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Guangzhou's Marcello Lippi open to Australia role
SYDNEY (AFP)World Cup-winning coach Marcello Lippi has said he is open to working in Australia, reports said Wednesday, giving a further clue that he will quit China's Guangzhou Evergrande when his contract expires.Lippi, who joined Guangzhou in 2012 on a reported 10 million euros ($13 million) a year deal, said he could understand the decision of Italian countryman Alessandro Del Piero, his former protege at Juventus, to join Australia's Sydney FC."Who knows what will happen in the future," Lippi told a press conference in Gosford, near Sydney, ahead of Wednesday's AFC Champions League clash with Central Coast Mariners."Australia is a …
15 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
74 Vehicles Fined for Smoke
Vehicles that emit excessive smoke had better set their sprinklers. Just since the beginning of the year, the environmental police took offense 74 vehicles that emit black smoke.
15 May 2013,
Dev Manraj Hospitalized After Heart Attack
The final touches to the report on the anomalies of PRB will probably wait a little longer. Dev Manraj had a heart attack yesterday afternoon. He was taken to the "Cardiac Unit" of the Victoria Hospital, where he angiography.
15 May 2013,
Lollobrigida's pearl earrings set new auction record
GENEVA (AFP)A pair of pearl earrings belonging to actress Gina Lollobrigida sold for an auction record of $2.39 million at Sotheby's Geneva as the veteran Italian star auctioned off some dazzling jewellery.The lot, the highlight of Tuesday's auction, went under the hammer for more than twice the pre-sale estimate, and in doing so broke the previous record for pearl earrings set by a pair from the jewel box of fellow screen siren Elizabeth Taylor in 2011.Lollobrigida, a popular movie star in the 1950s and 60s, was selling off a collection created by Italian jewellers Bulgari, with some of the auction …
15 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
La SMEDA organise un concours de meilleur plan d’affaires
Encourager l’intérêt entrepreneurial chez les entrepreneurs potentiels tout en récompensant les meilleurs business plans. Tel est l’objectif du SME Best Business Plan Competition 2013 qui a été lancée cette semaine à l’initiative de la Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA). Le but de ce concours est aussi de mettre en exergue l´importance des PME qui jouent un rôle important en termes de contribution à la prospérité économique du pays. Critères de sélection Pour participer au concours, les entrepreneurs existants ou potentiels devront rédiger un business plan comprenant un projet ayant un chiffre d’affaires ne dépassant pas Rs 50 millions. …
15 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Middle East Attractive for Mixed-Use Projects
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates—Mixed-use development opportunities in the Middle East are transforming the evolving hotel landscape, said hospitality experts at the Arabian Hotel Investment Conference.
15 May 2013,
Prix folies pour la Journée Internationale des Familles 2013
Les Mauriciens seront par milliers à vouloir bénéficier de ces tarifs promotionnels le 18 et 19 Mai 2013. Alors, attendez-vous à des grosses foules, des longues files d'attentes et surtout, des embouteillages, surtout près des centres d'activités.
15 May 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life
Afrasia Bank Zimbabwe Threatened with Bankruptcy: Low Risk of Influence on Mauritius
The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in African way? This is not the title of a movie but the risk that hangs over an African bank 35% owned by a Mauritian bank. However, observers are reassuring about a possible contagion in Mauritius.
15 May 2013,
Accident Meurtrier De Sorèze : La CNT Dvisée par le Tsunami
Dix jours après le dramatique accident du virage de Sorèze ayant fait dix morts et 44 blessés, la Corporation nationale de transport (CNT), l'un des plus importants opérateurs du transport en commun, demeure dans l'œil d'un éventuel tsunami.
15 May 2013,
10 Things Every Customer Wants
Surprisingly, the best price and best value is at the bottom of the customer's priority list. See what's at the top.
