Unions Mauritius

Mauritius Cane Industry Authority Postponed

In reviewing the document from the Ministry of Agro Industry, trade unionists have concluded that the signing of the MoU as part of the commissioning of the Mauritius Cane Industry Authority was premature. They requested additional time. But this is only a postponement.

23 Mar 2012, business.mega.mu

Mauritius Cane Industry Authority: Deadline March 31 for its Operation

The Mauritius Cane Industry Authority (MCIA) will be in place by March 31, say unions.

02 Feb 2012, business.mega.mu

L’Association Taxi des Malheureux Envisage une Manif

Regroupant les 'taxis' de divers endroits du pays, l'Association taxi des malheureux indique que les autorités concernées font la sourde oreille à ses divers appels à travers des conférences, la radio et la presse.

01 Feb 2012, motors.mega.mu

Casinos: The Controversy Around Privatization

"We are puzzled because every time you have to pay the bonus 14th month, the direction of the State Investment Corporation (SIC) tells us that the casinos are going to be privatized.

23 Jan 2012, business.mega.mu

New Education Bill Against Tuition Displeases GTU

The Government Teacher Union (GTU) affirmed to be against the amendment of the Education Bill. This bill was passed in parliament on Tuesday night.

01 Dec 2011, business.mega.mu

Unfair Competition - Taxis: Trade Unionists Continue The State

The taxi drivers do not want to let themselves be pushed around. The General Taxi Owners' Union (GTOU) filed a complaint against three government entities for breach of an agreement between them in March 2007.

09 Nov 2011, motors.mega.mu

Unions make budget proposals

Proposals are pouring in at the Ministry of Finance for the financial budget 2012, to be presented on November 4. The Federation of Civil Service & Other Unions (FCSOU) sent its proposal, stating that it views the budget as “an opportunity for the government to address major problems affecting the economy.” It also proposes the [...]

28 Oct 2011, The Independent Daily

Unions demand public holiday on Oct 7

The Confederation des Trvailleurs du Secteur Prive (CTSP) celebrated World Day for Decent Work on October 7 at Rose Hill. The trade union walked from their headquarters in Rose Hill to the post office for a wreath laying ceremony at a monument dedicated to workers. The president of CTSP, Jane Ragoo demanded that October 7 [...]

10 Oct 2011, The Independent Daily

Industrie du transport: demande de 40,2 % d’augmentation salariale

L’Union of Bus Industry Workers (UBIW) réclame une augmentation salariale de 40,2 % pour les employés de l’industrie du transport.

18 Sep 2011, motors.mega.mu

Plus de consultations avant le permis à points

Le Front commun syndicats transport (FCST) réclame davantage de consultations entre les autorités et le syndicat avant que les autorités ne viennent de l’avant avec une loi sur le permis à points.

14 Sep 2011, motors.mega.mu

Unions want details on sugar reforms

Several trade unions plan to organise a march on September 17 following a lack of response over their request to meet officials from the Ministry of Agro-Industry and that of Finance since September 2010. They are planning to write to the International Trade Union Confederation to request the body to encourage the government to engage [...]

13 Sep 2011, The Independent Daily

Unions disgruntled over tripartite meet

The first meeting of the tripartite committee, comprising representatives of the government, private sector and trade unions, took place at the New Government House, Port Louis, on Tuesday. The meeting was chaired by the minister of Finance and Economic Development, Xavier-Luc Duval. The outcome, however, did not meet the expectations of trade unionists. The technical [...]

07 Sep 2011, The Independent Daily

Unions propose Rs 950 salary hike

On Monday, the tripartite committee comprising trade unions, employers and the government started discussion about salary compensation. All the parties agreed that an acceptable compensation must be reached. The president of the Conseil des Syndicats (CDS), Toolsyraj Benydin proposed that a sum of Rs 950 must be given, taking into consideration the cost of living. [...]

06 Sep 2011, The Independent Daily

Front commun syndicats transport: l’absence de sécurité dans les gares déplorée

L’incident qui a eu lieu récemment à la gare routière du Nord interpelle de nombreux Mauriciens, dont Yousouf Chotoye, président du Front commun syndicats transport.

30 Aug 2011, motors.mega.mu

Unions, Minister discuss safety of bus employees

The Front Commun Syndicat du Transport (FCST) and the Transport Corporate Employees Union, ,held a meeting with the minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, Shakeel Mohamed on Tuesday to discuss the situation in this sector.

18 Aug 2011, motors.mega.mu

Unions, minister discuss safety of bus employees

The Front Commun Syndicat du Transport (FCST) and the Transport Corporate Employees Union, ,held a meeting with the minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, Shakeel Mohamed on Tuesday to discuss the situation in this sector. The secretary of the FCST, Krishandikk Gobin said that the meeting was organised to present the problems they were [...]

17 Aug 2011, The Independent Daily

Unions denounced the refusal of the Mauritius Sugar Producers Association

The MSPA wants negotiate at the level of individual sugar estates

13 Apr 2011, business.mega.mu

Trade unions gear up for next PRB report

The next Pay Research Bureau (PRB) report will be ready by October 2012

08 Apr 2011, business.mega.mu

Unions stall on signing new pact

The two trade union federations in the Civil Service have expressed concern over the Procedure Agreement which they were supposed to sign with all the ministries

16 Mar 2011, business.mega.mu

Facebook adds ‘civil unions’ to relationship status options

Facebook has added ‘civil unions’ and ‘domestic partnerships’ to its list of relationship status options, in a move which has been applauded by equality rights campaigners. The new options are... Read more »

23 Feb 2011, KotZot

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