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Celebrities head to Jerusalem for Peres's birthday
JERUSALEM (AFP) A slew of stars, politicians and public figures were flocking to Jerusalem to take part in Israeli President Shimon Peres's 90th birthday celebrations to be held later on Tuesday.Former US president Bill Clinton, British ex-premier Tony Blair, Monaco's Prince Albert II, and Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird are among figures who will attend the opening event of the fifth Presidential Conference, which will also be graced by the presence of Hollywood stars Robert De Niro and Sharon Stone.Guests of the opening reception, beginning 1800 GMT and broadcast live to the world, will get a chance to hear American …
18 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Tourism Sector in Survival Mode
The tourism sector as a whole is wrong and prospects leave little room for optimism. Some operators believe that the indicators turn red and anxiety is gaining ground.
18 Jun 2013,
Two French football stars on trial for soliciting minor
PARIS (AFP)Two French international footballers Franck Ribery and Karim Benzema went on trial Tuesday in Paris charged with paying for sex with an underage prostitute.Bayern Munich winger Ribery and Real Madrid forward Benzema face up to three years in prison and a maximum 45,000 euro ($55,000) fine if convicted.Both deny the charge and the young woman involved, Zahia Dehar, has testified that the players were not aware that she was not 18 when they had sex with her in 2008 and 2009 respectively.Although the age of consent is 15 in France, paying for sex with anyone under 18 is a …
18 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Parker not your typical Frenchman
SAN ANTONIO, Texas (AFP)San Antonio Spurs TV announcer Sean Elliott says Tony Parker's gritty performance in game five of the NBA finals shows he's not your typical French citizen."Everything that they've said about French people doesn't apply to him. It just doesn't apply. He's as tough as they come," Elliott told the San Antonio Express-News.Parker had a game-high 26 points on 10-of-14 shooting from the field despite playing with a mild hamstring strain in the Spurs 114-104 win over the Miami Heat on Sunday.Former Spurs star Elliott won an NBA title with San Antonio in 1999. In 2000, Elliott became …
18 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Training in Italy for Local Farmers
Good news for Mauritian entrepreneurs, including those involved in the food industry. They are offered the opportunity to attend a ten-day training in Italy.
18 Jun 2013,
Dans les camps d'été à Gaza, on mime la guerre
Rafah (Territoires palestiniens) (AFP)Des adolescents vêtus aux couleurs du Jihad islamique simulent la capture d'un gamin en uniforme israélien. Les camps d'été des mouvements radicaux inculquent aux enfants de Gaza les rudiments de la "résistance", quand leurs aînés s'efforcent de préserver la trêve avec Israël. A Rafah, dans le sud de la bande de Gaza, une centaine d'enfants palestiniens de moins de 16 ans apprennent sous la conduite d'instructeurs de la branche armée du mouvement, les Brigades Al-Qods, à démonter des Kalachnikovs, progresser dans des tunnels, sauter obstacles et pneus enflammés, ou ramper sous des barbelés sur le sable brûlant, …
18 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Hearts fans eye takeover
LONDON (AFP)A fans' group on Tuesday said it was looking for support for a possible takeover of financially troubled Scottish Premier League club Hearts, which has signalled its intention to go into administration.The Edinburgh club, whose entire squad is up for sale in a desperate bid to raise much-needed cash, announced on Monday that it had served a court notice of its intention to appoint an administrator.Local lawmaker Ian Murray, who heads the Foundation of Hearts group, described the move as "the darkest day in the history of Heart of Midlothian Football Club" but vowed that they would survive."A club …
18 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan faces baby sex test inquiry
MUMBAI (AFP)Indian officials said Tuesday they were probing reports Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan knows he and his wife are expecting a baby boy, in a country where prenatal sex tests are banned.Local media has in recent days reported that 47-year-old Khan and his wife Gauri, who have a teenage son and daughter, are expecting another son by surrogacy.The couple, who live in the entertainment hub of Mumbai, are yet to confirm they are expecting.On seeing the reports, the Indian Radiological and Imaging Association (IRIA) wrote to the health ministry in western Maharashtra state, of which Mumbai is the capital, …
18 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Tourism: "All Inclusive, is Disaster for Us," According to Small Operators
While authorities say into overdrive to promote the growth of tourism, industry players are struggling to get its head above water and do not hide their concerns.
