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How to Build Connections at Work and Other Tips
"Love is all you need," the Beatles told us. This wisdom has rarely been applied to the workplace, but it should be, says emotion researcher Barbara Fredrickson. Love can be thought of as the feeling of connection from any positive exchange.
18 Feb 2013,
Picture of the Day : the Ghost Town of Kolmanskop
In this fantastic shot by Chris Gray, we see insides of an abandoned house in Kolmanskop, Namibia overtaken by sand.
18 Feb 2013,
LRT: Survey of Mauritian Households
Under the light rail project whose construction is expected to begin in October 2014, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure has appointed Grant Thornton audit firm and consultancy, for he conducts a household survey on the fluidity traffic in the country.
18 Feb 2013,
Landslide in Montagne-Ory "Stop Order" Against Construction Clavis Parking Lot
District Council of Moka issues a "stop order" against Clavis International Primary School prohibiting the construction of a parking area at the foot of the Montagne Ory. The direction of the privately denies any responsibility.
18 Feb 2013,
Young Talent Competition 2013
Promote financial literacy among young people. It is the purpose of the Young Talent Competition 2013. The competition was launched on Friday by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and is intended for high school students as well as tertiary students.
18 Feb 2013,
Following Heavy Rains: Shortage of Vegetables on the Horizon this Week
Food crops in South, Central and East of the island were most affected by the heavy rain on Wednesday.
18 Feb 2013,
Post-HSC: Wide Selection for Tertiary education
The results are there for more than two weeks. Between joy and disappointment for thousands of students, it is especially the beginning of a new life. While some take the way to work, others pursue their tertiary studies. In Mauritius and abroad, the proposals are broad and open house season starts.
18 Feb 2013,
Xavier Duval: "Michael Sik Yuen is a Very Good Minister ..."
Finance Minister and Leader of the PMSD speaks for the first time on the removal of Robert Desvaux the President of the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA). This decision was taken on Friday, February 15 by the Minister of Tourism, Michael Sik Yuen, also a member of PMSD.
18 Feb 2013,
Un Palangrier Pris en Flagrant Délit de Pêche Illicite dans les TAAF Dérouté Vers la Réunion
Le palangrier CHUNG YONG 81, battant pavillon de la Corée du Sud, a été pris en flagrant délit de pêche illicite le dimanche 10 février 2013 au sein de la zone économique exclusive de Crozet Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (TAAF).
18 Feb 2013,
LRT: Stations depend Location on "Park and Ride" Possibilities
Nothing is done regarding the route of the light rail in Mauritius. These are criteria circulation around the stations that will determine the way of the subway.
18 Feb 2013,
5 Tips for Customizing Your Pitch for Every Investor
Even if you stumble upon the greatest idea your field has ever known, it’s very possible potential investors won’t have familiarity with your market or understand why they should invest in you. It’s up to you to explain it to them.
18 Feb 2013,
Permis A Points : Un Front Commun Constitué Autour de l'ACIM Veut d'un Système « Plus Juste et Equitable »
Défilé et marche de protestation jeudi à Port-Louis
18 Feb 2013,
North: Road Gokhoola-L'Amitié Closed to Small Vehicles
The north of the country has been particularly wet Sunday with the result that several roads and houses are flooded.
18 Feb 2013,
New Rain Cause Flooding in The North, Roads Closed
Firefighters were Sunday afternoon many calls for help in the north. Houses were flooded again and just four days after the flood that paralyzed much of the country.
18 Feb 2013,
What Students Really Need to Learn to Get a Startup Job
Peter Bell, who recently joined hackNY as an evangelist and hacker, is sick of the myths that are propagated about how best to prepare for a startup-focused software development career. Often he hears computer science or engineering students say that great GPAs or a top name college are the ticket to a great startup job.
18 Feb 2013,
15 Questions That Win New Customers
Work these questions into your customer conversations, and you'll find out everything you need to know.
18 Feb 2013,
Inondations : frayeur et fascination des habitants du Nord
Avec les récentes pluies diluviennes qui se sont abattues sur l’île durant la semaine écoulée, les habitants du Nord commencent tant bien que mal à s’habituer aux inondations. La journée de dimanche a été une fois de plus témoin de cette situation avec des maisons inondées et des routes impraticables.
18 Feb 2013, Le Matinal
Ecoles ZEP : suspension de la distribution des repas chauds
Suite au cas d’intoxication alimentaire à l’école Bambous A, et dans le sillage des pluies torrentielles de ces derniers jours, le ‘Supplementary School Feeding Monitoring Committee’ du ministère de l’Éducation a pris la décision de suspendre avec effet immédiat la distribution des repas chauds dans toutes les écoles ZEP.
18 Feb 2013, Le Matinal
Révocation de Robert Desvaux : le ministre Sik Yuen sommé de s’expliquer
Le ministre du Tourisme Michael Sik Yuen se retrouve depuis vendredi dans une situation délicate à la suite de sa décision de révoquer Robert Desvaux comme président de la Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA). Il devra s’expliquer à son leader Xavier-Luc Duval ce lundi.• Tractations en cours
18 Feb 2013, Le Matinal