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Madagascar: la présidentielle reportée au 23 août
ANTANANARIVO (AFP)Le Conseil des ministres de Madagascar a adopté jeudi un décret reportant au 23 août l'élection présidentielle prévue initialement le 24 juillet, a indiqué à l'AFP le ministre de la Communication Harry Laurent Rahajason."Un décret a été adopté pour un report au 23 août", a-t-il dit à l'issue du Conseil des ministres. Selon la "feuille de route" de sortie de crise à Madagascar, la date doit encore être validée par la Commission électorale et par les Nations Unies.
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Mauritius to set up a National Plant Varieties and Seeds Office
Mauritius will soon set up a National Plant Varieties and Seeds Office that will regulate the cultivation, production, trade, export and import of seeds.
06 Jun 2013,
British author Tom Sharpe dies aged 85
MADRID (AFP)British writer Tom Sharpe, author of the dark-humoured "Wilt" series about a harassed literature teacher, died Thursday at the age of 85 in northeastern Spain, his publisher said."He died this morning of complications of the diabetes he had," said a source at his Spanish publisher, Anagrama, who asked not to be identified.Sharpe, who wrote 16 best-selling novels, died in the coastal town of Llafranc, Catalonia, where he had lived since the late 1980s, the source said.He divided his time between Spain and Cambridge, England, according to his US publisher Random House.Considered by many fans as Britain's funniest writer, Sharpe …
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
NBA: entre Miami et San Antonio, il sera question de dynasties
MIAMI (AFP)Il va être question de dynasties à partir de jeudi en finale NBA entre Miami, le club champion en titre qui joue sa troisième finale consécutive, et San Antonio, une franchise qui n'a perdu aucune des quatre finales qu'elle a disputées depuis 1999.Il va également être question de "Big Three". Dix ans après le premier de leurs trois titres ensemble pour San Antonio, Tim Duncan, l'Argentin Manu Ginobili et le Français Tony Parker sont toujours au firmament de la NBA malgré leurs jambes de trentenaires. Trois ans après leur association, LeBron James, Dwyane Wade et Chris Bosh jouent eux …
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Russie: 12 opposants jugés pour une manifestation contre Poutine
MOSCOU (AFP)Le procès de 12 opposants qui encourent huit ans de camp pour des heurts lors d'une manifestation à la veille de l'investiture de Vladimir Poutine il y a un an, s'est ouvert jeudi devant un tribunal de Moscou.Dix des prévenus, en détention provisoire depuis des mois, se trouvent à l'intérieur d'une cage en verre blindé, et deux autres, en liberté surveillée, sur un banc, à ce procès considéré par l'opposition comme emblématique des répressions.L'"affaire Bolotnaïa", du nom de la place dans le centre de Moscou où avait dégénéré la manifestation du 6 mai 2012 contre le retour au Kremlin, …
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Baldini leaves Roma 'by mutual consent'
MILAN (AFP)Sporting director Franco Baldini has left AS Roma by mutual consent, the Serie A club announced Thursday.Baldini, who in recent days said he took some of the responsibility for the Roman side's mediocre results the past two seasons, has been replaced by Walter Sabatini.The news comes amid intense rumours that former France coach Laurent Blanc is set to step in as coach to replace Aurelio Andreazzoli.A statement from Roma, citing the club's American president James Pallotta, said: "We thank Franco Baldini for his service to AS Roma over the past two seasons. He played an important role in the …
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
CSL receives the “NF Customer Relations Service Centre Certification”
CSL has been awarded the “NF Customer Relations Service Centre Certification” by AFNOR Certification Committee. CSL is the first Call Centre in Mauritius to receive this certificate which is recognized today as a reference in the Call Centre industry. CSL has embarked on this NF journey since March 2012 and after 1 year of process reengineering; CSL is now ready to offer to its clients a pragmatic service quality measurement system. The aim of this standard is also to empower CSL employees to work towards their Quality Charter.
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Child Labor: Illegal Practice that Has a Tough Life
This phenomenon is not new. 300 children are working illegally. They receive a meager salary. The case MEDCO Trinity College showed that some employers continue to engage in this practice.
06 Jun 2013,
NTC: Buses Control Was Reinforced, According to Anil Bachoo
Since the tragic accident Sorèze, technical control buses of the National Transport Corporation (NTC) has become more common. This is what the Minister of Public Infrastructure and Transport, Anil Bachoo, told the National Assembly, this Tuesday, June 4
06 Jun 2013,
Raj Kundras passport seized
The recent IPL fixing scandal seems to be taking on unexpected turns. We now hear that Rajasthan Royals co-owner Raj Kundra passport has been seized. Apparently, Kundra surrendered his passport to Delhi Police in the IPL spot-fixing scandal on Thursday, so that he doesn't leave the country. On the other hand, reacting to the reports, Kundra tweeted, "Media has misconstrued everything using... Unreliable sources. Try speaking to the Main guys at crime branch. Why does media hype things and make such stupid claims to sell news. Is there an arrest warrant? I am back home in Mumbai. Kindly let Delhi …
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Droitisation des opinions publiques européennes: une réalité à nuancer
PARIS (AFP)Les opinions publiques européennes connaissent une indéniable droitisation, en particulier en matière d'immigration et de sécurité, mais cette évolution convient d'être nettement nuancée, par exemple sur les questions sociétales, selon une enquête de l'institut de sondage français Ifop."La fermeté prévaut très largement en matière d'immigration et de sécurité", écrit Jérôme Fourquet, de l'Ifop, en résumant les résultats de cette enquête réalisée du 16 au 29 mai auprès de 4.512 personnes en France, Allemagne, Belgique, Pays-Bas, Espagne, Italie et Suisse.L'enquête et ses résultats ont fait l'objet de discussions d'experts et universitaires, lors d'un colloque organisé mercredi au Sénat.Indicateur de cette …
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
AML: Deputy CEO Resigns
Within the scope of a ban since late March, Shiv Nemchand, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Airports of Mauritius Limited (AML), submitted his resignation Tuesday to the Board of Directors. His request was accepted.
