BOM Mauritius
Rs100m bond purchase attacked by Police Federation
A decision by the Police Welfare Association to buy Bank of Mauritius security bonds worth Rs100 million has been denounced by the president of the Police Federation, Sergeant Jaylall Bujhawon
11 Mar 2011,
Mauritius Tbills (GMTB) with maturities of 91, 182 and 364 will be sold on March 11
Government of Mauritius Treasury Bills (GMTB) with maturities of 91, 182 and 364 days for a total nominal amount of Rs1,200 million will be sold through auction on Friday 11 March 2011
09 Mar 2011,
Mauritius to list 364-day Tbills on stock exchange on March 14
Mauritius' central bank said on Wednesday it would list 10 million rupees ($346,000) worth of 364-day Treasury Bills on the stock exchange from March 14
09 Mar 2011,
Bank of Mauritius: OTC Sale of GM Treasury Bills / Treasury Notes on March 8 and 10
Pursuant to the Press Communiqué dated 19 July 2007, Treasury Bills and Treasury Notes will be offered for sale to individuals on Tuesday 08 March 2011 and Thursday 10 March 2011 between 9.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m
04 Mar 2011,
Bank of Mauritius rejects 91-day T-bills bids for 3rd week
Offers for the 91-day paper totalled 265 million rupees. The bids ranged between 3.20 percent and 1.40 percent.
04 Mar 2011,
The Bank of Mauritius hopes for growth rate of 4.2% in 2011
The Bank of Mauritius (BOM) hopes that with an estimated growth rate of 4.2% in 2011, “the domestic economy is expected to maintain its resilience this year, despite uncertain international economic developments”.
03 Mar 2011,
Arrivées touristiques revues à la hausse pour 2011
Se fondant sur des données récentes disponibles ainsi que sur des informations provenant des acteurs de l’industrie, le Bureau central des statistiques (BCS) prévoit des arrivées touristiques de l’ordre de... Read more »
27 Feb 2011, KotZot