Unions Mauritius
Transport Public: Tentative du Ministère du Travail de Concilier Syndicat et Patronat
Les représentants des cinq principales compagnies d’autobus et les syndicalistes du secteur des transports publics sont attendus au ministère du Travail, la semaine prochaine. Le but étant de trouver un terrain d’entente afin d’éviter un éventuel conflit.
10 Jan 2013, motors.mega.mu
Primary: Repeating Grade is Encouraged
Everyone should have the same chances of success in his studies. Automatic promotion is not always well received, since handicapped children with learning difficulties in the long term.
04 Jan 2013, business.mega.mu
Mauritian Priorities for 2013
For the new year, many resolutions to take it to be better than the previous. But in many areas, there are also ...
03 Jan 2013, business.mega.mu
Demonstration Outside Parliament: Twenty Unionists Arrested
Several members of the General Workers Federation (GWF) who had gathered in front of parliament, were arrested by the police. They demanded that the Minister of Labour gives them the assurance that amendments to labor laws would not be voted.
18 Dec 2012, business.mega.mu
Transport: 37 Resolutions Passed Unanimously
At the Annual Employee of the transport sector, which was held Friday night at Beau Bassin, some 2000 employees of six bus companies have expressed their dissatisfaction with their working conditions.
20 Nov 2012, motors.mega.mu
United Bus Service: Four Unions Mobilize Against NRB
This is a discord that exists in the United Bus Service. The company is powerless in terms of salary increase and four unions are mobilizing against the National Remuneration Board. They denounce the fact that there was no salary increase since 2008. They announce a rally, Monday, Nov. 19, in Port-Louis.
16 Nov 2012, motors.mega.mu
CNT: Vote Massif en Faveur des Négociations Collectives
Les employés de la Corporation Nationale de Transport ont voté massivement. Ils veulent l’ouverture des négociations collectives avec la direction pour réclamer une hausse de salaire de 20% et une amélioration de leurs conditions de travail.
05 Nov 2012, motors.mega.mu
“Fair trade” Label: Sugar Cooperatives Fear the Worst
Thirty-two co-operative societies are registered for a fixed price from the sale of sugar, according to the label "fair trade." Federation was created to supervise them. But some question, however its role.
25 Oct 2012, business.mega.mu
The Police Cancelled Rally of Transport Sector Employees Union
After initially authorized the police reversed its decision. The gathering of members of the Union of Workers Bus Industry to be held on the evening of Tuesday, October 23 was canceled just hours before the meeting. (Photo: the station where Vallijee had to hold the rally).
24 Oct 2012, motors.mega.mu
Transport Sector Requires Report of NRB
The Common Front transport unions (FCTU), which includes buses, taxis and trucks seeking an urgent meeting with the Minister of Labour Shakeel Mohamed. The reason: request a report from the National Remuneration Board (NRB) for transport workers.
24 Oct 2012, motors.mega.mu
The PRB Report Disappointing For Trade Unionists
Unionists expressed their discontent after the publication of the report of the Pay Research Bureau (PRB) Tuesday afternoon.
10 Oct 2012, business.mega.mu
Reunion: The Situation In East Port Is Still Stalled
Since Monday, nothing goes in and nothing comes out of the East Port due to a general strike'' passed in general meeting by all dockers support strikers MRSA (Society affixing and handling Reunion ).
27 Sep 2012, business.mega.mu
Penalty Points: Kailash Purryag Evokes His Limits
The common front of public transport will not give up. The front staff which includes transportation, taxi drivers, truck drivers, among others, met on Monday, the President of the Republic, Kailash Purryag.
26 Sep 2012, motors.mega.mu
Unions ask for a toned-down 2013 budget
The Federation of Civil Service and Other Unions (FCSOU) held a press meeting on Monday to comment on the budget proposals, salary compensation and the recent falsified document in circulation pertaining to the Pay Research Bureau (PRB) salary increase. FCSOU president, Narendranath Gopee emphasised, “The minister of Finance, Xavier Luc Duval, must come up with [...]
17 Sep 2012, The Independent Daily
Professional Drivers: General Strike Coincide With CPE Exams
Disengagement national professional drivers will take place in mid October. This date is referred to as "historic" by the unions, transport, because it will coincide with the holding of examinations of the CPE. The reason given is to support school vans drivers.
05 Sep 2012, motors.mega.mu
Public Transport: General Strike Planned
Drivers in the transportation industry - bus drivers, truck, taxi drivers and others - gathered in the Common Front transport unions (CFTU) will hold a general meeting on Thursday at the community center Mary Queen of Peace , Port Louis, to fix the date of a general strike in their area. They oppose the government's decision to implement the system of penalty points.
30 Aug 2012, motors.mega.mu
Sortie de Crise dans l’Industrie Sucrière
Sucriers et syndicats sont parvenus, aux petites heures du matin ce vendredi, à un accord dans le litige les opposant dans l’industrie sucrière. C'est vers 00h50 que la nouvelle est tombée après une journée pleine de rebondissements.
17 Aug 2012, business.mega.mu
Mobilisation du 2 Septembre : « Tous Derrière » les Laboureurs et les Artisans
Les dirigeants du Joint Negotiating Panel (JNP) sont catégoriques : qu’un accord soit trouvé avec la Mauritius Sugar Producers’ Association (MSPA) ou pas, la mobilisation des travailleurs sera maintenue le 2 septembre à Port-Louis.
16 Aug 2012, business.mega.mu
Industrie Sucrière : Vote Massif Pour une Grève Illimitée
Le torchon continue à brûler entre la Mauritius Sugar Producers Association (MSPA) et le Joint Negotiating Panel (JNP). Les artisans de l’industrie sucrière ont voté massivement pour y déclencher une grève illimitée.
12 Aug 2012, business.mega.mu
Crisis in Sugar Industry: Unions and MSPA Remain Entrenched in Their Positions
The conflict between trade unions in the sugar industry in Mauritius Sugar Producers Association (MSPA) enters a decisive week with the deadline for completion of mediation. With the refusal of the employers' association to participate in discussions on strike action becomes clearer.
09 Jul 2012, business.mega.mu