Latest news
Collecte d’eau de pluie: un plan de financement proposé par la Mauritius Commercial Bank
La Mauritius Commercial Bank (MBC) encourage les Mauriciens à investir dans les systèmes de récupération d’eau de pluie. Elle lance le «Rainwater Harvesting Scheme», un plan de financement à un taux d’intérêt de 5,65 % par an.
28 Feb 2013,
Agriculture: SFWF Launches Insurance Scheme for Small Farmers
The Small Farmers Welfare Fund (SFWF) launched at Monday at Solitude, a medical insurance plan for small farmers.
27 Feb 2013,
National Transport Corporation: Employees Demand a Wage Increase of 20%
Employees of the National Transport Corporation (NTC) have submitted their proposals for a collective agreement. Also demand salary increase of 20%, they also claim working conditions "more decent".
27 Feb 2013,
Labour: When Cruise Hotels are in Trouble!
The local workforce increasingly interested owners liners that offer better wages. The impact on the local industry is likely to lose live since thousands of employees this year.
27 Feb 2013,
Penalty Points: Jayen Chellum vs Ben Buntipilly
The Common Front formed around the Consumers' Association of Mauritius (ACIM) is challenging certain provisions around the entry into force of penalty points. He believes that the implementation of this project must be fair and equitable.
27 Feb 2013,
Video of the Day- Project Glass: One day...
A team within our Google[x] group started Project Glass to build this kind of technology, one that helps you explore and share your world, putting you back in the moment.
27 Feb 2013,
Picture of the Day: Duct Tape Landscape
Japanese artist Takahiro Iwasaki carved this amazing miniature landscape into a roll of duct tape. Born in 1975, Iwasaki works and lives in Hiroshima, Japan.
27 Feb 2013,
La Réunion: Lancement?du?Réseau?de?Fibre?Optique
Chaque foyer réunionnais accédera à internet par la fibre optique. Pour l’instant, l’agglomération de Saint-Gilles en bénéficiera dès mois d’avril.
27 Feb 2013,
Consumption: Imported Vegetables on Our Shelves
Starting this week, imported vegetables available on the market to alleviate the shortage. Suren Surat, one of the largest importers premises, announces shipment of carrots, cabbage and cauliflower by plane on Thursday. The price will be 25% more expensive, see more ...
27 Feb 2013,
Immigration in Canada: Three Options for Mauritians
The Nominee Quebec, an application for a Work Permit or investment. These are three options open to Mauritians wishing to immigrate to Canada. These choices were detailed at a conference organized by the company Talking Drums restaurant, Bagatelle, last week.
27 Feb 2013,
Ponzi Pyramid: Beware of Scam!
The Financial Services Commission and the Bank of Mauritius Mauritius put the public on guard against the Ponzi scheme. System or Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent financial arrangement is to pay customers' investments, primarily by funds provided by new entrants.
27 Feb 2013,
Port Chambly Selling Villas RES to Pay Debts
So that Clifton Properties Ltd (CPL), developer of the residential complex Port Chambly, Le Goulet, is put into liquidation, a solution will be offered on Wednesday February 27 by administrators PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers).
27 Feb 2013,
Fresh Chicken: Increase of Rs 4 per kg, Price of Sausages Revised Downward
Must be attributed to the competition that exists in the market for chicken sausages the downward revision or maintaining the price of these products. It must also concede that this competition has been exacerbated by the presence of many brands from Brazil.
27 Feb 2013,
Accident de montgolfière à Louxor : 19 morts dont deux Français (VIDEO)
27 Feb 2013, Le Matinal
Coupe du Roi : le Real vient à bout du Barça
En attendant le chapitre 2 du clasico à la française, il y a avait mardi le clasico, le vrai entre le FC Barcelone et le Real Madrid, demi-finale retour de Coupe d'Espagne. Et les Madrilènes aidés par un Cristiano Ronaldo des grands soirs, auteur d'un doublé (13e s.p et 57e) sont venus à bout du Barça de Messi (3-1 score final). Ils rencontreront en finale le vainqueur du match retour entre le FC Séville et l'Atletico Madrid.
27 Feb 2013, Le Matinal
How to Hire an IT Professional
How do I make sure my full-time IT hire knows his or her stuff?
27 Feb 2013,
Innovation, Ninja-Style
Consumer Electronics Association head Gary Shapiro says small tech companies, when they're at their best, act like ninjas.
27 Feb 2013,
4 Ways to Pull Ahead of Your Competitors in Business
The road to profits is paved with unfair advantages.
27 Feb 2013,
Flacq Market: Nice Infrastructure But ...
You can not please everyone! This is the case for the market brand new Centre de Flacq, supposed to be a gem. Beautiful infrastructure but not planning to fully develop the merchants, whether those who sell vegetables, 'dholl puris' and bread in the foodcourt or artisans Craft Market.
27 Feb 2013,
Coupe du Roi : Le Real terrasse le Barça et file en finale
Le Real Madrid s'est qualifié pour la finale de la Coupe du Roi en terrassant le FC Barcelone (3-1) au Camp-Nou, mardi en demi-finale retour, grâce à un doublé de Ronaldo et à un autre but de Varane, après le nul du match aller (1-1).
27 Feb 2013,