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Dealers fret ban on Japanese cars
Vehicle importers are currently facing a crisis as nearly 25 car showrooms are out of vehicle or have only one or two cars. They are still waiting for the new regulation concerning radioactivity but many are disappointed. This was stated by Zaid Ameer, president of Dealers of Imported Vehicles Association (DIVA). On May 28, three [...]
01 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
LMS calibrates 13,123 measuring equipment
The Legal Metrology Services (LMS) organisation, under the aegis of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, is responsible for the control of weighing and measuring equipment, which are used in trade. LMS recently inspected trade premises, petrol pumps and packers. About 13,123 instruments were calibrated by the LMS of which 2,997 were done during mobile [...]
01 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
STC to introduce low sulphur fuel in 2011
The State Trading Corporation (STC) plans to import a new type of diesel by 2012 to reduce air pollution. The new type of fuel will be in line with international standards. The aim is to reduce the sulphur content in fuel from 500 to 50 parts per million (ppm). The STC has already started negotiations [...]
01 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
MRASA talks salary, hours
During the Mauritius Revenue Authority Staff Association’s (MRASA) annual general meeting (AGM), several issues including salary review, number of working hours, uniform allowance and annual leaves were discussed. The AGM was held on Tuesday at Rabita Hall, Port Louis in the presence of the director general of MRA, Sudhamo Lal and the two negotiators of [...]
01 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Guard killed, friend arrested
The body of Vinod Gungadoo, who worked as a guard at a scrap metal factory, was found at Rose Belle on Monday. The 59-year-old has multiple injuries on his body and his face was partially burned. According to investigation, he was burned by Plaine Magnien resident Elapa Sourier, who was drunk at the time of [...]
01 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Five pc fall in consumption
At the National Assembly on Tuesday, Suren Dayal, Member of Parliament (MP) quizzed the minister of Finance and Economic Development Pravind Jugnauth on the litres of alcohol sold from January till now. He also asked the minister whether alcohol sales decreased in comparison to last year and following the last increase in excise and other [...]
01 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Bookies not to be relocated
At the National Assembly on Tuesday, MP Deerpalsing, quizzed the Prime Minister on whether the high level committee on gambling will consider the relocation of Champ de Mars . Ramgoolam explained that bookmakers are entitled to operate outside the race course or off course, that is outside Champ de Mars. The technical committee has recommended [...]
01 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
Trade deficit widens at Rs 83 bn
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has released figures of external trade for the first quarter of 2011 and for 2009 and 2010. These reveal that the deficit this year has widened by 15.7 per cent in comparison to last year. Total exports for the year 2011 are expected to reach Rs 78 billion against imports [...]
01 Jun 2011, The Independent Daily
TPI: l'ancien chef militaire serbe Ratko Mladic remis à la justice internationale
LA HAYE (AFP)L'ancien chef militaire des Serbes de Bosnie Ratko Mladic, recherché pendant seize ans par le Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie pour le massacre de Srebrenica notamment, a été transféré mardi de Belgrade aux Pays-Bas où il a été remis au TPIY.L'arrivée au centre pénitentiaire du TPIY à La Haye de l'ancien général, arrêté jeudi en Serbie, a été annoncée vers 19H50 GMT par un communiqué du tribunal.Les télévisions avaient diffusé quelques instants auparavant des images d'un hélicoptère atterrissant dans la cour du bâtiment, au moment même où quatre voitures noires banalisées, aux vitres teintées et équipées de gyrophares, …
01 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
S.Korea's K-League signs anti-corruption pledge
SEOUL (AFP)South Korean football players, coaches, referees and officials signed a rare pledge to root out corruption after a player suspected of involvement in match fixing committed suicide.K-League officials on Wednesday said the pledge was signed by 1,100 people after an urgent two-day meeting aimed at eradicating match fixing and other illegal activities.Players promised not to accept offers from gambling brokers and engage in any behaviour affecting the outcome of games.The meeting came two weeks after the country's top professional league was hit by a match-fixing scandal, leading to the arrests of five players and two suspected fixers.A 29-year-old midfielder …
01 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Le groupe Veranda devient VLH
Le groupe Veranda entame une nouvelle page de son histoire et devient VLH : Veranda Leisure & Hospitality. Cette évolution intervient alors que le groupe, secteur d’activité hôtelier de Rogers & Co, n’a cessé d’élargir son portefeuille d’activités. En presque 30 ans, la petite entreprise familiale dont l’aventure a commencé avec Veranda Bungalow Village à Grand Baie, est devenue un acteur majeur du paysage hôtelier mauricien. Son nouveau nom illustre plus particulièrement la politique d’expansion et de diversification qui s’est engagée depuis 2004. Le groupe, fort de sa longue expérience a développé deux domaines d’activités distincts et complémentaires que sont …
01 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Syrie: Assad annonce une amnistie générale, trois manifestants tués
DAMAS (AFP)Le président syrien Bachar al-Assad a décrété mardi une amnistie générale, aussitôt jugée trop tardive par l'opposition, mais la répression se poursuivait, faisant trois morts parmi les manifestants."Le président Assad a décrété un décret accordant une amnistie générale à tous les crimes commis avant le 31 mai 2011", a indiqué l'agence officielle Sana. "L'amnistie touche tous les détenus politiques ainsi que les membres de la confrérie des Frères musulmans."Cette annonce est "insuffisante" et arrive "trop tard", a estimé dans la foulée l'opposition, réunie dans la station balnéaire d'Antalya (sud de la Turquie). Entre 300 et 400 participants, tous courants …
