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Zournal Kreol – jeudi 05/05/11
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC 2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-05-05End Time: 19:20
05 May 2011, MBC
English News Bulletin – Thursday 05/05/11
Title: English News BulletinChannel: MBC 3Start Time: 18:30Date: 2011-05-05End Time: 18:50
05 May 2011, MBC
Samachar – Thursday 05/05/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC 1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-05-05End Time: 18:25
05 May 2011, MBC
Ian Thorpe devrait renouer avec la compétition début novembre
SYDNEY, Australie (AFP)Le nageur australien Ian Thorpe, quintuple champion olympique, devrait faire son retour à la compétition début novembre, lors de l'étape de Coupe du monde à Singapour, a déclaré jeudi l'entraîneur Gennadi Touretski qui encadre le retour du champion."Je pense qu'il renouera avec la compétition en novembre, avec l'étape de Coupe du monde à Singapour (4 novembre)", a déclaré Gennadi Touretski depuis la Suisse où Thorpe s'entraîne depuis deux mois.Australien d'origine russe, Touretski a dirigé la natation australienne à l'Institut national des sports avant de prendre les rênes de la natation suisse au Centre national de Tenero dans le …
05 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Exercice de recrutement d’Emirates le 14 mai à La Plantation Resort & Spa
En ligne avec sa volonté d’être un acteur économique actif dans le pays, Emirates organise une nouvelle campagne de recrutement à Maurice pour des postes de ‘cabin crew’ le 14 mai. Des officiels d’Emirates feront le déplacement de Dubayy pour cet exercice. Le ‘Open Day’, qui comprendra des sessions d’interactions, aura lieu à La Plantation Resort & Spa, Baie-aux-Tortues, Balaclava, et débutera à 9 heures précises le 14 mai. Les candidats retenus procéderont ensuite à des entretiens. Les nouvelles recrues de Maurice mettront le cap sur Dubayy pour rejoindre l’équipe de personnel de cabine d’Emirates qui comprend plus de 130 …
05 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Egypte: douze ans de prison pour l'ex-ministre de l'Intérieur Habib el-Adli
LE CAIRE (AFP)L'ex-ministre de l'Intérieur égyptien Habib el-Adli, en poste une douzaine d'années sous le président Hosni Moubarak, a été condamné jeudi à douze ans de prison pour malversations financières par un tribunal du Caire.Il s'agit de la première condamnation à une peine de prison prononcée contre un haut responsable du régime de M. Moubarak, renversé le 11 février par une révolte populaire.M. el-Adli a été condamné pour blanchiment d'argent et enrichissement illicite. L'ancien ministre avait plaidé non coupable à l'ouverture de son procès.L'ex-ministre de l'Intérieur, honni par une grande partie de la population égyptienne, fait l'objet d'un autre procès, …
05 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
'Murder 2' first promo with 'Ready'
Mukesh Bhatt is a brave man. Well, every producer is actually. Jokes apart, the enterprising film-maker is ready to collide with ZINDAGI NA MILEGI DOBARA on 8 July. In fact, MURDER 2 had staked claim on this date initially, while ZINDAGI NA MILEGI DOBARA was shifted to this date only recently. But Bhatt is in no mood to budge and shift to another date. "MURDER 2 is all set for 8 July. Since READY and MURDER 2 have been acquired by the same distribution firm [Ponty Chadha of Wave], we have conveyed to them to retain the same chain of …
05 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Assassinat de Muneeb Mir.
L’avocat d’Ajay Dookhee a présenté une demande de Spécial Leave au Privy Council hier. Me Sanjeev Teeluckdarry est actuellement à Londres dans le cadre de cette affaire. Une demande qui intervient après le refus de la Cour Suprême d’accorder à Ajay Dookhee l’autorisation de contester devant le Judicial Committe du Privy Council la décision d’alourdir [...]
