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Cité-Vallijee: for the third time a bus damaged the wall of one house
A bus of the National Transport Company (NTC) has hit a wall, in Cite-Vallijee this Friday, May 6 If no one was injured, a resident of the area is nevertheless concerned that this is the third time a bus comes to end his race against the fence of his yard.
10 May 2011,
Strengthening his foothold
Arun Rangachari, the head honcho of DAR Motion Pictures, is one enterprising man. The entrepreneur-producer is making a splash in the movie industry by attempting varied genre films. It all began with the Mahesh Manjrekar-directed realistic film LALBAUG PAREL/CITY OF GOLD, followed by Vikram Bhatt's HAUNTED. Rangachari is now ready to unveil his ambitious plans, strengthening his grip in the industry. To start with, Rangachari has entered into a 3-film deal with Vikram Bhatt, to be made in 3D. HAUNTED has already been released, while the erotic thriller, DANGEROUS ISHQ, will follow next. Besides these three films films, Rangachari is …
10 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Syrie: les arrestations se multiplient, l'UE adopte des mesures
DAMAS (AFP)Plusieurs centaines de personnes ont manifesté lundi à Damas et Banias (nord-ouest) pour dénoncer la répression en Syrie, où les arrestations se sont multipliées, à la veille d'un "mardi de solidarité avec les détenus".L'Union européenne a par ailleurs adopté formellement un embargo sur les armes visant la Syrie, ainsi que des interdictions de visas d'entrée dans l'UE et le gel d'avoirs contre 13 Syriens identifiés comme responsables de la répression. Ces mesures entreront en vigueur dès mardi.Lundi soir, quelque 200 personnes ont manifesté dans le centre de Damas pour demander la levée du siège des villes syriennes, avant d'être …
10 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Schwarzenegger, wife Shriver announce split
LOS ANGELES (AFP)Movie megastar turned politician Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver have separated, they said in a statement to the Los Angeles Times.The former California governor and Shriver -- a member of the Kennedy political dynasty -- have been living apart for a number of weeks, while they "work on the future" of their 25-year marriage, they said."This has been a time of great personal and professional transition for each of us," said the statement by the "Governator," who left office in January after seven years as California governor."After a great deal of thought, reflection, discussion and prayer, …
10 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Ben Laden: le Pakistan rejette des accusations "absurdes", mais va enquêter
WASHINGTON (AFP)Le Premier ministre du Pakistan a rejeté lundi les accusations "absurdes" d'éventuelles complicités officielles avec Oussama Ben Laden, mais a promis une enquête, tandis que les Etats-Unis refusaient de s'excuser pour le raid effectué sur le sol de leur allié.Dans un entretien à la chaîne de télévision CBS dimanche, le président américain avait demandé à Islamabad de diligenter une enquête sur les "soutiens" dont aurait bénéficié Ben Laden au Pakistan."Nous sommes déterminés à savoir par tous les moyens comment, quand et pourquoi Oussama Ben Laden était présent à Abbottabad. Une enquête a été ordonnée", a répondu le chef du …
10 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mauritius Union Group Tennis Open 2011 : Jean Marc Randriamanalina grand gagnant
Légende : Marcelo Woek, DTN Mauritius Tennis Federation , Kris Lutchmeenarraidoo Chief Executive Officer de Mauritius Union, Jean Marc Randriamanalina vainqueur du tournoi, Laval Foo Kune Head of Finance de Mauritius Union et Dylan Foo Kune finaliste Jean Marc Randriamanalina est le grand triomphateur de la Mauritius Union Group Tennis Open 2011 dont les rencontres finales ont été disputées, samedi dernier, à Petit Camp. Coach national âgé de 47 ans, Jean Marc Randriamanalina a livré un match d’anthologie face à son adversaire de 15 ans seulement. Ce dernier était annoncé comme la révélation du tournoi, avec pas moins de trois …
10 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
L’édition 2011 de Royal Raid lancé
Le Royal Raid, la première course en montagne de l’Ile Maurice, lancée pour la première fois en 2006, voit se tenir sa 6ème édition le samedi 14 mai 2011, et débutera, pour le Royal Raid 80, à 05h00. Le Royal Raid, une démarche conjointe de Naïade Events et Incentive Partners Mauritius Ltd, prend de l’ampleur d’année en année. Avec pratiquement 700 participants déjà inscrits, l’édition 2011 du Royal Raid s’annonce comme l’évènement sportif majeur du mois de mai avec trois épreuves ; le Royal Raid 80 kilomètres – à parcourir en moins de 20 heures, le Royal Raid 35 kilomètres …
10 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Fukushima: Tepco demande officiellement l'aide financière de l'Etat japonais
TOKYO (AFP)L'opérateur de la centrale de Fukushima, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), a officiellement demandé mardi l'aide de l'Etat japonais pour faire face aux diverses charges financières consécutives à l'accident nucléaire du 11 mars."A l'heure actuelle, nous sommes en train de prendre des mesures pour garantir un approvisionnement suffisant en électricité et éviter les coupures programmées", a assuré le PDG de Tepco, Masataka Shimizu, dans une lettre adressée au ministre de l'Economie, Banri Kaieda.Mais du fait de l'arrêt des réacteurs nucléaires de Fukushima, Tepco va avoir besoin d'hydrocarbures pour augmenter la production dans les centrales thermiques, "ce qui coûtera 1.000 milliards …
10 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La grippe et la conjonctivite refont surface … avec 8 000 patients
