Unions Mauritius
Public Transport: New Division Of The Union Announced Strike
While the Bus Industry Union of Workers (UBIW) envisages a general strike in the transport sector, the Common Front transport unions refuse to adopt this posture. He asked the Minister of Labour to refer contentious issues to NRB.
05 Apr 2013, motors.mega.mu
Permis à Points : Opération Escargot Dans les Cinq Villes
Le Front commun permis à points maintient la pression. A l’appel de Georges Ah Yan, porte-parole de ce front, des chauffeurs de taxis, de bus individuels et de camions participent depuis ce matin, vendredi 29 mars, à une opération escargot dans les cinq villes du pays.
29 Mar 2013, motors.mega.mu
Penalty Points: One Hundred Drivers on Strike Friday
It is decided! A hundred taxi drivers and bus drivers gathered in the Common Front against the penalty points will be on strike on Friday March 29. Decision was taken on Tuesday, March 26 at the end a meeting of the Common Front.
27 Mar 2013, motors.mega.mu
Contrer Le Permis À Points : Semaine Décisive pour Elaborer une Stratégie
Le Front Commun du Transport (FCT) réfléchit toujours à la meilleure stratégie pour contrer la mise en application du permis à points. Selon les opposants, cette semaine sera décisive quant à la prise de décision.
27 Mar 2013, motors.mega.mu
Common Front Against the Penalty Points: War Between Ah Yan and Bahadoor Open
The Common Front against the penalty points is on the verge of implosion.
19 Mar 2013, motors.mega.mu
Public Transport: Trade Unionists are Threatening a Strike on May 1
A peaceful march took place on Saturday, March 16 in the capital to protest the announced amendments to labor laws.
17 Mar 2013, motors.mega.mu
Road Rage : The Common Front for Disengages Ah Yan
Points ... disagreement arose between the approach of the 'Common Front Recovery Permit to Transport power points' (‘Front Commun Transport pou Redressement Permis à Points’ - FCTRPAP) and that of Georges Ah Yan.
15 Mar 2013, motors.mega.mu
Unions Step up Fight Against Point System
The Transport Unions Front has stepped up their fight against the implementation of the penalty point system by taking legal actions against it as confirmed by the group’s spokesperson George Ah Yan in a press meet in Port Louis on Wednesday.
14 Mar 2013, motors.mega.mu
Front Commun Contre le Permis à Points: Vers une Contestation en Cour
Un Front commun a vu le jour en marge de l'entrée en vigueur du système de permis à points, prévu pour le 1er avril.
11 Mar 2013, motors.mega.mu
Transport Industry: UBIW Invites Workers to Protest on March 16
Workers in the transport industry are invited to March 16 protest in the capital against the "injustice" that prevails in this sector. Penalty points, light rail project, salary review will be the focus of the event will begin at 13 am at Bell-Village to be completed before the Government House.
06 Mar 2013, motors.mega.mu
Penalty Points: Common Front Continues Meetings
"The penalty points represents a danger for professional drivers. "This is the message that is trying to pass the Common Front transport unions through a series of public meetings across the country.
05 Mar 2013, motors.mega.mu
NTC to Face Tough Opposition from Staff Over Restructuring Plans
National Transport Corporation (NTC) employees are against the recent announcement of a restructuring plan from the company.
04 Mar 2013, motors.mega.mu
Public Transport: NTC Strikes?
If collective bargaining between management and fail the common front of unions, the National Transport Corporation (NTC) could be paralyzed by a strike of employees. This is the threat brandished his chief negotiator, Reeaz Chuttoo. Another meeting is scheduled.
28 Feb 2013, motors.mega.mu
National Transport Corporation: Employees Demand a Wage Increase of 20%
Employees of the National Transport Corporation (NTC) have submitted their proposals for a collective agreement. Also demand salary increase of 20%, they also claim working conditions "more decent".
27 Feb 2013, motors.mega.mu
Permis à Points: Les Conducteurs dans la Rue ce Mardi
Le Front Redressement Permis à Points (FRPAP) ne compte pas faire marche arrière. Ces conducteurs, pour qui le volant représente leur gagne-pain, déplorent le fait que le gouvernement aille de l’avant avec le permis à points sans les avoir jusqu’ici consultés.
26 Feb 2013, motors.mega.mu
Répertoire des Courses Effectuées- Another Document that Angry Taxi Drivers
Controversy surrounding the presence mandatory, a document (notebook) in taxis. The Taxi Proprietors Union disputes this position in 2011 and decided that would be "ignored" for all drivers. Verbalized those displayed their discontent.
22 Feb 2013, motors.mega.mu
Permis A Points : Un Front Commun Constitué Autour de l'ACIM Veut d'un Système « Plus Juste et Equitable »
Défilé et marche de protestation jeudi à Port-Louis
18 Feb 2013, motors.mega.mu
Penalty Points: Critics Come Charging
After the start of Phase 1 of the penalty points through the granting of Driving Licence Counter Part (DLC) since the beginning of the week, the Common Front of Trade Unions Transport is returned to the charge.
28 Jan 2013, motors.mega.mu
Transport Unions: Penalty Points, Demonstration Endorsed a for February 21
After more than 100 minutes of a special meeting called by the Common Front transport unions in the context of the challenge of penalty points, a decision was taken at mid-day to hold an event on February 21 from Champ-de-Mars gardens to the Company.
25 Jan 2013, motors.mega.mu
Public Transport Sector: Conflict Between Unions and Employers Increasing
Neither the union nor the employers do not want to change posture to improve the working conditions of employees of public transport. The first attempt to reconcile the Ministry of Labour has achieved nothing.
20 Jan 2013, motors.mega.mu