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Infinity owes Rs 100 million to creditors
The Infinity Business Process Outsourcing(BPO) owes a sum of Rs 100 million to its creditors. That was said by Jean Roger Boodhna, liquidator of the company. He said that he has asked Infinity chief Jean Suzanne to submit a Statement of Affairs which will contain all information relating to the assets of the company. Boodhna [...]
22 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Island eyes 35 pc energy through
By 2025, the Mauritian government plans to produce 35 per cent of the energy consumed from renewable sources. This was stated by Deva Virahsawmy, minister of Environment and Sustainable Development at a conference held at his ministry on Thursday. Last week, the green paper prepared by professor Francois Odendaal was submitted to the Cabinet. “The [...]
22 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Nosib murder case postponed to June
The preliminary hearing into the murder case of Pritviraj Ajay Kumar Nosib, the 41-year-old director of the Museum of Mahebourg, began in the District Court of Curepipe on Thursday. The suspects, Nitish Kumar Gowrydoss and Murugan Goindanappa were present in court. Dr Satish Boolell, former medical examiner and the officers of the Forensic Science Laboratory [...]
22 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Faugoo targets self sufficiency in potatoes
In order to promote potatoes, a campaign for the versatile vegetable was launched on April 21 at La Brasserie in the presence of the minister of Agro-Industry Satish Faugoo. The campaign primarily intends to enable Mauritius to become self-sufficient when it comes to this commodity that is greatly appreciated and consumed in large numbers by [...]
22 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Syrie: Assad lève l'état d'urgence, les opposants appellent à manifester
DAMAS (AFP) Le président syrien Bachar al-Assad a levé jeudi l'état d'urgence en vigueur depuis 48 ans dans le pays, où des opposants, sceptiques sur la portée de cette mesure, ont lancé sur Facebook des appels à de nouvelles manifestations vendredi contre le régime.Bachar al-Assad a promulgué trois décrets, approuvant la levée de l'état d'urgence, l'abolition de la Cour de sûreté de l'Etat, une juridiction d'exception, et un changement de la réglementation sur les manifestations, a annoncé la télévision syrienne.Le gouvernement avait adopté mardi des projets de loi en ce sens pour tenter de calmer un mouvement de contestation inédit …
22 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Iconic supermodel writes the book on Parisian style
PARIS (AFP)For shopping, De La Fressange namechecks Monoprix, an unassuming French department store chain not unlike K-Mart or Marks and Spencer.She also recommends venturing into the menswear department -- "it's usually very good, or sometimes too much for men but perfect for us" -- or dabbling in the children's section."I'm a shopaholic but I know you don't need that much to look good," she explained. "It's better to invest in some pieces like a nice handbag and nice shoes. For clothes, you can manage with cheaper things."De La Fressange is the first to admit that her vision of Parisian style …
22 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Cindy Legallant : “Sada Curpen est le caïd de Subutex”
Développement de taille dans l’affaire d’importation du Subutex impliquant la nutritionniste Cindy Legallant et Sada Curpen. Détenue à Beau-Bassin, celle-ci a juré un affidavit jeudi déclarant qu’elle est en mesure de dénoncer ceux qui sont impliqués dans ce réseau. Elle est disposée à dire toute la vérité sur la provenance des comprimés de Subutex retrouvés. Elle avance qu’elle est prête à témoigner contre Sada Curpen qu’elle indique dans son affidavit comme étant “the Boss”, le commanditaire de toute la transaction. Mais elle demande aussi que la police lui garantisse une sécurité totale et qu’elle puisse quitter le pays aussitôt après …
22 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Judo Euro-2011: la Française Pénélope Bonna remporte l'or à Istanbul
ISTANBUL (AFP)La pétillante Pénélope Bonna (-52 kg) a illuminé la première journée des Championnats d'Europe, jeudi à Istanbul, en s'offrant son premier titre avec hargne et détermination, de quoi la faire rêver à quatre mois des Mondiaux à Paris.Bonna a été la seule Tricolore titrée de la journée. Frédérique Jossinet (-48 kg), frustrée par une décision d'arbitrage, s'est consolée avec le bronze alors que Laetitia Payet a pleuré de joie en décrochant enfin sa première grande médaille (bronze en -48 kg)."Je suis super heureuse, je suis fière de cette journée parce que j'ai rien lâché. J'ai pas vraiment les mots. …
22 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 – Week 5
