Latest news
Ian Patterson nommé Chairman du Board des Racing Stewards
Ian Patterson nommé Chairman du Board des Racing Stewards
05 Mar 2013,
Concert annulé de Roch Voisine: 532 personnes attendent toujours d’être remboursées
Depuis l’annulation du concert de Roch Voisine, prévu pour le 27 novembre 2012, quelques 532 personnes sont toujours en attente d’être remboursées par la billetterie Otayo. Selon l’agence, les procédures sont en cours mais les clients devront patienter jusqu’au 30 avril.
05 Mar 2013,
Escroquerie alléguée : deux arrestations après une plainte de Kishore Deerpalsing
Deux ans après une plainte de Kishore Deerpalsing pour une escroquerie de plus de Rs 10 millions, la police a arrêté, le lundi 4 mars 2013, deux proches de l’ancien ministre. Ces derniers ont été présentés devant une cour de justice.
05 Mar 2013,
Julie : Une belle aventure cinématographique « Made in Mauritius »
Julie, film entièrement tourné et produit à Maurice, sera présenté en avant-première au cinéma Star de Bagatelle, ce mardi 5 mars. Réalisé par le cinéaste mauricien Dany Adjodhya, il met en scène une centaine d’artistes locaux.
05 Mar 2013,
Port: CHC is Positioned as the Regional Reference
The Cargo Handling Corporation Ltd (CHC) is positioned to become the leader of transshipment in the region. It displays the meter capacity dépasant far the international standards transhipment, with 21 container movements per hour against an average of 15 movements per hour.
04 Mar 2013,
Solution Lies in Entrepreneurship: Graduates Called…
Young, dynamic, intelligent, they have everything to succeed. But despite their qualifications and skills, many of our graduates are now unemployed. In a context marked by economic crisis, finding a job is not an easy task.
04 Mar 2013,
For Wrongful Dismissal: Receiver Gets Rs 50,000 from NTC
He felt his dismissal unjustified. This receiver was then sued his employer, the National Transport Corporation (NTC) and he demanded compensation of Rs 1,139,084 43. In court, the two sides reached an agreement. The complainant got Rs 50,000 of the NTC.
04 Mar 2013,
Alain Wong's Car Damaged by Four Bikers
The front bezel of the drive from the former president of "Tourism Authority" (TA) was hit by a projectile launched by one of the four riders on the night of Thursday, February 28. It is on board two motorcycles that his assailants accosted .
04 Mar 2013,
For Nine Years: Strategic Plan for Tertiary Sector Developed
Key stakeholders in the sector of tertiary education had a consultation meeting on Thursday to develop a strategic plan for the sector. This document, which should cover the period 2013-2022, aims to identify key areas in order to develop Mauritius into a knowledge-based economy.
04 Mar 2013,
Sur le Bus-Stop de GRNO: Une Dame Renversée par une Voiture
Un grave accident de la route s’est produit, dimanche, peu avant 20 heures, à hauteur de l’arrêt d’autobus sur le pont de Grande-Rivière-Nord-Ouest. Une dame âgée d'une trentaine d'années a été grièvement renversée par une Toyota Corolla de couleur blanche.
04 Mar 2013,
Access to Public Beaches: Obstructs the Misunderstanding ...
Public beach, private right of way, space ... Conflicts between hoteliers and owners of waterfront bungalows and picnickers multiply and occasionally revive the debate on the accessibility to beaches and no geometric .
04 Mar 2013,
NTC to Face Tough Opposition from Staff Over Restructuring Plans
National Transport Corporation (NTC) employees are against the recent announcement of a restructuring plan from the company.
04 Mar 2013,
Frais d’Examens SC/HSC : Augmentation de Rs 600 Cette Année
Les frais d’examens du School Certificate (SC) et du Higher School Certificate (HSC) subissent cette année une augmentation de Rs 600.
04 Mar 2013,
Fire Dagotière: Candy Tex Takes Stock of Losses, 250 Workers Unemployed
Factory Candy Tex Mauritius Ltd began to take stock of the fire that destroyed his four-storey building located at Dagotière. If the damage is substantial, the plant is, however, relieved that there was no loss of life.
04 Mar 2013,
New Fuel Prices
The pump price of fuel undergoes a sharp increase. The essence password to Rs 52.25 per liter and diesel Rs 43.95. The new prices were determined by the Petrol Pricing Committee (PPC) on Friday evening.
04 Mar 2013,
Balaclava, Young Entrepreneur Award: Three Winning
Initial applications of 817 and 150 shortlisted candidates, 83 have presented a business plan which seven were selected for the final table, where three young entrepreneurs have emerged.
04 Mar 2013,
Violent Accident on the Highway Around 3 am at Sunday
It took firefighters call Sunday morning to extricate the driver of a car severely damaged to Trianon. The driver, a man of thirty years, passed away in the hospital.
04 Mar 2013,
Say No to Extra Work
If your boss continually piles work on your plate, even when it’s not related to your goals, learn to say no. Pushing back can be tricky, so handle the request carefully:
04 Mar 2013,
After Ambiguous Announcement, Indian Minister of Finance Reassures the Mauritian Offshore
A sentence pronounced by the Indian Minister of Finance during the budget presentation, surprised offshore operators in Mauritius and the Indian stock market is falling. Palaniappan Chidambaram was quick to rectify the situation and reassure the market.
04 Mar 2013,
Driver Killed in Saint Jean Road Accident
The Coromandel fire station was summoned early on Sunday morning after a car skidded, went through the guard rail and smashed against an electric pole in Trianon.
04 Mar 2013,