 12, behind motorbike
Ashik Kumar Goodur, 48, appeared in court yesterday on a provisional charge of causing physical harm to a child. He was released on bail after he provided a surety of... Read more »
01 Mar 2011, KotZot
Permis à points Ile Maurice : la police lance un appel d’offres pour le système informatique
Les autorités semblent vouloir accélérer l’entrée en vigueur du permis à points. L’appel d’offres pour la fourniture du logiciel qui gérera le système a été lancé. La Traffic Branch de... Read more »
18 Feb 2011, KotZot
Police chief pleased with Dragnet crackdown
Commissioner of Police Dhun Iswar Rampersad, is very satisfied with the positive outcome of Operation Dragnet over last weekend. Police arrested 226 people, of whom 201 had arrest warrants issued... Read more »
12 Feb 2011, KotZot