Management Mauritius

Why Product Management is Everything

Many companies think they're doing product management, but they're not. Here's what it looks like, and why you need it.

01 Mar 2013,

5 Ways to Generate Office Happiness

Is your office feeling blah? Learn five ways to perk it up that may surprise you.

14 Feb 2013,

The 'Dark Side' Of Leadership: The Impact Of A Bad Boss Can Go Viral Though The Office

If your boss has it in for you, there’s a good chance that your colleagues are feeling it, too – and reacting to the negative energy in turn. A new study suggests that bullying bosses affect not just the victim of their angst, but the victim’s coworkers as well, making life miserable for an entire group of colleagues.

12 Feb 2013,

How to Manage a Micromanager

If you’ve ever worked with a micromanager, you know how unproductive and demoralizing it can be. This control freak is reluctant to delegate, may second-guess everything you do, and can shake your confidence in your own abilities.

10 Feb 2013,

Six Ways To Get Things Done When You're Not The Boss

Achieving your goals in today’s workplace is about the right behaviors–not the right job titles. That’s true whether you’re operating in a boardroom meeting, on a PTA committee, or running your own small company.

10 Feb 2013,

Why You Should Work With Someone You Hate

Forget your best friend. Working with someone who drives you crazy is more likely to help you achieve your dreams.

08 Feb 2013,

6 Ways to Avoid Turning Your Company Into a Bureaucracy

Bureaucrats aren't just in governments, utilities, and health care companies--they infect companies big and small.

08 Feb 2013,

4 Mistakes Not To Make When Managing Older Employees

My first couple management gigs were very similar—both were at small businesses in college towns, where the majority of my employees were undergrads who only worked part-time.

08 Feb 2013,

The 5 Employees Every Small Business Needs

In the past few years, many companies were affected by the less than ideal economic conditions, and many instances, small businesses were hit harder than most. For these companies, the ability to be nimble and quickly adapt to changing economic conditions can be the difference between failure and success.

07 Feb 2013,

How do I Deal with an Incompetent Boss?

If you’ve watched The Office on television, then you’ve seen incompetence in action on a weekly basis. The Office is hilarious escapism, but dealing with an incompetent superior is nothing short of an inescapable nightmare.

01 Feb 2013,

Want to Profit from Doing Good? Start Small

In the past two decades, many corporations have made strides in shedding their reputations as polluters, exploiters, and gluttons. But there is still a long way to go until doing good is an accepted norm for successful businesses. How can you help your company get there? Try these first steps:

01 Feb 2013,

One Huge Step Every Great Boss Takes

Where your employees are concerned, one small step makes all the difference.

31 Jan 2013,

What Should We Call Me? 6 Steps to Naming Your Company

At some point, “this really exciting new company I’m starting” needs a name. And while you may be lucky enough to have the perfect moniker fly into your head while drinking coffee one morning, you also may not be. In which case, the process can be daunting. Where do you even begin?

31 Jan 2013,

Deal with Negative Feedback by Asking Solution-Focused Questions

Whether it's a poorly received creative project or a crushing performance review, it's easy to immediately go on the defensive when you get negative feedback.

31 Jan 2013,

3 Reasons Your Company Isn't Taking Off

For most organizations that try to scale but fail, the bottleneck is usually the person at the top: the founder/owner or CEO.

30 Jan 2013,

10 Horrible Excuses for Being a Lousy Boss

Are the "reasons" you aren't a better boss just excuses? Here are ten things you should never to say to yourself... and what to do instead.

10 Jan 2013,

Be an Industry Insider: How to Squeeze Job-Related Reading Into Your Day

When you catch a few spare minutes of reading time in your day, you’ve got a tough choice: HuffPost Celeb? The new bestseller on your Kindle? The memes you pinned on Pinterest last week?

10 Jan 2013,

When The Boss Is Out to Get You

How do you deal with the boss from hell? Along with popular movies like The Devil Wears Prada and Swimming With Sharks as well as widespread experiences with aggressive supervisors, the idea of the abusive boss who denigrates and humiliates underlings has become a well-entrenched part of popular culture.

10 Jan 2013,

Three Introverted CEOs and What You Can Learn From Them

Many people believe that extroverts are more "natural" leaders than introverts, but recent groundbreaking research out of the Wharton and Harvard business schools suggests that introverts often outperform extroverts as leaders. Here are three examples of outstanding quiet CEOs:

05 Jan 2013,

Encourage Decisiveness at Your Next Meeting

Meetings without outcomes are a waste of time. Yet, many meetings fail to produce results because the conversation circles around the issues rather than focuses on them. To make sure decisions happen and people take action, you need to have a productive dialogue. Here are four things every meeting should be:

03 Jan 2013,