05 May 2011, MBC
Libye: réunion du groupe de contact, mandats d'arrêt pour crimes contre l'humanité
MISRATA (Libye) (AFP) Le groupe de contact pour la Libye devrait annoncer jeudi à Rome la mise en place d'un système pour aider financièrement la rébellion libyenne, au lendemain de l'annonce par la CPI de mandats d'arrêt pour crimes contre l'humanité dans ce pays et d'une sanglante attaque des forces pro-Kadhafi contre Misrata.Organisatrice de la deuxième réunion du groupe de contact qui pilote l'intervention internationale en cours en Libye depuis le 19 mars, l'Italie accueille 22 pays participants, 6 institutions internationales dont l'UE, l'Otan et l'Organisation de la conférence islamique ainsi que 6 observateurs dont l'Union africaine et la Banque …
05 May 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Seychelles Prez visits Mauritius accident victim
The body of Chantal Noel who was killed in a road accident in Seychelles will be flown in on Friday. Funerals will be held sometime next week, said Valérie, the daughter. The exact date is not fixed yet because they are expecting relatives from Australia and Kenya. “Seychelles President James Michel, deeply touched, called on [...]
05 May 2011, The Independent Daily
SBM now introduces bill pay card
The State Bank of Mauritius has launched SBM BillPay, a service that allows customers to pay their electricity and mobile telephone bills through their credit card. This was announced by SBM chief executive Gautam Vir on Wednesday. Payments can be made at automatic teller machines (ATMs) of SBM throughout the island or at over 150 [...]
05 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Former French minister against death penalty
Amnesty International organised a video conference at the seat of the Institut français de Maurice (IFM) on May 3. The topic of discussion was the universal abolition of the death penalty. This conference saw the participation of Robert Badinter, who was the French Keeper of the Seals (minister of Justice) in the François Mitterrand government. [...]
05 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Govt to amend
The government intends to amend the Employment Rights Act and the Employment Relations Act 2008. This is being done with a view to introduce a new set of rules to enable Mauritius to further advance in the field of industrial relations. The announcement was made on Wednesday morning by the minister of Labour, Industrial Relations [...]
05 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Yatin Verma distributes copies of Constitution
Attorney general Yatin Varma distributed free copies of the Constitution of Mauritius to Higher School Certificate students of Hamilton College (Boys and Girls) in Mahebourg on Wednesday. The Parliamentary private secretary for the region of Mahebourg, Thierry Henry was also present on this occasion. Varma spoke about the importance of the Constitution. “The Constitution of [...]
05 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Call centres merge to ensure growth
Procontact, a company offering business process outsourcing (BPO) services has merged with Execom, another BPO. During the announcement of the merger, Thomas Buffard, director general of the company said a lot of effort is being undertaken so that the people recruited retain their jobs. For Buffard, a company can retain its employees by constantly listening [...]
05 May 2011, The Independent Daily
GBOT supports local exporters
The Global Board of Trade (GBOT) launched its new initiative titled ‘Empowerment and Development through Global financial markets Education’ (EDGE), at The Link Hotel in Ebène on Wednesday. The aim is to empower and develop the knowledge and skills of market participants in Mauritius. The inaugural seminar was conducted in association with Enterprise Mauritius and [...]
05 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Madagascar lobbies for recognition
A Malagasy delegation, led by Albert Camille Vital, the Prime Minister of the transitional government of Madagascar, has been in Mauritius since May 2 in the context of a lobby campaign in the African region. The aim was to show the inclusiveness of their government and to convey the message that elections must be held [...]
05 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Seychelles laud PM on joint extended EEZ
Seychelles President James Michel has congratulated the Mauritian and Seychelles delegations for the successful outcome of the joint submission to the United Nations Commission on the limits of the continental shelf for the delineation and jurisdiction of the extended continental shelf. Seychelles received official notification on May 3 from the UN Secretariat that the commission [...]
05 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Medpoint fallout: PAS transferred
The permanent assistant secretary at the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life, Jairaj Hauroo, who spent the whole day on Wednesday at the Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption (ICAC), has been transferred to the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping which falls under minister Anil Bachoo. He is [...]
05 May 2011, The Independent Daily
Bad weather today, says weatherman
The island has registered heavy rainfall in the last 24 hours. This is mainly in the west and central plateau. According to meteorologist Krisna Bucha, the rainy weather was due to active clouds associated with an unstable zone. Substantial rainfall was registered on Wednesday. Albion received 50 mm, Grand Bassin 38 mm, Mare aux Vacoas [...]
05 May 2011, The Independent Daily