01 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Fifa: Blatter se dirige vers un 4e et dernier mandat
ZURICH (AFP)Joseph Blatter, 75 ans, inébranlable, se dirige vers un quatrième et dernier mandat à la présidence de la Fifa, seul candidat ce mercredi à sa succession, alors que l'instance du football mondial est cernée par les accusations de corruption et minée par des enquêtes internes.Alors que lundi soir, devant la presse, Blatter avait lancé bravache "la crise? quelle crise?", il a fini par reconnaître la gravité de la situation mardi soir dans son discours inaugural du 61e congrès, à la veille de l'élection."J'en étais persuadé mais je n'en suis plus sûr du tout: le foot devait jouer un rôle …
01 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Shah Rukh Khan and Asin to attend ScreenSingapore 2011
The upcoming inaugural edition of ScreenSingapore 2011, touted to be the Cannes of Asia, will see Bollywood sensations - Shah Rukh Khan and Asin visiting Singapore in June to attend the much awaited festival and promote their latest films, Ra.One and Ready. Hollywood superstars like Tom Hanks, Archie Kao known for his role as Archie Johnson in CSI and American film producer Jon Landau of Titanic and Avatar fame will also be present. The event will pay a tribute to Bollywood films that will see superstar Shah Rukh Khan present a sneak preview of his upcoming science-fiction superhero film, Ra.One …
01 Jun 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Anurag Kashyap to produce Prague starring Kalki Koechlin
Aunrag Kashyap certainly believes in encouraging new talent. After stepping in as a producer for debutant directors such as Vikramaditya Motwane (Udaan) and Bejoy Nambiar (Shaitan), Anurag has now agreed to produce Prague directed by debutant Rohit Khaitan and starring actress Kalki Koechlin in the lead. An out and out horror film, Prague will be entirely shot in the city by the same name. Previously an executive producer on Anurag's films such as Dev D and That Girl In Yellow Boots, Khaitan is elated that his mentor Anurag agreed to produce his first film. "Prague revolves around three young architects …
31 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Strauss-Kahn throws dollars at scandal
NEW YORK (AFP)Driving from a $50,000-a-month apartment to see a likely $1,500-an-hour lawyer while supervised by a guard costing thousands per day, Dominique Strauss-Kahn is turning his defense against sex crime charges into a legal shopping spree.With multi-millionaire wife Anne Sinclair at his side, the former International Monetary Fund chief clearly hopes he can throw enough money at the scandal to make it go away.He may just be right."When money is no object, you can buy yourself justice. I don't mean by paying people off -- I mean by presenting all sorts of defenses," defense attorney Todd Henry at The …
31 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Qatari company takes majority share in PSG
PARIS (AFP)A Qatari investment company has acquired a 70 percent majority shareholding in top French side Paris St Germain, taking over from US group Colony Capital."Colony Capital and a Qatari investment company announce today that they have reached agreement for this new partner to take a 70 percent shareholding in Paris St Germain with Colony Capital retaining 30 percent of the club shares," a statement from Colony Capital said.Colony Capital became the majority shareholder in the Paris club in 2006, taking over from Canal+ television company."We looked for the best possible partner to ensure PSG a place in history," said …
31 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ratko Mladic "a été extradé" vers La Haye
BELGRADE (AFP)Ratko Mladic, l'ancien chef militaire des Serbes de Bosnie, "a été extradé" vers la Haye, où l'attend le Tribunal pénal international (TPIY) pour l'ex-Yougoslavie, a annoncé mardi la ministre serbe de la Justice, Snezana Malovic."Ratko Mladic a été extradé vers La Haye. (...) Il est dans l'avion en route vers La Haye", a déclaré la ministre devant la presse à Belgrade.La justice serbe a rejeté mardi l'appel de l'ancien chef militaire des Serbes de Bosnie contre son transfèrement vers le TPIY.Sa défense soutenait que son état de santé "alarmant" ne lui permettait pas d'être envoyé à La Haye pour …
31 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
F1: impressions mitigées pour Williams après le GP de Monaco
PARIS (AFP)Le directeur technique de Williams, Sam Michael, a qualifié mardi d'"aigre-douces" ses impressions après les premiers points marqués par le Brésilien Rubens Barrichello pour son écurie au dernier Grand Prix de Monaco de Formule 1."C'était génial pour tous les gens impliqués de prendre des points au classement. Il faut remercier Rubens, qui nous a ramené les premiers de la saison. Mais l'impression était quand même aigre-douce, car Pastor (Maldonado) avait l'air parti pour en prendre un bon paquet", a estimé le Britannique.Le Vénézuélien, 6e à quelques tours de l'arrivée, s'est fait percuter par le Britannique Lewis Hamilton (McLaren), ce …
31 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Série mystérieuse d'explosions dans des magasins Ikea en Europe
BRUXELLES (AFP)Les enquêteurs belges, français et néerlandais étaient confrontés mardi à un mystère au lendemain d'une série d'explosions de petits colis piégés survenue dans trois magasins Ikea de ces pays et restées sans revendication immédiate.Les incidents sont survenus lundi en fin d'après-midi dans plusieurs magasins de l'enseigne à Gand en Belgique, à Eindhoven aux Pays-Bas, et près de Lille en France. A chaque fois, les explosions ont été de faible ampleur et n'ont causé ni dégâts, ni blessé."Toutes les pistes sont ouvertes, nous ne savons pas qui est à l'origine de ces actes ni pourquoi", a déclaré mardi après-midi à …
31 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?