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Croissance économique annuelle de 4,4% sur dix ans
Au cours de la dernière décennie, la croissance économique a été d’une moyenne annuelle de 4,4%. Selon le rapport sur les indicateurs de productivité et de compétitivité, publié par le Bureau Central des Statistiques, les voyants économiques ont été plutôt verts de 2000-2010. La production réelle du secteur manufacturier a accru à une moyenne de 1,6% par an alors que pour le secteur dédié aux exportations (Export Oriented Enterprises), elle a été de 0,6%. De 2000 à 2010, la main d’œuvre pour toute l’économie a augmenté par 1,4% annuellement. En revanche, elle a régressé de 2,1% et 4,4% pour le …
12 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Séisme dans le sud-est de l'Espagne, au moins huit morts
LORCA, Espagne (AFP)Un séisme de magnitude 5,1 a fait au moins huit morts mercredi dans le sud-est de l'Espagne, semant la panique dans la ville de Lorca où de nombreux bâtiments se sont écroulés et jetant à la rue des milliers d'habitants.Quelque 167 blessés, dont trois dans un état grave, ont été hospitalisés après le tremblement de terre, le plus meurtrier en Espagne depuis 1956, selon des sources médicales.400 personnes ont été évacuées de deux hôpitaux à bord de 350 ambulances, selon le gouvernement régional, qui a fait état d'au moins huit morts.Le séisme de magnitude 5,1 - ressenti jusqu'à …
12 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Immigration et droit d'asile: l'UE se prononce sur une approche plus sécuritaire
BRUXELLES (AFP)Rétablissement des frontières nationales, retour des visas, conditionnalité de l'aide: l'Union européenne va se prononcer jeudi pour une approche très sécuritaire des mouvements migratoires dictée par l'influence grandissante de ses partis populistes et xénophobes."Il n'est pas question de construire une forteresse", se défend Cécilia Malmström, la commissaire chargée des questions d'immigration.Les propositions qu'elle va soumettre aux ministres européens de l'Intérieur s'inscrivent dans le cadre d'une "stratégie" et se veulent une réponse ponctuelle aux carences constatées dans le contrôles des frontières extérieures du sud de l'UE, soumises à des arrivées massives de migrants fuyant la misère économique, corollaire inattendue des …
12 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
W.Cup hosts selection flawed, says Aussie chief
SYDNEY (AFP)Australian football chief Frank Lowy said on Thursday picking hosts for two World Cups at the same time was a flawed process as fallout continued over corruption claims against six FIFA decision-makers.England's Football Association (FA) and a newspaper have come forward with evidence of fresh allegations of corruption at the top of world football in the choosing of countries for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups.Former England 2018 chairman Lord David Triesman told a parliamentary hearing in London on Tuesday that four FIFA executive committee members had requested cash and a knighthood in exchange for their votes in the …
12 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
CWA gets tough on wastage
The situation in the reservoirs remains critical despite the seasonal rains. The Central Water Authority (CWA) states that the section 49 (a) of the law which comes into force only during droughts, will again be applied in the coming weeks. Use of potable water for washing cars, pavements, walls, floors or watering gardens will be [...]
12 May 2011, The Independent Daily
U.S. Embassy Resumes Visa Services
The U.S. Embassy has resumed its full range of visas services since Wednesday, 11 May 2011. Citizens and residents of the Republic of Mauritius, the Republic of Seychelles, and Reunion (Department of France) who wish to apply for a non-immigrant visa should follow the application procedures as directed on the US Port Louis website Appointments are mandatory for all visa applicants and may be online. The Embassy strongly encourages intending travelers to apply for visas well in advance of their proposed journey. Generally, applicants may wish to schedule their visa appointments at least one month in advance of their proposed …
12 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Dilip Kumar hospitalized and later discharged
The legendary yesteryears actor Dilip Kumar was admitted to Breach Candy hospital today morning. The actor is apparently suffering from jaundice. The thespian has been ailing for a few days now and was not responding to medication which had resulted in him becoming weak. However the good news is that Dilip saab is now on the road to recovery and as per latest reports has even been discharged. We at Bollywood Hungama pray for his speedy recovery.
12 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Bank to support differently-abled
The Standard Bank(Mauritius) Ltd has reiterated its commitment to the non-governmental organisation (NGO), Association de Parents d’Enfants Inadaptés de L’Ile Maurice (APRIM). This NGO cares for children and adolescents who suffer from severe disabilities. Most of them are suffering from cerebral palsy, a disorder that affects body movement and muscle coordination. The sponsorship of the [...]
12 May 2011, The Independent Daily
CIEL group ties up with Indian company
CIEL Investment Ltd, an investment group with interests in tourism, financial services, property and healthcare and Religare Global Asset Management Inc (RGAM) announced a strategic partnership in Investment Professionals Ltd (IPRO). IPRO is a fund management group headquartered in Mauritius with over $ 300 million of assets under management on May 10. RGAM head and [...]
