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Samachar – Tuesday 26/04/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC3Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-04-26End Time: 18:25
26 Apr 2011, MBC
Island tops investor’s list in India
According to the latest report of the Ministry of Industry Commerce on foreign direct investment (FDI), Mauritius remains the leading country investing in India with $6.6 billion (about Rs 198 billion) followed by Singapore with $1.6 billion. According to operators, as India continues to grow, investment will be necessary. The president of the Association of [...]
26 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Musical night at Citadelle on Wednesday
Soul of the World, inspired by the French cineaste Michael Cohen, is a spectacular cultural mosaic of art celebrating the diverse cultural heritage of Mauritius. An opening show will take place at La Citadelle on Wednesday at 7.30 pm. For the first time on stage, artistes will give a glimpse into the reality of Mauritian [...]
26 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Negotiation skills discussed
A workshop on Principles of Negotiations was officially launched by the minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade Dr Arvin Boolell, on Monday at The Link Ebene City Hotel, Ebene. The three-day workshop is being organised by the World Trade Organisation Chair Programme (WCP). The University of Mauritius (UoM) was awarded the WTO [...]
26 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
AFRITAC centre to be launched
The International Monetary Fund(IMF) will open an office, AFRITAC South, in the island next month. The regional offices for technical assistance are opened in Africa with the aim of strengthening capacity and to help reduce poverty. This technical assistance office was created by the IMF in May 2002. This office will cover 13 countries in [...]
26 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Tribute flows in for Sathya sai baba
The sudden death great spiritual leader Sri Sathya Sai Baba has affected thousands of Mauritians. Since his death, prayers have been said around the country paying him tribute. The guru had millions of followers around the world and his words will forever remain in the minds of the faithfuls and devotees. In Mauritius, prayers were [...]
26 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
CWA eyes use of brackish water
Authorities are studying the option of using brackish water for consumption as the country’s biggest reservoir, Mare aux Vacoas, is 43.6 per cent full compared to 92.6 per cent for the same period last year. This was declared by Central Water Authority (CWA) acting chairman Megduth Chumroo. “A team is actually carrying out studies at [...]
26 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Mexique: libération de 51 personnes séquestrées, dont 24 étrangers
MEXICO (AFP)La police mexicaine a libéré lundi 51 personnes, dont six Chinois et 18 ressortissants d'Amérique centrale, qui étaient séquestrées à Reynosa (nord-est), ville frontalière des Etats-Unis, ont annoncé les autorités.Les forces de l'ordre ont trouvé dans un immeuble de "51 personnes, parmi lesquelles 14 Guatémaltèques, 2 Honduriens, 2 Salvadoriens, 6 Chinois et 27 Mexicains", a précisé la Sécurité publique dans un communiqué.Les personnes libérées ont déclaré qu'elles avaient été prises, alors qu'elle voyageaient à bord d'autobus, par des membres présumés du cartel du Golfe.L'Etat du Tamaulipas, frontalier avec les Etats-Unis, est le lieu depuis plus d'un an d'affrontements sanglants …
26 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Boolell to reinforce India ties
The visit of Indian President Pratibha Patil is not a random event. This was announced by minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade Arvin Boolell, who was addressing a workshop on negotiation principles at The Link Hotel, Ebène, on Monday. Boolell believes this visit will help reinforce the bilateral exchanges convention between Mauritius [...]
26 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Reshuffle remains PM’s prerogative
The Labour Party (PTr) member Reza Issack has raised a political tempest by stating that in all likelihood the cabinet was going to be reshuffled after Labour Day. He is the sole member to make such a statement which has created a sense of unesiness inside the Alliance de l’Avenir. Some ministers who were aware [...]
26 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
India committed to security of Mauritius
Mauritius, which has neither land, sea, nor air armed forces, can count on friendly countries such as India for its security. The assurance was given by Indian President Pratibha Patil who is on a five-day state visit here. Aware that piracy in the Indian Ocean has adverse impact on countries in the region, she said [...]
