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Microsoft calls for anti-piracy efforts
The Business Software Alliance (BSA) has published its annual report on Global Software Piracy Study. The report confirms that the Mauritius software piracy rate has remained at 56 per cent for 2010. Microsoft Indian Ocean Islands, a member of the BSA, renewed its support to the local authorities for increasing efforts to better protect intellectual [...]
14 May 2011, The Independent Daily
EU funds special school for differently-abled
The Decentralised Cooperation Programme (DCP), a European Union assisted plan implemented through the National Empowerment Fund (NEF), has financed a specialised school for differently-abled children in Montagne Longue. On May 12, the vice prime minister and minister of Social Integration and Economic Empowerment Xavier-Luc Duval accompanied by the head of the European Union (EU) Mauritius [...]
14 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Indian state minister to visit island on Sunday
Indian minister of state for External Affairs Preneet Kaur will arrive in Mauritius on Sunday in connection with the meeting of the Governing Council of World Hindi Secretariat. The aim of the World Hindi Secretariat is to promote Hindi as an international language as well as to further the cause of Hindi getting recognition at [...]
14 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Mobile tariffs to go down by 30 per cent
A number of important issues were on the table during the Cabinet meeting on Friday. Among the points raised include the review of mobile phone tariffs and the participation of Mauritius in the eighth Indian Ocean Islands Games . ICTA to revise mobile phone call tariffs In view of the increase in the number of [...]
14 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Remembering Jean Marc Harel
Jean Marc Harel, former joint managing partner at De Chazal Du Mée (DCDM), died at the age of 66 at London University College Hospital in the United Kingdom after a short battle with illness. Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam, who issued a statement on Friday condoling Harel’s death, described him as a “kindhearted man who [...]
14 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Finance minister deplores infrastructure bottlenecks
Although Mauritius has established itself as a top economic performer in the region, key elements such as farsightedness, pro-activeness and competitiveness should be considered to allow the Mauritian economy to rebound when the global economy picks up. This statement was made by vice prime minister and minister of Finance and Economic Development Pravind Jugnauth at [...]
14 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Malaria patient quarantined
The Ministry of Health and Quality of Life confirmed a case of imported malaria on Friday. A dangerous parasite known to cause the disease has been detected in a 30-year-old woman residing at Moka. According to the ministry, the woman is back from a recent trip to India. A fogging exercise was conducted at Moka [...]
14 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Mauritian hopes to conquer Everest
Friday, May 13 was Jaysen Arumugum’s 42nd day on his 69-day Everest quest. The British mountaineer of Mauritian origin is hoping to conquer the world’s highest peak between May 18 and 30. Arumugum, 34, decided to take up the challenge on February 7, but began his journey on April 2. If successful, he will be [...]
14 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Bob Dylan addresses 'China controversy'
BEIJING (AFP)In a rare and strongly worded message to his fans, Bob Dylan has denied claims his songs were censored by government authorities when he made his much-publicised China debut last month.The music legend, who played in Beijing and Shanghai on April 6 and 8, missed out some of his best known politically inspired songs such as "Blowin' in the Wind", sparking speculation he may have been censored.Addressing the "so-called China controversy" in a post on his official website, Dylan admitted that authorities had asked for the names of the songs he would be playing ahead of the concerts.China's leaders …
14 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
JT de 19h30 – samedi 14/05/11
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-05-14End Time: 20:15
14 May 2011, MBC
Zournal Kreol – samedi 14/05/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-05-14End Time: 19:20
14 May 2011, MBC
News – Saturday 14/05/11
Title: NewsChannel: MBC2Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-05-14End Time: 18:50
14 May 2011, MBC
Samachar – Saturday 14/05/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-05-14End Time: 18:25
14 May 2011, MBC
Ranvir, Vinay, Arshad, Jackky in Indianized Oceans 11
