BOM Mauritius

Monetary Policy Committee: Rate Remained at 4.65%

The majority won. The Monetary Policy Committee, which met on Monday, February 3, maintained the Director 4.65% rate.

04 Feb 2014,

Monetary Policy Committee: Bheenick sur la Corde Raide

Le Monetary Policy Committee doit se réunir cet après-midi, lundi 3 février. Et selon les informations provenant de la BoM Tower, le gouverneur et ses deux adjoints proposeraient une hausse du taux directeur de 20 à 25 points de base. Alors que la majorité des nominés de ce comité privilégierait le maintien du Repo Rate à 4,65%.

03 Feb 2014,

The Bank of Mauritius Warns Against Cloned Cards

According to information available to the Bank of Mauritius, cloned cards are in circulation on the market. This is what emerges from a statement on the website of the Central Bank. He also mentioned that fraudsters try to use these cards on ATMs.

09 Jan 2014,

Bank of Mauritius: New Unit to Fight Against Financial Crime

The central bank is keeping watch to fight against financial crime. Indeed, the Bank of Mauritius announced through a statement on Monday that it has set up a unit, the Market Intelligence Cell, in its mission to fight against financial crime.

04 Jan 2014,

Bank of Mauritius Warns Against the Bitcoin

Fraud, impairment or difficulty of exchange against a real currency. Many risks faced by users bitcoins, a virtual currency. The Bank of Mauritius pulls the alarm.

24 Dec 2013,

BoM Warns the Public Against Virtual Currencies

The emergence and growth of virtual currencies concern the Bank of Mauritius. Bitcoin is part of the unregulated digital money and which are not issued or guaranteed by a central bank.

20 Dec 2013,

BoM Introduces New Parameters For Bank Loans

The Bank of Mauritius (BoM) has issued its new 'guidelines' for the banking sector. From 1 July 2014, commercial banks must meet certain limits and that it is the financial aid given to certain sectors.

05 Dec 2013,

BOM Report 2012-2013: Total Profit of Rs 13.8 Billion for Commercial Banks

Commercial banks operating in Mauritius recorded for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013 the total profit of Rs 13.8 billion against Rs 2.6 billion in 2011/2012 and Rs 11.9 billion in 2010/2011.

20 Nov 2013,

BoM Concerned about the Risks of Bank Lending

The Bank of Mauritius is concerned "by the increasing level of risk associated with loans in certain sectors of the economy. The risk of a bubble in asset prices looming in the housing market could become a source of vulnerability for the financial system. "

07 Oct 2013,

BoM Makes War on Liquidity Excess

BoM Wednesday took two decisions aimed partly to raise the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) deposits denominated in rupees. And secondly, to reduce the CRR on deposits in dollars, euros and pounds sterling.

03 Oct 2013,

Debates, Overnight Rate: Is Decline Truly Solution

The monetary policy committee will meet again today. If exporters are in favor of maintaining the rate in the worst case and a lower rate in the best case, many observers argue that such a decision will not change the situation. Here are their views.

30 Sep 2013,

BoM: Issa Soomally Named "Second Deputy Governor"

It is confirmed! Issa Soormally, "Senior Vice President - Sales" on Bramer Bank, will be the new "Second Deputy Governor" of the Bank of Mauritius. He will succeed Iqbal Belath whose contract is expired. Issa Soormally assume his new role from October.

21 Sep 2013,

Institutions Financieres : La BoM Pour Un Traitement « Efficace » Des Doléances

Réponse écrite au plaignant exigée dans un délai de trois mois suivant la réception d’une doléance

02 Sep 2013,

Phishing and Pseudo-Financial: BoM Warns

The Bank of Mauritius warns the public against bogus providers of financial services that attract customers on the net, especially on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others. Users are now warned.

14 Aug 2013,

Bank Charges: The Financial Windfall of Commercial Banks

In addition to the segment B (international business), the Mauritian commercial bank can rely on their bank charges to increase their profitability. Let's take a little tour of banking horizon to see what they have amassed as 'fees and commissions' during the 2012 fiscal year.

09 Aug 2013,

Rundheersing Bheenick: "The Situation is Not Dramatic"

The local economic situation is not dramatic, and some sectors of the economy will experience an improvement this year compared to last year.

19 Jun 2013,

Ponzy Schemes: Five Banks (MCB, SBM, SBI, MPCB, AfrAsia) May Appeal

The names of the five banks will have to pay fines for failing to comply with the directives on money laundering scams alleged Ponzi scheme are now known. It is the Mauritius Commercial Bank, State Bank of Mauritius, the State Bank of India, the Mauritius Post and Cooperative Bank and Bank AfrAsia.

13 Jun 2013,

Non-Compliance: Names of the Five Punished Banks Known

Radio Plus revealed Wednesday, June 12 the names of the five banks will be penalized for failing to comply with strict guidelines on money laundering scams under the Ponzi scheme. This is the Mauritius Commercial Bank, State Bank of Mauritius, the State Bank of India, the Mauritius Post and Cooperative Bank and Bank AfrAsia.

13 Jun 2013,

Sanctions Will Fall: Five Banks Liable to Fine

The five banks know their individual penalties for failing to comply with strict guidelines on money laundering scams under the Ponzi scheme. According Rundheersing Bheenick, the "price tag" for "not having been prudent."

13 Jun 2013,

Secteur Bancaire: La Banque de Maurice Tire la Sonnette d’Alarme

Manou Bheenick : « This bad deal (Rs 2,7 billion of four of our banks) in India sends a warning signal to the banking sector »

11 Jun 2013,