26 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Immigration: Sarkozy et Berlusconi se rencontrent à Rome pour calmer le jeu
ROME (AFP)Le président Nicolas Sarkozy rencontre mardi à Rome le chef du gouvernement Silvio Berlusconi pour tenter d'apaiser les tensions nées entre France et Italie sur le dossier des immigrés tunisiens, la Libye et les acquisitions d'entreprises françaises dans la péninsule.L'immigration et le réexamen du traité de libre circulation de Schengen seront les points les plus sensibles du sommet, qui se déroulera dans le cadre bucolique de la Villa Madama, demeure du XVIe siècle entourée de jardins sur les bords du Tibre.La France "ne veut pas suspendre Schengen" mais "revoir les clauses de sauvegarde dans des situations particulières", a assuré …
26 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
« L’Inde renforcera la sécurité de Maurice »
L’aide de l’inde dans plusieurs secteurs dont le combat contre la piraterie, le tourisme, l’éducation, le secteur des services, la protection de la zone exclusive de Maurice a été évoquée par la présidente de la république de l’Inde, Pratibha Devisingh Patil, lors d’une conférence de presse conjointe avec le Premier ministre Navin Ramgoolam, à Clarisse House, et au banquet d’Etat offert en son honneur à l’hôtel Intercontinental, à Balaclava, lundi soir. Au banquet, Pratibha Patil a dit que Maurice doit être une nation fière car la démocratie y est respectée. Elle a souligné apprécier le soutien de Maurice pour que …
26 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
What Is The Google Doodle?
Google Doodle is the special logo found on for use on holidays, birthdays of famous people, and major events, such as the Olympics, World Cup, Earth Day etc. Google has had several logos since its renaming from BackRub. The current official Google logo was designed by Ruth Kedar, and is a wordmark based on [...]
26 Apr 2011, MauritiusHot
President Of India Pratibha Patil State Visit In Mauritius
India and Mauritius today agreed to exploit the untapped potential in their relationship, especially in the area of trade and economic cooperation. President Pratibha Patil, who is on a state visit to Mauritius, met her counterpart Anerood Jugnauth and held wide-ranging discussions with Prime Minister Navinchandra Ramgoolam on bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual [...]
26 Apr 2011, MauritiusHot
Iniesta dreaming of Wembley final showdown
MADRID (AFP)Barcelona midfielder Andres Iniesta is already dreaming of a Champions League final tussle at Wembley even as his side prepared for their semi-final against old rivals Real Madrid."I am dreaming of going out there at Wembley. We must think only of going over (to Madrid for Wednesday's first leg) and scoring some goals and then in the return our fans will drive us on to Wembley," Iniesta told a news conference."It would be the cherry on the cake to land another two titles," said Iniesta, in reference to a league title as good as retained and a potential Champions …
26 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Pre-wedding poll shows support for royals
LONDON (AFP)Bahrain's crown prince on Sunday turned down an invitation to the wedding to avoid causing potential embarrassment to Kate and William after protests in the Gulf kingdom were crushed by security forces in recent weeks.Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa complained that British media had "misrepresented" his stance and "clearly sought to involve my potential attendance as a political proxy for wider matters involving Bahrain."It also emerged that a British Guardsman, 18-year-old Cameron Reilly, has been removed from duties at the wedding after he described Kate as a "stuck-up cow" on his Facebook page.
26 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Police on trail of car theft gang in north
Police are investigating a possible network of car thieves that operate in the north of the island. As part of the investigation, the police in Baie du Tombeau, under the supervision of sergeant Daworaz, arrested two youngsters, aged 18 and 20 years on the night of April 22.
25 Apr 2011,
Wikileaks: Ben Laden s'attendait à être tué ou capturé en Afghanistan
WASHINGTON (AFP)Oussama Ben Laden s'attendait à être tué ou capturé lors de l'offensive des Etats-Unis en Afghanistan à l'automne 2001 et avait transmis à cet effet ses pouvoirs aux talibans, selon des documents américains rendus publics par le site WikiLeaks.Selon ces documents fondés sur des interrogatoires de détenus de Guantanamo, le chef d'Al-Qaïda a passé les trois mois consécutifs aux attentats du 11 Septembre à parcourir l'Afghanistan afin de préparer ses troupes au combat contre les Américains.Lors d'une rencontre avec des talibans, "il a transmis la direction d'Al-Qaïda au Conseil de la choura (l'organe suprême des talibans, ndlr), vraisemblablement parce …
25 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mauritius accepts bids for 91-day T-bills
The Bank of Mauritius sold 91-day Treasury bills after having rejected all bids for the last nine weeks
25 Apr 2011,