Voila une quinzaine de jours que la grippe saisonnière a refait surface avec quelque 15 000 à 20 000 personnes qui viennent dans nos cinq hôpitaux régionaux tous les jours dont 8 000 ayant les symptômes de grippe. Les enfants et les vieilles personnes en sont plus atteints. D’autre part une poussée de conjonctivite est notée dans certaines régions. Plusieurs dizaines de personnes, selon le ministère de la Santé se rendent chaque jour à l’hôpital de Moka avec symptômes de conjonctivite : les rougeurs, une sensation de brûlures, une sensation de sable sous les paupières, un écoulement des yeux, larmoiement …
10 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
274 policiers seront promus sergents sur 5 948 candidats
Leur longue attente a pris fin lundi après-midi. En effet, la liste des policiers qui sont éligibles à une promotion au rang de sergent est désormais connue. Au total 274 constables, dont 265 hommes et 9 Woman Police Caporal (WPC) monteront au grade de sergent sur la base des résultats de leurs examens. Reste à savoir cependant quand aura lieu cet exercice de promotion. Ces constables avaient pris part à ces examens en 2009. Un groupe avait participé à ces examens tenus le 14 février 2009 et un autre le 14 mai 2009. Au total, 5948 constables avaient pris part …
10 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
FIFA probes Malaysians over global match-fixing
KUALA LUMPUR (AFP)Officials from football's ruling body FIFA are expected to arrive in Malaysia next week as part of its global crackdown into match-fixing on three continents, a report said Tuesday."We wrote to FIFA over the allegedly match-fixing scandal last week after reading about it," Azzuddin Ahmad, general secretary of the Football Federation of Malaysia (FAM) was quoted as saying by the New Straits Times newspaper."We will... assist FIFA in whatever way possible," he added.FIFA is investigating claims that over 300 matches on three continents were influenced by match-fixers.The report said FIFA's full investigation into match-fixing has led to two …
10 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Govt to export sea cucumbers
Mauritius is planning to export sea cucumbers, a popular Chinese delicacy, on a large scale to Asian countries like Hong Kong, Japan, the Koreas and China where the market is very lucrative. The sea slug commonly known as barbaras fetches up to Rs 5,000 a kilo. Minister of Fisheries and Rodrigues Nicolas von Mally announced [...]
10 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Casino employees denounce
The Casino Employees Union (CEU), along with their negotiator Jack Bizlall, denounced the delaying tactics of the casino management in paying them their 14th month bonus. They also highlighted the irresponsibility of the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment. This was stated by CEU during a press conference on Monday. Brady Ponnusami, president of [...]
10 May 2011, The Independent Daily
AMESD project to equip partners with satellite technology
African Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development (AMESD) Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) Thematic action (Thema) project is the theme of a regional workshop that opened at Gold Crest Hotel, Quatre Bornes, on Monday. Around 30 scientists and experts from Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles and Tanzania who are involved in the implementation of [...]
10 May 2011, The Independent Daily
25 deputy rectors
According to Soondress Sawminaden, representative of rectors and deputy rectors of government colleges, 25 deputy rectors appointed since 2009 are still awaiting confirmation. He added that the education sector had many shortcomings and there were many vacant posts for deputy rectors in colleges. The representative criticised the attitude of the Ministry of Education and Human [...]
10 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Mohamed widens scope of EPZ fund
The minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Shakeel Mohamed stated that the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) Labour Welfare Fund will be expanded to become the Manufacturing Labour Welfare Fund. This will not only enable the EPZ workers to benefit from different schemes offered by this fund but also from those in the manufacturing sector. [...]
10 May 2011, The Independent Daily
EU grants Rs 230 m to island
A financing agreement to the tune of approximately Rs 230 million for the second phase of the Decentralised Cooperation Programme (DCP II) was signed on May 6, in Port Louis, between the government of Mauritius and the European Union (EU). The agreement was signed by the vice prime minister, minister of Finance and Economic Development [...]
10 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Jugnauth urges global economic development
During the inauguration of the Grant Thornton Mauritius at Ebene Tower on Monday, the minister of Finance Pravind Jugnauth emphasised on the fact that businesses have to think in a more strategic way and act globally to survive as they are witnessing vast changes at a “staggering speed.” As Grant Thornton is one of the [...]
10 May 2011, The Independent Daily
‘Do not let Western civilisation overtake us’
Ela Gandhi, granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi, is presently in Mauritius and is impressed by Mauritian hospitality. She came to Mauritius last week and the main purpose of her visit was to give a memorial lecture on two great personalities Rabindranath Tagore and Mahatma Gandhi. Being a peace activist and a former Member of Parliament in [...]
10 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Gandhi charmed by multicultural island
To mark the 150th birth anniversary of the great poet Rabindranath Tagore, the fifth annual Tagore memorial lecture series was conducted by Ela Gandhi, granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi and trustee of the Gandhi Development Trust (GDT), South Africa. This took place on Monday at the Rabindranath Tagore Institute auditorium. She said, “Gandhiji’s work is being [...]
10 May 2011, The Independent Daily