Rodrigues Mauritius
Rodrigues asks for transport subsidy
The Rodrigues Government Employees Union (RGEA) and the Rodrigues Public Service Workers Union (RPSWU) in collaboration with the Federation of Public Sector and Other Unions (FSSSP) held a press meet on Thursday in Port Louis to comment on the Pay Research Bureau (PRB) report. The presidents of RGEA and RPSWU, Alain Toltize and Stevenson Claire [...]
23 Aug 2012, The Independent Daily
Agreement Emtel / Gateway to Improve Communication Maurice-Agaléga-Rodrigues
The telecommunications firm Gateway, which operates in Africa, has signed an agreement with the company Emtel to allow subscribers to Rodrigues and Agalega (photo) to communicate by cell phone.
11 Aug 2012,
Mobile connectivity improved in Rodrigues and Agalega
Emtel has recently been granted connectivity solution by Gateway Communications , a supplier of pan-African telecommunications services for Rodrigues and Agalega islands. Connecting the islands The islands frequently experienced weak links and outages often brought on by bad weather. Emtel Ltd, a division of the Millicom International Cellular (MIC) group – approached Gateway Communications for [...]The post Mobile connectivity improved in Rodrigues and Agalega appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.
01 Aug 2012, KotZot
Rodrigues hit by earthquake magnitude 5.8
A 5.8-magnitude earthquake struck in the early hours Thursday in the Indian Ocean off Mauritius Island, the US Geological Service informed. The earthquake’s epicentre was only 6 miles deep, but was 240 miles from Port Mathurin on the island of Rodrigues, and some 600 miles from the Mauritius islands capital Port Louis. Tsunami Warning after [...]The post Rodrigues hit by earthquake magnitude 5.8 appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.
26 Jul 2012, KotZot
Recensement 2011 : la population à Rodrigues augmente trois fois plus que celle de Maurice
En 2011 1, 192, 300 âmes vivaient à Maurice contre 40,400 à Rodrigues et 300 à Agaléga. La démographie a connu une hausse de 4,6 % à l’île Maurice alors qu’à Rodrigues, celle-ci était 12.9 %. Le recensement réalisé en 2011 soit onze ans après celui effectué en 2000 vient de révéler ses secrets. Statistics [...]The post Recensement 2011 : la population à Rodrigues augmente trois fois plus que celle de Maurice appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.
03 Jul 2012, KotZot
Alain Levêque, Australien d’adoption mais toujours habité par son enfance rodriguaise
En 1968, il émigre en Australie. Il n’avait que onze ans, mais il est resté fidèle à la culture rodriguaise. Alain Levêque fait du droit de Rodrigues à l’autodétermination, l”expression de son attachement à son île natale. Il a émigré en 1968 vers l’Australie alors qu’il n’avait que onze ans. Il maîtrise parfaitement l’anglais parfait [...]The post Alain Levêque, Australien d’adoption mais toujours habité par son enfance rodriguaise appeared first on Mauritius News Ile Maurice.
30 Jun 2012, KotZot
Earthquake measuring 5.1 felt near Rodrigues
An earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale was recorded at 6.20 am on Thursday 308 km north east of Rodrigues. The epicentre was located at a latitude of 17.8 degrees South and longitude 65.6 degrees East. However, according to the forecaster of the Mauritius Meteorological Station, no tsunami warning was issued on the island [...]
17 Feb 2012, The Independent Daily
An Earthquake of Magnitude 5.1 Recorded at 308 km from Rodrigues
An earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale occurred at 6 20 this Thursday, Feb. 16, at 308 km northeast of Rodrigues 890 km north-northeast of Mauritius.
16 Feb 2012,
Rodrigues: Majority Reduced the OPR After Seats Allocation in the Proportional
The Rodrigues Regional Assembly (RRA) is found exceptionally with 21 members. The Electoral Commission was forced to award three additional seats to the Organization of People of Rodrigues (OPR) to restore a mathematical majority, but reduced to a minimum.
06 Feb 2012,
Nomination Day : l’ESC se Prononce ce Matin
22 heures, vendredi soir, les autorités concernées, dont l’Electoral Supervisory Commission (ESC), le commissaire électoral Irfan Rahman, le bureau du Premier ministre et celui du président n’avaient arrêté aucune décision quant au maintien ou au renvoi du Nomination Day prévu ce samedi en vue des élections régionales.
22 Jan 2012,
Strong tropical storm Ethel: Class three to Rodrigues with gusts up to 110 km/hour
Vacoas meteorological station issued a cyclone warning class 3 at 10:30 am this Friday, January 20.The strong tropical storm Ethel moves at a speed of 8 km / hour. She was then 220 km of Rodrigues.Ethel should pass within 50 km north of the island
20 Jan 2012,
Cyclone threat to Rodrigues
At 4 pm on Thursday, the meteorological station of Vacoas issued a class 2 cyclone warning in Rodrigues. According to the forecaster of the day, the cyclone Ethel, a tropical depression, intensified into a moderate tropical storm during the day and was centered at 4 pm near the points 16.0 degrees south and 66.5 degrees [...]
20 Jan 2012, The Independent Daily
Weather: A Cyclone Warning Class 1 Issued at 13:00 in Rodrigues
Tropical Storm Ethel was at 640 km northeast of Rodrigues, at 13:00, Thursday 19 January. Vacoas meteorological station issued a cyclone warning class 1 at noon.
19 Jan 2012,
Prez dissolves Rodrigues
Elections in Rodrigues will take place latest by March 14 next year, following the dissolution of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly (RRA) on Wednesday. No date has been finalised. Acting upon the advice of Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam, the dissolution was announced by President Sir Anerood Jugnauth in a press communiqué. As per section 3(6) [...]
15 Dec 2011, The Independent Daily
The President of the Republic Dissolves the Rodrigues Regional Assembly
Sir Anerood Jugnauth has made the dissolution of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly (RRA) on the advice of the Prime Minister. The next step is the publication of the "writ of election" within 55 days.
14 Dec 2011,
MRC to set up office in Rodrigues
The Mauritius Research Council (MRC), which operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology, is expanding its activities in Rodrigues by setting up a MRC Rodrigues office. The office will promote a robust research / technology cooperation process in Rodrigues through capacity building and research / technology exchange programmes. [...]
31 Oct 2011, The Independent Daily
Rodrigues Ile-Bio: coconut oil as biofuel
Rodrigues does not want to lag behind in terms of sustainable development and, as part of the Maurice Ile Durable project, is considering the implementation of numerous projects to become an organic island.
27 Oct 2011,
Rodrigues mulls using coconut oil as biofuel
Rodrigues does not want to lag behind in terms of sustainable development and, as part of the Maurice Ile Durable project, is considering the implementation of numerous projects to become an organic island. “We want to live green. The concept of Rodrigues Ile-Bio (Organic Island) can become a reality. Rodrigues has also started segregating waste [...]
27 Oct 2011, The Independent Daily
Rodrigues will host a large aircraft in the near future
The project will be financed by the World Bank
01 Sep 2011,
Big crafts can now land in Rodrigues
The Sir Gaetan Duval airport located at Plaine Corailes in Rodrigues will host a large aircraft in the near future. According to a source, the Dutch consultant ECORYS is conducting a feasibility study on the project which will soon be finalised. Moreover, the chief commissioner of Rodrigues chaired a steering committee on this issue. To [...]
01 Sep 2011, The Independent Daily