18 Jun 2013,
En Espagne, des familles appauvries occupent un lotissement vide
BOLLULLOS PAR DEL CONDADO (Espagne) (AFP)Chez Juana Alonso, le lavabo est flambant neuf mais aucun filet d'eau ne coule du robinet. Il n'y a pas non plus d'ampoules au plafond: personne n'était censé emménager dans cette maison pas encore terminée. Mais Juana ne pouvait pas attendre. Elle n'est pas la seule: faute de pouvoir payer un loyer, environ 70 familles, dont certaines risquaient l'expulsion, ont décidé il y a trois semaines d'occuper ce pimpant lotissement de pavillons mitoyens au style andalou qui se dresse à la périphérie de Bollullos Par del Condado, une petite ville d'Andalousie, dans le sud de …
18 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Tentative de Suicide de l’Attorney General Yatin Varma
L’Attorney General, Monsieur Yatin Varma a été admis aux soins intensifs de la clinique Darné ce matin suite à un malaise selon son service de presse mais selon ses proches, c’est la répercussion du stress accumulé ces derniers temps après l’affaire l’opposant a Florent Jeannot. (Lire plus). Depuis hier, une ...Read full article on Island Crisis: Tentative de Suicide de l’Attorney General Yatin Varma.
18 Jun 2013, Island Crisis
26 Government Quarters Illegally Occupied
No less than 26 Government Quarters are illegally occupied. The evacuation order has been given by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, but the objection to the persons concerned, the authorities reconsider the issue on a case by case basis.
18 Jun 2013,
Ship of Theseus to be screened on demand
The film Ship Of Theseus which is up for a theatrical release in India will however only release in five cities i.e. Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Bangalore and Kolkata. The makers though are sure that the film has huge appeal and thus to ensure that the film is screened in cities where they are in demand the team has come up with a unique idea. Audiences can Vote for their city, post which the film will release in a theater at their city. For the first time ever the movie will be screened in a city- on demand. To gauge the …
18 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Yatin Varma Had Attempted Suicide; Navin Ramgoolam Asked Yatin Varma to Resign
The Attorney General of emergency was admitted Tuesday, June 18th in the early morning at Fortis Clinique Darné following a seizure. In all likelihood, he will not attend the proceedings of the National Assembly.
18 Jun 2013,
Mali: espoir d'un accord après une relance des négociations
Ouagadougou (AFP)Après des contacts menés tous azimuts jusque tard lundi à Ouagadougou pour relancer de difficiles négociations, un accord était espéré dans les prochaines heures entre le pouvoir malien et les rebelles touareg qui occupent Kidal, dans le nord-est du Mali.Sauf nouveau rebondissement, le projet d'accord soumis par la médiation burkinabè et ses partenaires internationaux devrait être adopté mardi par les deux camps, selon des sources diplomatiques."La signature se fera demain (mardi) fort probablement", a déclaré à l'AFP l'une d'elles. "On est optimistes", a avancé une autre source.Une nouvelle réunion entre les parties est prévue mardi à 10H00 (locales et …
18 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Varma Case: "Reconciliation" to Millions
Mario Jeannot claims to have met the "Attorney General" on several occasions and that he had offered him money for his son Florent removes his complaint against him. Refutes allegations that Yatin Varma.
18 Jun 2013,
Navin Ramgoolam invite Yatin Varma à démissionner
Dans le cadre de l’affaire Jeannot, le Premier ministre Navin Ramgoolam a invité Yatin Varma à soumettre sa démission de son poste d’Attorney General en attendant les conclusions de l’enquête policière. Cette requête fait suite à une PNQ d’Alan Ganoo, le leader de l’opposition, ce mardi 18 juin 2013. Par ailleurs, Yatin Varma a été admis à la clinique Darné dans la matinée pour des raisons qui restent à être confirmées. Crédit photo : Le Matinal
18 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
John Abraham gifts himself a new Yamaha
Last we had heard that biker boy John Abraham had gifted good friend and director Sanjay Gupta a bike. Now the news is that John has added yet another set of flaming wheels to his collection with his latest acquisition the Yamaha YZF R1. The quite literal beast of a machine which comes in a matte black finish is powered by a massive 998 cc, liquid-cooled, 16- titanium valve, DOHC, in-line four-cylinder engine with crossplane crankshaft is all than any speed demon can ask for. Interestingly, the latest model which also comes with traction control is a limited edition and …
18 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Afghanistan: les forces gouvernementales prennent le contrôle de la sécurité
Kaboul (AFP)Les forces afghanes ont pris mardi le contrôle de la sécurité de l'ensemble du pays en lieu et place de la force internationale de l'Otan qui l'assurait depuis la chute des talibans à la fin 2001, a annoncé le président afghan Hamid Karzaï.Peu avant au moins trois civils ont été tués et 24 blessés dans un attentat mardi à Kaboul, selon la police.Le processus de transfert d'autorité progressif, qui avait débuté en juillet 2011, s'est achevé mardi avec le passage sous contrôle afghan des derniers districts contrôlés par l'Otan, dont la grande majorité des 100.000 soldats doit quitter le …
18 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Networking Like a Pro: How to Host a Successful Business Mixer
Establishing your own business sometimes requires getting people to come to "your cave" to learn more about your products and services. Hosting a business mixer is a great way to do this kind of networking.
18 Jun 2013,