12 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Unions ask for benefits to be maintained by PRB
The president of the Federation of Civil Servants and Other Unions (FCSOU), Toolsyraj Benydin, affirmed that the Pay Research Bureau (PRB) will not do away with the fringe benefits for public officers. PRB has already started working on the next report to be published in December 2012. Benydin stated this during a press meet in [...]
12 May 2011, The Independent Daily
EU grants Rs 18 m to four NGOs
On May 10, four non-governmental and civil society organisations received their grant award certificates to the tune of Rs 18 million in Port Louis. This was under the European Union (EU) thematic programme Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development. This complements the funds available under the Decentralised Cooperation Programme (DCP) for which the [...]
12 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Media issues on MMM’s agenda for next session
Funding of political parties, media issues and protocol services are some of the issues that the Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM) MPs plan to raise at the next parliamentary session on May 17. The MMM submitted around 50 questions to the National Assembly on Wednesday, out of while 10 will be addressed to the PM. Joe [...]
12 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Gaps in labour laws: Mohamed
During the parliamentary session on May 10, minister of Labour Shakeel Mohamed acknowledged that the two labour laws, namely the Employment Rights Act and the Employment Relations Act 2008, contain certain gaps in their legal dispositions. He even pinpointed some employers who fire employees due to financial problems. The minister was answering Reza Uteem’s question [...]
12 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Jugnauth assures bookies pay as they win
No horse racing bookmakers are in the bad books of the Gambling Regulatory Authority (GRA). Not only do they ‘pay as you win’ but they also honour their commitments to the National Solidarity Fund (NSF). “No bookmakers have been sanctioned for late or non-payment of unclaimed prizes to the NSF since 2007 to date,” said [...]
12 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Seasonal flu cases on rise
Over the last few days, hospitals across the island have been overcrowded with patients, young and old, complaining of from flu symptoms. According to a general practitioner from Jeetoo hospital in Port Louis, it is during the winter season that viruses that cause influenza spread. This is because viruses can reproduce at a greater speed [...]
12 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Infinity entangled in bitter legal battle
Infinity BPO’s Roger Boodhna liquidator, is trying to unfreeze capital as soon as possible to remunerate the ex-employees of the bankrupt call centre at Ebène. However, many are protesting against his decision. Boodhna has served a formal notice to four companies, namely Barclays Bank, Datamatics Communications, Mauritius Telecom and Ruben Racing Ltd under Section 313 [...]
12 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Entries invited for young journalist contest
With a view to encourage students to think creatively and critically about issues affecting modern society, the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the British Council and The Independent is organising the Young Journalist of the Year competition. This builds on previous joint initiatives in this field, most notably Le Prince Maurice Literary Award. The [...]
12 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Eau : amende et prison pour gaspillage
Bis repetita ! La situation en ce qui concerne l’eau est dramatique et face à l’état critique dans le plus grand réservoir du pays, la Central Water Authority (CWA) souligne que la section 49 (a) de la loi qui entre en vigueur uniquement en période de sécheresse sera de nouveau appliquée dans les semaines à venir. Ainsi, toute utilisation d’eau potable pour le lavage de voitures, pavés, murs, sol ou pour l’arrosage de pelouses sera interdite prochainement. Tout contrevenant pourra payer des amendes allant jusqu’à Rs 200 000. Dans certains cas, l’emprisonnement aussi est prévu. Tous les moyens utilisés pour …
12 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Libye: les rebelles s'emparent de l'aéroport de Misrata, leur chef attendu à Londres
MISRATA (Libye) (AFP)La rébellion a remporté mercredi une victoire importante en s'emparant de l'aéroport de Misrata (ouest) et en mettant ainsi la majeure partie de cette ville-clé hors de portée des tirs des forces gouvernementales, après bientôt trois mois de conflit en Libye.Le chef du conseil national de transition libyen (CNT), Moustapha Abdeljalil, est attendu jeudi à Londres où il discutera avec le Premier ministre David Cameron et le chef de la diplomatie William Hague de "la mise en place d'un bureau permanent du CNT à Londres", a annoncé le ministère britannique des Affaires étrangères.Il discutera avec M. Hague "de …
12 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Shaan appointed brand ambassador for anti-tobacco campaign
He has entertained us for a long time with his melodious voice and now singer Shaan is doing his bit for the society too. Shaan has been roped in as the brand ambassador for an anti-tobacco campaign launched by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The playback singer also unveiled a special track called 'Life Se Panga Mat Le Yaar' which aims to inspire the youth to quit smoking. The song has been written by Rekha Nigam. At an event held at the Tata Memorial Hospital, Shaan said that he really felt closely attached to the cause of eradicating …
12 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?