06 Jun 2013,
Chess great Kasparov quits Russia over fears of probe
MOSCOW (AFP)Former world chess champion and anti-Kremlin activist Garry Kasparov said he is currently staying out of Russia over fears he could be investigated as part of the authorities' crackdown on the opposition."I kept travelling back and forth until late February when it became clear that I might be part of this ongoing investigation of the activities of the political protestors," Kasparov said in Geneva on Wednesday, according to an audio recording posted on his website."Right now, I have serious doubts that if I return to Moscow I may not be able to travel back. So for the time being …
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Marathon International Orange 2013 le dimanche 23 juin
De gauche à droite: K. Reesaul, Executive Head Commercial MT, Rama Ramanah, Technician Mauritius Athletics Association, Clyde Thomas, President Mauritius Athletics Association, Sarat Dutt Lallah, CEO MT, Philippe Hao Thyn Voon, President Mauritius Olympic Committee, Davendra Utchanah, Executive Head Networks & Information System La 6ème édition du Marathon International Orange aura lieu le dimanche 23 juin 2013 à Mon Choisy. C’est ce qui a été annoncé par Sarat Lallah, CEO de Mauritius Telecom lors d'un point de presse qui a eu lieu le jeudi 6 juin au Telecom Tower. Les parcours de 42 km 195 pour le Marathon, de 21 …
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Controversy: New Coins Rs 1 and Rs 5 too Thick!
Controversy over a new coins of one rupee and five rupees. Slightly thicker than the traditional coins, or 0.5 millimeter more, they are not included in the devices when using a cart or in coffee vending machines. According to the Bank of Mauritius, it is not a malfunction.
06 Jun 2013,
Sunny Leones next with Kaizad Gustad
Director Kaizad Gustad, who had vanished from the film scene following a fatal accident of a crew member while shooting his last film, will soon be returning behind the camera. In fact if what we hear is anything to go by, then the director has apparently signed on Sunny Leone for his next film. Though earlier Gustad had announced a couple of projects, the ventures failed to see the light of the day. This time, keeping it under wraps we hear that Gustad has also roped in Sachiin Joshi for the film. The film which is said to be a …
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Garry Kasparov ne rentrera pas en Russie de crainte de poursuites
MOSCOU (AFP)L'opposant à Vladimir Poutine et champion d'échecs Garry Kasparov a annoncé depuis Genève qu'il ne rentrerait pas en Russie, par crainte de poursuites judiciaires pour ses activités politiques, selon une vidéo postée jeudi sur son site"Si je reviens à Moscou, je doute sérieusement d'avoir encore la possibilité de sortir du pays. Pour le moment, je m'abstiens de retourner en Russie", a déclaré M. Kasparov, ajoutant qu'il risquait d'être poursuivi comme d'autres membres de l'opposition russe.
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Pakistani woman climber hopes to inspire with Everest feat
ISLAMABAD (AFP)"The reason behind this expedition was to convey a message that if Samina can climb a mountain other girls can do anything they want in their life."The Everest climb was not Baig's first significant achievement -- after taking up climbing just three years ago she became the first person to reach the summit of the 6,400-metre Chashkin Sar peak in northern Pakistan in 2010."Chashkin Sar was virgin and we climbed it for the first time and afterwards the people renamed it as Samina Baig," she said.Training for the Everest expedition, which she accomplished with her brother Mirza Ali with …
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Parambrata paired with X Files Gillian Anderson in Sold
Vidya Balan's Kahaani co-star is going places. In his next release, his romantic lead is the very talented and popular American actress Gillian Anderson who is a household name the world over through her very successful appearance in the series The X Files, not to mention her successful celluloid outings in films like Hannibal and Shadow Dancer. Apparently in Sold, a hard-hitting film about drug trafficking in India and Nepal directed by Jeffrey D Brown, Parambrata and Gillian are cast as the romantic lead. Says a source, "It's a very subtle kind of attraction, not in-your-face at all. The same …
06 Jun 2013, Orange Ki News ?
The Biggest Interview Mistakes HR Experts See (and How to Avoid Them)
They meet more people in an afternoon than most of us do in a year. But what faux pas do human resources pros see again and again during the interview process?
06 Jun 2013,