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PARITE HOMME-FEMME. Ségolène Royal : “Maurice est en avance sur la France”
“Maurice est un exemple au niveau planétaire en termes d’unité, de solidarité et de l’émancipation de la femme”. C’est ce qu’a déclaré Ségolène Royal, femme politique française, lors d’une cérémonie organisée par le ministère de l’Egalité du genre, du développement de l’enfant et du bien-être de la famille dans le cadre de la Journée internationale de la femme, à l’Institut Mahatma Gandhi (MGI), jeudi.
14 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Triolet : incidents sur fond d’agression
Le poste de police de Triolet a été pris d’assaut par plusieurs habitants de cette localité jeudi soir. Les incidents ont pour origine l’agression au poignard de deux jeunes par un jeune de 17 ans. Ce dernier n’en serait pas à sa première agression. Il avait déjà fait parler de lui dans le passé avec l’agression de deux policiers.
14 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Du gaz pour produire de l’électricité
Produire de l’électricité à partir du gaz de pétrole liquéfié (LPG). C’est un nouveau projet que comptent mettre en chantier le gouvernement et le Central Electricity Board (CEB).• Un nouveau projet pour répondre à la demande accrue
14 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Zun Zun Egui en concert
La musique a été un moyen pour lui de promouvoir la riche culture de son pays natal à travers le monde. Considéré comme un bel exemple de la diaspora mauricienne qui fait ses preuves sur le plan international, le chanteur Kushal Gaya et son groupe londonien Zun Zun Egui ont été sollicités par le ministère des Arts et de la culture pour un concert ce samedi 16 mars au stade Anjalay.
14 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Alleged Real Estate Fraud: Justice Rejects Complaint South African Rory Kirk
The Supreme Court issued an interlocutory judgment on part of the trial in protest of South African Rory Kirk Timol against the brothers. It believes it is premature to rule on the personal liability of promoters.
14 Mar 2013,
Video of the Day: Creative Ad
At the time when the debate rages between prescribers 'all digital' and diehard defenders of the paper, Clover takes position with his new TV spot signed Leo Burnett Paris entitled "Emma."
14 Mar 2013,
Unions Step up Fight Against Point System
The Transport Unions Front has stepped up their fight against the implementation of the penalty point system by taking legal actions against it as confirmed by the group’s spokesperson George Ah Yan in a press meet in Port Louis on Wednesday.
14 Mar 2013,
Picture of the Day: Ta Prohm Temple, Cambodia
Ta Prohm is the modern name of a temple at Angkor, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia, built in the Bayon style largely in the late 12th and early 13th centuries and originally called Rajavihara.
14 Mar 2013,
5 Trends That Will Drive The Future Of Technology
Trends get a bad rap, mostly because they are often equated with fashions. Talk about trends and people immediately start imagining wafer thin models strutting down catwalks in outrageous outfits, or maybe a new shade of purple that will be long forgotten by next season.
14 Mar 2013,
MEF Poll: Only 20% of Companies will Recruit in 2013
The Mauritius Employers' Federation (MEF) has released this week's Annual Business Trends Survey.
14 Mar 2013,
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, un Jésuite Austère et Modéré
L’Argentin Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 76 ans, a été élu pape, mercredi 13 mars. Son élection a été une surprise générale, du fait notamment de son profil de jésuite austère, considéré comme modéré et de tendance réformiste.
14 Mar 2013,
2 Hit and Run Victims Dead While Third Still in ICU
Three serious road accidents have claimed two lives and left one person in a critical condition.
14 Mar 2013,
Coal Plant in Albion: CT Power Emerges From the Shadows
For the first time, CT Power issued a statement to "set the record straight" after "countless articles and statements misleading."
14 Mar 2013,
Jude Law dating Mauritian model Alicia Rountree
Looks like Jude Law has a new ladylove! And no surprise, she’s smokin’ hot. The 40-year-old heartthrob was snapped with his gorgeous girlfriend Alicia Rountree arriving at the airport in Marseille, France, on March 4 where the beautiful couple looked mighty fine together. Law reportedly took Rountree to France for the premiere of his new [...]Related News:Mauritius Model United Nations 2010 : une étudiante crie auCharlotte Holmes crowned as Miss England wins a trip to…Elite Model Look 2011 : démarrage du castingCristiano Ronaldo reveals baby on TwitterYoung French girl on trial in Mauritius trafficking SubutexThe post Jude Law dating Mauritian …
14 Mar 2013, KotZot
Sherlyn Chopra "With Playboy, I Walked into History"
It in the headlines, whether for posing in the nude for "Playboy" and have posted an uncensored video on the Net. The actress' Kamasutra 3D "talks about his journey ... ..
14 Mar 2013,
Spectacular Crash on GRNO Bridge
A road accident occurred Wednesday, March 13 at 20 h on the deck of Grand River North West (GRNO).
14 Mar 2013,
Announced by SAJ Bomb about Neotown
That's it! We know a little more about the bomb announced three weeks ago, Sir Anerood Jugnauth at a press conference. It relates to the project promoters Indian Neotown Patel Engineering.
14 Mar 2013,
Two Ways to Get Your Team Engaged
Team meetings are supposed to be collaborative events. If you are doing all the talking and your team members are doing all the listening, something's not right. Here are two ways to revive your team and get their best thinking out on the table:
14 Mar 2013,
Pranab Mukherjee: India Ready to Assist Mauritius in the Field of Security
India is willing to lend its support to Mauritius safety, said yesterday morning Pranab Mukherjee, who attended the signing ceremony of three bilateral agreements between Mauritius and India with Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam at Clarisse House.
14 Mar 2013,
Hit and run : deux morts mercredi
La police a enregistré deux cas de délit de fuite tôt mercredi matin à Cap-Malheureux et à Grand-Bois. Ce qui porte à dix le nombre de victimes sur nos routes depuis le début de ce mois. Les Casernes centrales lancent un appel à témoin par rapport à ces deux drames.
14 Mar 2013, Le Matinal