Hey tipsters! Welcome back to the 5th week of the local racing season 2011. Last week was really a special one where some tipsters namely Ryan and Sun Still Shining scored for all the 8 races. That was a first time on IC Horse Racing tips since 2009. Let’s hope all the best for this [...]Mauritius Horse Racing Tips 2011 – Week 5 is a post from: Island Crisis
22 Apr 2011, Island Crisis
Samachar – Friday 22/04/11
Title: SamacharChannel: MBC1Start Time: 18:00Date: 2011-04-22End Time: 18:25
22 Apr 2011, MBC
Hanover down Freiburg to leapfrog Bayern
BERLIN (AFP)Hanover 96 went third in the Bundesliga on Thursday with a 3-1 win at Freiburg which knocked Bayern Munich out of the Champions League places before the weekend's matches.First-half goals by Norway forward Mohammed Abdellaoue and ex-Germany striker Jan Schlaudraff put the visitors 2-0 up at the break.Defender Konstantin Rausch added a third with a header on 58 minutes before Freiburg pulled a goal back through midfielder Jan Rosenthal with just over 10 minutes remaining.The win pushes Hanover up to third place with three games left while Freiburg are eighth.Bayern are at Eintracht Frankfurt on Saturday where a win …
21 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Dubai group buys Spain's Getafe
DUBAI (AFP)Royal Emirates Group, which is chaired by a member of Dubai's ruling Al-Maktoum family, announced on Thursday it has signed a deal to buy struggling Spanish La Liga football club Getafe.The group's managing director Kaiser Rafiq told a news conference in Dubai it has agreed to buy 100 percent of the club for "between 70 and 90 million euros" (101 and 130 million dollars), with the exact amount confidential."We are very happy to sign this agreement with Getafe, which will be called Getafe Team Dubai," the group's chairman, Sheikh Butti bin Suhail al-Maktoum told reporters.The club's president, Angel Torres, …
21 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Euro 2011 de judo: Pénélope Bonna sacrée championne d'Europe
ISTANBUL (AFP)Pénélope Bonna a été sacrée championne d'Europe en moins de 52 kg en battant en finale sur ippon en moins d'une minute la Portugaise Joana Ramos, jeudi à Istanbul.L'Espagnole Ana Carascosa et la Britannique Sophie Cox ont décroché le bronze.Bonna, 22 ans, a décroché le premier grand titre de sa carrière et offert à la France sa première médaille d'or de la compétition. Peu de temps auparavant, Frédérique Jossinet et Laetitia Payet dont glané le bronze en moins de 48 kg.L'année dernière, elle était montée pour sur le podium d'un grand championnat pour la première fois en s'octroyant le …
21 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
ICT academy to be set up in Mauritius
ProIT, the first business to business ICT exhibition and conference event in Mauritius, opened
21 Apr 2011,
The Mauritius Union Group Tennis Open
The Mauritius Union Group Tennis Open will be organised from April 23 to May 7 at the Petit Camp National Tennis Centre, Phoenix
21 Apr 2011,
Aston Villa manager Houllier in hospital
LONDON (AFP)Aston Villa manager Gerard Houllier is recovering in hospital after being taken ill on Wednesday night.Villa confirmed Houllier will be kept in hospital for several days while he undergoes a series of tests, so assistant boss Gary McAllister takes charge for Saturday's home Premier League clash with Stoke.The 63-year-old, who is believed to have checked himself into hospital, is in a comfortable condition and was well enough to speak to the club's chief executive Paul Faulkner.Although Villa didn't reveal the nature of Houllier's problem, the Frenchman had open heart surgery in October 2001 while he was managing Liverpool, after …
21 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
New low-cost flights to Reunion
Skipper Sky to offer low-cost flights from Reunion to Mauritius
21 Apr 2011,
Bagatelle Dam team from China in Mauritius
A delegation from the China International Water & Electric Corp (CWE) is presently in Mauritius
21 Apr 2011,
Rs10 a visit islet charge is dumped
Nando Bodha has ditched a plan to charge a Rs10 access fee to the Eastern islets
21 Apr 2011,
Ex-Germany star Kahn heavily fined for tax evasion
BERLIN (AFP)Former Germany goalkeeper Oliver Kahn has been fined 125,000 euros (182,223 US dollars) in court for failing to declare more than 6,000 euros of luxury clothing he bought on a trip to Dubai.The 41-year-old was fined for tax evasion by a regional court in Landshut, Bavaria, after he failed to declare clothes worth 6,685 euros (9,745 US dollars) when he returned to Munich airport after a trip to the middle east.The collection of polo shirts, t-shirts, sweaters, shirts, trousers, jackets and cuff-links were from top brands such as Armani and Dolce & Gabbana.At the customs in Munich airport, Kahn …
21 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?