BOM Mauritius

Ponzi Schemes: "Heavy Penalties "Five Banks"

They had been criticized from all sides when the Ponzi financial scandals have come to light. The ax will soon fall. Five banks will bail "heavy fines" after submitting their explanations to the Bank of Mauritius (BoM).

09 Jun 2013,

Prêts Impayés par des Clients Indiens : La BoM Disposée à Aider les Banques Affectées

Des crédits de plusieurs milliards de roupies octroyés par quatre établissements mauriciens

01 Jun 2013,

The Bank of Mauritius Will Issue Plastic Banknotes Soon

The Bank of Mauritius will soon issue banknotes plastic, specifically polypropylene. This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Xavier-Luc Duval, on his Facebook page, in the evening this Friday, May 24

25 May 2013,

Rundheersing Bheenick about Ponzi Schemes "No Jurisdiction is Immune"

The Bank of Mauritius (BoM) Thursday granted a new operating permit at Barclays. During the official ceremony, the Governor returned to scams according to Ponzi scheme.

24 May 2013,

Rundheersingh Bheenick Renewed at the Head of the Bank of Mauritius for Three Years

Rundheersing Bheenick begin from Tuesday's third term as Governor of the Bank of Mauritius. His contract was renewed for the next three years, until May 2016. A decision that is welcomed by both economists and the private sector.

21 May 2013,

Clairette Ah-Hen, "Why the FSC Has Not Seen the Future Ponzi Schemes"

Under pressure from the discovery of a series of Ponzi schemes in Mauritius, the Financial Services Commission (FSC) announced more frequent meetings with the Bank of Mauritius and the police. Its Chief Executive , Clairette Ah-Hen, why the regulator of the financial sector did not know.

23 Apr 2013,

Fraud: BoM Warns

Bank of Mauritius (BoM), in the statement, warned the public against fraud that used its name and associates with Governor.

11 Apr 2013,

Preserve the Integrity of Financial System at Mauritius

Financial system is based on trust and own jurisdiction. Maurice stepping up efforts to defend its image on the international level and emerge as a regional financial center. Regulators, including the FSC and the BoM, working also in this direction.

09 Apr 2013,

Whitedot Case: 1,100 Complaints to the BoM

The Special Desk of Bank of Mauritius (BoM) opened in the wake of the Whitedot case received to date, 1,100 complaints and 550 calls. Controller target "potential abuse of the banking sector" in the context of an investigation of financial pyramids made by several companies.

08 Apr 2013,

Investment Schemes

The collapse of the investment scheme offered by the company Whitedot revealed several flaws in the system, both controllers as the lack of investor caution. Such plans take advantage of the naivety of gullible, shortcomings in the law, but a little depth and limited coordination between different regulatory bodies.

03 Apr 2013,

Alleged Fraud of Rs 700 Million: BoM Had Received an Anonymous Letter Nov. 27, 2012

The alleged fraud of Rs 700 million from a Ponzi scheme caused much ink to Mauritius. Why the authorities have been slow to break before? Defi Media learned that the Bank of Mauritius had been informed of the matter at November 27, 2012. The anonymous letter, however, is not reached the Gouverneur Bheenick.

03 Apr 2013,

Unauthorized Deposits: New Warning from BoM

The Bank of Mauritius yesterday launched a new warning to members of the public who are attracted by individuals, companies or institutions that offer unauthorized deposit plans and are also bound rates of pay more attractive.

21 Mar 2013,

The BoM Survey Local Businesses

The Bank of Mauritius investigate some local businesses. It wants to know the extent of their trade with their foreign counterparts.

11 Feb 2013,

Banks: Electronic Check Clearing in Full Operation

Officially launched in September 2011 by the Bank of Mauritius in collaboration with the Mauritius Bankers Association, the "Cheque Truncation System" is now entering an important phase with a total membership of commercial banks electronic clearing system checks.

05 Feb 2013,

The Bank of Mauritius Investigating a False Bank

The Bank of Mauritius warns Mauritians against a company calling itself "Poshbank." Based in Bell Village, the company would offer products and services in the public banks through its website .

22 Jan 2013,

M-Banking and M-payment: Draft Guidance Circulating

The Bank of Mauritius (BoM) has issued a draft guidance to regulate mobile banking (M-Banking) system and mobile payment (M-Payment) in Mauritius. This paper focuses on service providers and mobile banking mobile payment.

26 Dec 2012,

Monetary Policy Committee: the Repo Rate kept at 4.9%

The " Monetary Policy Committee "(MPC) of the Bank of Mauritius opted for the status quo in that it is the rate which is maintained at its current rate is 4.9%.

27 Nov 2012,

Alleged Mistreatment of Records: The Central Bank Survey of MCB

The Bank of Mauritius has initiated an investigation of the Mauritius Commercial Bank (MCB). A customer, whose company was put into "receivership", complained of the treatment of his case. The MCB replies that it will cooperate with the Central Bank.

16 Jul 2012,

Currencies: Exporters Want to Sell Directly to BoM

Commercial banks are preventable! If they do not reduce their margins, the Bank of Mauritius plans to open a window for the Mauritius Export Association (Mexa) that can sell its currency directly to it.

19 Jun 2012,

Visa Mauritius Educates Customers On Expenses

The Bank of Mauritius (BoM) has underlined that domestic debt amounted to Rs 52,955.3 million in October owing to regular purchases and construction projects.

09 Dec 2011,