Road accident Mauritius

Accidents in brief

Achat d’un camion – Il est soupçonné d’avoir escroqué Rs 600 000. Accident à Bell-Village – Un motocycliste grièvement blessé.

26 Aug 2011,

Un habitant d’Ecroignard meurt dans un accident de la route aux petites heures ce matin

Jeudi, 25 août. La route a fait une nouvelle victime. Un habitant d’Ecroignard, Flacq, âgé d’une trentaine d’années, est mort dans un accident de la route qui s’est produit aux petites ce matin à Constance.

25 Aug 2011,

Accident at Beau-Bassin - A young woman copes with a fractured leg

An accident that could have more serious consequences!

23 Aug 2011,

L’accident de Sans-Souci fait une seconde victime

La terrible collision du samedi 23 juillet à Sans-Souci, entre une fourgonnette et une voiture, a fait une seconde victime. Après le décès de Louis Rody Guilliano Magasin (27 ans), c’est Gino Broutier, 40 ans, qui a rendu l’âme à l’hôpital de Flacq, dimanche matin.

23 Aug 2011,

Accusé d’homicide involontaire, il obtient gain de cause

Le magistrat Raj Seebaluck a donné gain de cause à Mimid Jamalsah en cour intermédiaire, vendredi matin. Ce dernier était poursuivi pour “involuntary homicide by imprudence”. Il avait plaidé non coupable. Toute charge a été rayée contre lui. Il est désormais acquitté.

21 Aug 2011,

Wheelchair victim compensated

Following a road accident which took place in the capital, Danielle Wong filed a lawsuit against the Municipality of Port Louis.

20 Aug 2011,

Accidents in brief

Victim of an accident, a Malagasy worker succumbs to injuries. Mont Fertile accident - car overturns the electricity pylon. A driver steals 50 liters of diesel.

19 Aug 2011,

Accident Coromandel - A van struck a motorcyclist

The motorcyclist's legs, hands and jaw fractured. He was involved in a serious car accident in Coromandel on Thursday.

19 Aug 2011,

The breath of the other driver is positive - accident on the Mare-Tabac

The black series continues on our roads. Tuesday night, Bundhoo Roshan, 32, resident of Railway Road, Rivière-des-eels died in tragic circumstances. The latter, a bus driver in the National Transport Corporation (NTC) for six years, was out of his car, a white Toyota, the Mare-Tabac motorway.

19 Aug 2011,

Fauché par une voiture, il meurt

Roshan Bundhoo, 32 ans, a été percuté par la voiture de sa belle-sœur, mardi soir, à Rose-Belle. Le drame s’est produit sous les yeux de sa femme qui n’a rien pu faire pour le sauver.

18 Aug 2011,

A feast of the Assumption which turns to tragedy - he lost control of his motorcycle and drowned in a river

He wanted a moped. No one suspected that once the turnkey Durau Anthony, 20, would leave the life. Sunday afternoon, the resident of Gaby Lane, Palma, was found dead in a river basin road at Quatre-Bornes.

17 Aug 2011,

Accidents in brief

One dead and several injured in a road accident in Gros-Billot last night. Taxi drivers have to court.

17 Aug 2011,

Fatal accident in Quatre-Bornes: sadness and anger as relatives of Padmowtee Ramloll

Relatives and friends Padmowtee Ramloll not believe it. The sexagenarian capita Quatre-Bornes was killed in a car accident, Tuesday, Aug. 16, at St. Jean Road, she crossed the road on a pedestrian crossing.

17 Aug 2011,

Accidents in brief

Quatre-Bornes: a woman mowed down by a lorry on a zebra crossing. After an accident: a driver disfigured.

16 Aug 2011,

Lived abroad, she died during a family outing at Floreal

In family Tranquille, Joachim City, Forest-Side, the joy of family reunion has given way to tears and dismay. Noella Marie Tranquille, 40, liveded in France for twenty years, was killed in a road accident on Sunday in the wee hours.

16 Aug 2011,

Serious accident at Red Earth - A father reverses his son 18 years

Shayada William 18 was involved in a serious car accident Saturday. The young man, who was on a motorcycle, collided with a 4x4 driven by her father Raffick. Father and son were injured. Raffick William received treatment and was allowed to go home while Shayada William was admitted to the hospital.

10 Aug 2011,

Rodrigues: A pregnant woman and sixty injured in an accident in Baie Malgache

An impressive crash happened Tuesday morning in Baie Malgache Rodrigues, involving a bus carrying 10 passengers. The bus came to rest in the sea at Baie Malgache.

10 Aug 2011,

Sa moto percute un chien – Il meurt à deux jours de ses 20 ans

Il ne soufflera pas sa vingtième bougie. Damien Levêque, 19 ans, domicilié à Accacia, a rendu l’âme dimanche après-midi à l’unité des soins intensifs de l’hôpital Jawaharlal Nehru, à Rose-Belle. Il a heurté un chien avec sa moto, samedi 30 juillet.

10 Aug 2011,

Admitted to intensive care - a woman of 43 years cut short by a car

She is fighting for its survival in the intensive care unit of the hospital J. Nehru Rose-Belle.

07 Aug 2011,

A truck of waste flows in Wooton

Shortly after 7 o'clock Friday, a truck carrying waste overturned on the roundabout at Wooton.

06 Aug 2011,