Court Mauritius

Examens avant l’internat de médecine: la Cour réserve son jugement

La demande d’injonction concernant les Pre-Reg Exams auxquels devront prendre part les aspirants médecins a été entendue en Cour suprême, mardi 8 novembre.

09 Nov 2016,

Carte d’Identité Biométrique: le Privy Council donne gain de cause à l’État Mauricien

Le verdict est tombé ce lundi après-midi 31 octobre à Londres. Le Privy Council a rejeté l’appel interjeté par le Dr Maharajah Madhewoo contre l’État contestant la constitutionnalité de la carte d'identité biométrique.

01 Nov 2016,

En Cour Intermédiaire: Rs 212 000 d’Amende Pour Ne Pas Avoir Payé La TVA

La société Pizza Romana Ltd a été condamnée, par la cour intermédiaire, à payer Rs 212 000 d’amende. L’entreprise, qui gérait un snack-bar à Flic-à-Flac, a été reconnue coupable de ne pas avoir payé Rs 2,1 millions de Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (TVA).

04 Aug 2016,

Eoulà, marsans anbilan fini anvolé mam!

Une fois de plus, il n’a pas mâché ses mots vis à vis les marchands ambulants de la capitale. Cette phrase “Dir marsan anbilan anvolé” fut prononcé hier lors de la pose de la...

29 Apr 2016, Yashvin, pages of my life

Accident De La Route: Le Permis De Conduire Du Soudeur Annulé A Vie

Le couperet est tombé, lundi 25 avril, en cour intermédiaire. Un soudeur de 20 ans a écopé d’une amende de Rs 100 000. Il a été reconnu coupable d’homicide involontaire par imprudence. En outre, la Cour a ordonné l’annulation à vie de son permis de conduire.

27 Apr 2016,


Today, I feel even more disgusted by the system. The Rs220 millions guy spent only a few hours behind bars while the Rs144 millions one is planning to rule over the island instead of staying 12 months in jail. Oh, how can I forget the one hiding in France and the other one in Italy. They only […]

26 Jan 2016, Yashvin, pages of my life

Money Lender Jailed for Having Embezzled a Car

A money lender, Presram Sookur, has been sentenced by the District Court of Curepipe to six months’ imprisonment after he was found guilty of embezzlement in breach of Section 333 (1) of the Criminal Code.

25 Oct 2013,

Alleged Real Estate Fraud: Justice Rejects Complaint South African Rory Kirk

The Supreme Court issued an interlocutory judgment on part of the trial in protest of South African Rory Kirk Timol against the brothers. It believes it is premature to rule on the personal liability of promoters.

14 Mar 2013,

For Injury in a Bus: Supreme Court Upholds Damages of Rs 302,000

The National Transport Corporation (NTC) and the State Insurance Company (SIC) must pay damages of Rs 302,000 to Kistnensamy Perianen.

17 Dec 2012,

Rs500 fine for a car light not in working conditions.

A few days ago, a Facebook friend was fined: one of his car rear bulbs was not working, more exactly, the one which lights up the car number plate.

12 Dec 2012, Yashvin, pages of my life

Court defers bail hearing

The bail hearing of Avinash Treebhowon, who is accused in the murder of Irish tourist Michaela Harte, was presented at the Supreme Court of Port Louis on Wednesday. The hearing was held to review the decision of senior magistrate Sheila Bonomally from the Mapou District Court. However, the case was postponed as one of the [...]

08 Sep 2011, The Independent Daily

Court rejects Chopra’s appeal to leave island

Fraud accused Indian national Vikram Chopra is still struggling to leave Mauritius. Chopra, who is subject to an objection to departure from Mauritian authorities, was heard in the Intermediary Court before magistrate Raj Seebaluck on Monday. Represented by his counsel, Ivan Collendaveloo, Chopra told the court that he urgently needs to go back to India [...]

13 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily

CID recover Rs 80,800 stolen from 5-star hotel

The Chemin Grenier Criminal Investigation Division (CID) interrogated three people working for Shanti Maurice hotel, Saint Felix on Thursday morning after the hotel’s management alleged that Rs 80,800 had been stolen from the reception. The police inquiry was chaired by detective police sergeant Lobine and the team included constable Ramdhanee, Jinerdeb and Beehary and field [...]

31 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily

Accused Bhoyroo discharged from hospital, taken back to prison

Diop Bhoyroo, one of the twins charged for possession of a firearm in court, returned to his cell at La Bastille, Phoenix on Tuesday after spending 24 hours in hospital.

02 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily