Latest news
Le GM réclame Rs 2,3 Md à neuf corps paraétatiques
Le gouvernement a décidé de mettre de l’ordre dans neuf corps paraétatiques. Ils sont la National Housing Development Co. Ltd, l’Irrigation Authority, la National Transport Authority, la Central Water Authority, le Central Electricity Board, le Mauritius Institute Traning & Developement, la Business Parks of Mauritius limited, BPML Freeport et la Development Bank of Mauritius Ltd.• Les mauvais payeurs dans le collimateur du gouvernement
06 Mar 2013, Le Matinal
Métro Léger : Deux Tracés à l’Etude par les Consultants
Véritable casse-tête pour les consultants de la Singapore Corporation Enterprise (SCE), responsables du dossier métro léger. Le tracé définitif de ce réseau de transport public n’a pas encore été élaboré.
06 Mar 2013,
Transport Industry: UBIW Invites Workers to Protest on March 16
Workers in the transport industry are invited to March 16 protest in the capital against the "injustice" that prevails in this sector. Penalty points, light rail project, salary review will be the focus of the event will begin at 13 am at Bell-Village to be completed before the Government House.
06 Mar 2013,
Distribution of Driving Licence Counterpart: More than Two Weeks to Put in Order
Distribution, in alphabetical order, of Counterpart Driving Licence in twenty-one police stations in Mauritius, Rodrigues and two ends on March 21.
06 Mar 2013,
How to Raise Your Prices Without Playing the Blame Game
I am constantly looking for ways to raise the prices on my products and services so that I can improve the margins. As you continue to expand your company and improve your services, you'll one day face the challenge of raising your prices.
06 Mar 2013,
Killer Roads Claim Another Victim
29-year-old man, Mamad Meerun, was killed in a road accident at Arsenal on Monday night.
06 Mar 2013,
Rs 50,000 Fine to Driver
Tekanand Pochoo welder, was sentenced by the Intermediate Court fined Rs 50,000 for manslaughter by negligence. He had on board his cargo truck, caused the death of a motorcyclist, Louis Marcel Armance, August 1, 2010. The accident took place at Belle Vue Maurel.
06 Mar 2013,
6 Ways to Enhance Your Credibility
You won't succeed in business if nobody believes in you. Here's how to make certain they do.
06 Mar 2013,
Becoming an Entrepreneur, the Alternative to be Employed
At a time when many young people are tired of waiting for a response after applying for a job, the idea of trying to start a business lot. Entrepreneurship is a solution to unemployment, but how to do it? This adventure, although attractive, is not done without risk. So how to proceed?
06 Mar 2013,
Juvenile Delinquency in Mauritius – The Latest Trend
During the few past weeks, defaulting youngsters have been in the news headlines. While we have always claimed that today’s youngsters reflect the country’s future, such news make us skeptical about whether these youngsters will make our forthcoming days darker or brighter. During the past few years, youngsters have been ...Read full article on Island Crisis: Juvenile Delinquency in Mauritius – The Latest Trend.
06 Mar 2013, Island Crisis
Juvenile Delinquency in Mauritius – The Latest Trend
During the few past weeks, defaulting youngsters have been in the news headlines. While we have always claimed that today’s youngsters reflect the country’s future, such news make us skeptical about whether these youngsters will make our forthcoming days darker or brighter. During the past few years, youngsters have been ...Read full article on Island Crisis: Juvenile Delinquency in Mauritius – The Latest Trend.
06 Mar 2013, Island Crisis
Form 3: Entrepreneurship Starts from the Second Quarter
The Entrepreneurship Education, as announced in the 2012-2015 strategic plan of government for the education sector, includes both theoretical and practical knowledge to prepare young people to be responsible citizens and to change the world professional.
06 Mar 2013,
Independence: The Official Logo Unveiled
The official logo, to mark 45 years of Independence Mauritius, was unveiled Wednesday, February 27. This is the logo of Nitin Luximon was chosen following a competition involving more than 90 Mauritians.
06 Mar 2013,
At Ebony: Business Incubator 4000 Square Feet for 25 Young
Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Xavier-Luc Duval, has announced the development of an area of 4000 square feet Ebony into a business incubator in the field of technology and communication to 'for 25 youth. This space will be made available by Mauritius Telecom who works on the project.
06 Mar 2013,
National Identity Card Unit at Emmanuel Anquetil Building
Applications for obtaining a national identity card will be at Emmanuel Anquetil Building, from Monday, March 18.
06 Mar 2013,
4 Ways You Discourage Customers From Buying
The relationship between buyers and sellers has changed. In the process, these four tactics have become major turn-offs
06 Mar 2013,
Accord De Non-Double Imposition : Xavier Duval se Félicite de la Position de New Delhi
Le vice-Premier ministre et ministre des Finances Xavier-Luc Duval se félicite de la démarche de son homologue indien au sujet de l’importance du Tax Residency Certificate dans le cadre du Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty (DTAT).
06 Mar 2013,
HSC: Additional Scholarships - Beneficiaries Known Soon
The State will provide 24 additional scholarships based on Academic Merit Criteria & Social. Those eligible have already submitted an application to the Ministry of Education. The identity of the recipients will be announced soon after the approval of the Ministry of Social Security.
06 Mar 2013,
BOI Investment Rs 5 md in 3 Years in Higher Education
The Director General of Board of Investment (BoI), Ken Poonoosamy, reported in the February 2013 newsletter of the agency, forecasts investment of about Rs 5 billion in the sector of higher education in the next three years. In this bulletin, the BoI announces participation Mauritius next week property exhibition, MIPIM, France.
06 Mar 2013,
Venezuela's Hugo Chavez Dies Aged 58
Vice-president Nicolas Maduro was emotional as he announced Hugo Chavez's death.
06 Mar 2013,