14 May 2013,
Coupe de France: Bordeaux, voyageur infatigable, en finale contre Evian
TROYES (AFP)Bordeaux s'est qualifié pour sa première finale de Coupe de France depuis 1987 en remportant son cinquième match consécutif à l'extérieur dans l'épreuve, mardi à Troyes (2-1), après avoir été mené au score.Bordeaux, triple vainqueur de l'épreuve, s'était imposé en finale il y a 26 ans, en dominant Marseille. Le 31 mai, les Girondins tenteront de remporter un nouveau trophée face à Evian/Thonon, qualifié la semaine dernière en surclassant Lorient (4-0).Ils devront encore jouer loin de chez eux après s'être déplacé pour défier Châteauroux, Moulins, Raon l'Étape et Lens aux tours précédents.L'Estac s'arrête elle en demi-finale comme en 2001.Cette …
14 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Penalty Points: Police Officer Arrested
A police officer assigned to a police station in the South was pinned by the elements of the Independent Commission against Corruption during the weekend. He appeared in court Monday morning where a provisional charge of corruption was lodged against him.
14 May 2013,
Tertiary Education: Loan at 7.9% Interest for Students
Good news for students who wish to undertake tertiary education but do not have the means to finance their education. The 'Student Loan Scheme', announced in the last budget, is now in force. Accordance with established procedures, all those who want to pursue undergraduate studies, whether in Mauritius or abroad are eligible for a bank loan of up to Rs 100,000 per year for a period of three years, a maximum loan of Rs 300,000.
14 May 2013,
The "Killer Buses" Banned in India Since 2011
The " Killer Buses . " This led to the bus was nicknamed Blue Line in India, including Ashok Leyland models on our roads. After a long legal battle, the High Court in New Delhi ordered, in 2011, the withdrawal of the bus.
14 May 2013,
Video of the Day: Dumb Ways to Die
Dumb Ways to Die is a public service announcement campaign by Metro Trains in Melbourne, Australia to promote rail safety. The campaign went viral through sharing and social media.
14 May 2013,
Accident: Mother and Son Demanded Rs 2 Million from SICOM
They have never recovered from their occurred on December 5, 2012 at Red Sea accident. That day, a mother and her son were on a motorcycle when a van which was hit. They now trail the State Insurance Company of Mauritius Ltd (SICOM) to justice.
14 May 2013,
Champions League defeats haunt Bayern
BERLIN (AFP)Bayern Munich coach Jupp Heynckes said on Tuesday that the German champions were completely focussed on their Champions League final against Borussia Dortmund on May 25 and defeat was unthinkable."Nothing will distract us," said the 68-year-old who was told in mid-season he will be replaced by former Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola and is set to retire regardless of their European quest."The players are extremely solid, mentally and physically. We have an objective and no one will deter us from this goal," he added ahead of the season's showpiece match at Wembley stadium in London."The team is completely focussed on …
14 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Moscou déclare "persona non grata" le présumé agent de la CIA démasqué
MOSCOU (AFP)La Russie a déclaré mardi persona non grata le diplomate américain et présumé agent de la CIA démasqué à Moscou, en dénonçant sa tentative d'enrôler un membre des services secrets russes comme une "provocation" digne de la "guerre froide"."La Russie déclare Ryan Fogle persona non grata et exige son départ dans les plus brefs délais", a annoncé le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères dans un communiqué.Les services spéciaux russes ont annoncé plus tôt dans la journée avoir arrêté "l'agent de la CIA Ryan C. Fogle, travaillant sous la couverture de troisième secrétaire du département politique de l'ambassade" alors qu'il …
14 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Picture of the Day: Waipio Valley, Hawaii
Waipio Valley is located in the Hamakua District of the Big Island of Hawaii. Waipi’o means “curved water” in the Hawaiian language. It was the capital and permanent residence of many early Hawaiian ali’i (kings) up until the time of King ‘Umi.
14 May 2013,
Birmanie: près de 60 disparus en mer à l'approche du cyclone
SITTWE (Birmanie) (AFP)Un total de 58 personnes, toutes des musulmans de la minorité apatride des Rohingyas, ont disparu dans le naufrage de leur bateau au large de la Birmanie en tentant de se mettre à l'abri du cyclone Mahasen, a indiqué mardi soir la télévision d'Etat birmane.Sept navires de déplacés ont quitté lundi vers 22 heures locales la ville de Pauktaw pour tenter de gagner une zone plus sûre mais l'un d'entre eux "a heurté un rocher et a coulé", a-t-on précisé de même source en ajoutant que 42 personnes avaient survécu."Les opérations de secours se poursuivent", a ajouté la …
14 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?