It's bank-heist film tentatively called A Simple Plan. But the plan, if we must know, is not so simple. Director Sagar Ballary has cast Vinay Pathak, Ranvir Shorey and Arshad Warsi as bank robbers in a film that belongs to the same genre as Oceans Eleven. Add to this casting brew the F.A.L.T.U star, Jackky Bhagnani. And we have a boy's film that could give Abbas-Mustan's Players, the desi Italian Job a run for its (robbed) money. Says Sagar, "I've three really fine actors Vinay, Ranvir and Arshad. And Jackky I was really impressed with when I met him. He's …
14 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Y-Films launches Y-Stuff, fashion label for the youth
Y-Films also launched it's fashion label recently called Y-Stuff. The first collection from the label is inspired by the movie, Luv Ka The End. The clothing range captures moments from the gory and bloody viral 'Teddy Series' and also echoes the rebellious spirit of the brand. The production house has tied up with the Loot stores for their clothes brand. Y-Stuff is also retailed online. At launch event of Y-Stuff, Ashish Patil, Creative and Business Head, Y-Films commented, "You need not just see Y-Films... now you can wear it too." It's to be seen whether the youth get attracted to …
13 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Top 14 de rugby: Clermont bat Biarritz et affrontera Toulouse en demi-finale
CLERMONT-FERRAND (AFP)Clermont s'est qualifié pour les demi-finales du Top 14 de rugby en battant Biarritz 27 à 17 en match de barrage, vendredi à Clermont, et affrontera le Stade Toulousain en demie le 27 mai à Marseille.L'autre demi-finale opposera, le 28 mai également à Marseille, le Racing-Métro au vainqueur du second match de barrage entre Castres et Montpellier, samedi (16h25) dans le Tarn.Les Biarrots menaient pourtant 17 à 6 à la pause grâce à deux essais de Dimitri Yachvili et Julien Peyrelongue. Yachvili assurait les deux transformations et une pénalité, contre deux pénalités clermontoises d'Anthony Floch et Morgan Parra.En deuxième …
13 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Premier League Predictions – 14 to 15 May 2011
English Premier League 2011 predictions for football match scheduled between 14 to 15 May 2011 are as listed below. Good luck and share your best tips as usual in the comments below. Match for this round Arsenal - Aston Villa Birmingham City - Fulham Blackburn Rovers - Manchester United Blackpool - Bolton Wanderers Chelsea - [...]Premier League Predictions – 14 to 15 May 2011 is a post from: Island Crisis
13 May 2011, Island Crisis
Gallas season likely over - Redknapp
LONDON (AFP)Tottenham defender William Gallas is likely to miss the remainder of the season after suffering a calf injury, Spurs boss Harry Redknapp said Friday.Gallas suffered the injury in Spurs' defeat at Manchester City earlier this week, a result that ended Tottenham's hopes of securing Champions League football next season.Redknapp said the injury would rule Gallas out of Tottenham's trip to Anfield to face Liverpool on Sunday and most probably the Londoners' final match of the season against Birmingham next weekend."William Gallas isn't fit," Redknapp said. "He's probably out for the season. He did a calf the other night at …
13 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Libye: Rome juge "crédible" que le colonel Kadhafi soit "blessé"
ROME (AFP)Le chef de la diplomatie italienne Franco Frattini a jugé "crédible" vendredi des déclarations de l'évêque de Tripoli selon lesquelles le colonel Mouammar Kadhafi a fui Tripoli et serait "blessé", selon des propos rapportés par l'agence Ansa."Je tends à considérer comme crédible la phrase de l'évêque de Tripoli Mgr Martinelli qui a dit que Kadhafi est très probablement parti de Tripoli et est probablement blessé", a déclaré M. Frattini, en marge d'un congrès près de Sienne (centre).M. Frattini a toutefois indiqué que le gouvernement italien "ne dispose d'aucun élément sur le sort actuel de Kadhafi". "Nous ne savons pas …
13 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Coupe de France Finale: Paris SG-Lille, le spécialiste défie l'ambitieux
PARIS (AFP)La Coupe de France s'offre samedi au Stade de France une finale de gala entre les deux équipes les plus spectaculaires de la Ligue 1: Lille, en lice pour le doublé, et le Paris SG, tenant du titre et véritable spécialiste de l'épreuve à la recherche d'un 9e trophée.Avant de se replonger dans le grand bain du championnat et de songer à un éventuel 3e couronnement, les Lillois voudront d'abord mettre fin à une longue disette et se verraient bien soulever la Coupe, 56 ans après leur 5e et dernière victoire.Si Lille pourrait devoir se passer des services d'une …
13 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?