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‘Bérenger against Asian projects’
Somduth Dulthumun, chairman of the Mauritius Sanatan Dharma Temples Federation (MSDTF), believes that there is flagrant discrimination against everything that is called Hindu or Indian in the country. On this note, Dulthumun added that the leader of the Opposition Paul Bérenger is always against Asian projects. “When the Indian Oil Company wanted to set up [...]
14 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Jugnauth, Belgian finance minister discuss DTAA
The Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between Belgium and Mauritius was discussed following the meeting between vice prime minister, minister of Finance and Economic Development Pravind Jugnauth and his Belgium counterpart Didier Reynders on Wednesday in Brussels. The agreement between both countries exists since 1995 and Jugnauth wants to implement it. He also spoke of [...]
14 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Tengur deplores high cost of living
The Association for the Protection of the Environment and Consumers (APEC), a non-governmental organisation, launched its first educational workshop on consumer empowerment on Wednesday in Port Louis. Among those present at the launch ceremony were minister of Business Michael Sik Yuen and government chief whip Suren Dayal. The aim of the workshop is to inform [...]
14 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Les pays émergents du Brics contre la guerre en Libye, inquiets des afflux de capitaux
SANYA (Chine) (AFP)Les cinq pays émergents du groupe Brics se sont prononcés jeudi contre l'usage de la force en Libye et au Moyen-Orient, profitant aussi de leur sommet en Chine pour souligner les risques des afflux de capitaux dans leurs économies."Nous partageons le principe selon lequel l'usage de la force doit être évité", affirment le Brésil, la Russie, l'Inde, la Chine et l'Afrique du Sud (Brics) dans un projet de déclaration conjointe à l'issue du sommet de Sanya, dans le sud de la Chine.Le groupe Brics, élargi pour la première fois à l'Afrique du Sud, se déclare "profondément inquiet face …
14 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Le Fish Pot investit nos eaux
Un nouveau filet de pêche vient d’être jeté a la mer. Il s’appelle le Fish Pot. Il a été conçu par des norvégiens. Généralement utiliser pour capturer des crustacés et des mollusques, le Fish Pot serait également propice pour la pêche de poisson selon les besoins du marché. Cette nouvelle technique de pêche fait suite a l’accord de coopération [...]
14 Apr 2011, MBC
Accident à Plaine Champagne hier après midi
Il aurait perdu le contrôle de son bus. C’est une des explications que donne le chauffeur de l’autobus de la CNT. Ce véhicule avec à son bord une cinquantaine de personnes dont des enfants a soudainement quitté la route hier après midi. Le bus a terminé sa course dans la cour du Domaine St Denis non loin du [...]
14 Apr 2011, MBC
Excitement brews in Canada ahead of royal wedding
TORONTO, Canada (AFP)The New Brunswick-born music student insists it is not just idle retirees or bored housewives that have shown an interest in the royals. Half of the league's members are young people like himself, he says.Although not a diehard monarchist, forty-something Karyn Gingras is also excited in her own way about the wedding. A hatter for 20 years, she has made headpieces for Canada's first lady Laureen Harper and for Kate Middleton.Burgundy red, sculpted to recall Canada's Rocky Mountains and topped by a nest and bird made of tissue, Middleton's hat took four months to create.Now she just has …
14 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Une jeune fille de 16 ans admise à la Burns Unit de l’hôpital Victoria.
Cette habitante de Pamplemousses a été brulée sur tout le corps. Le feu aurait pris dans ses vêtements alors qu’elle se trouvait prés d’un four à gaz selon la déposition de sa grand mère. L’état de santé de l’adolescente est jugée préoccupant. Texte écrit par : Valerie Kallee
14 Apr 2011, MBC
La communauté tamoule fête son nouvel an ce 14 avril
Puttandu Nal-vaj-tukkal autrement dit Bonne Année en tamil. La communauté tamoule fête aujourd’hui le Varusha Pirrapu. Ce premier jour du premier mois. Sittirai est un jour de bon augure puisqu’il marque l’alignement de la planète terre et à celui du soleil à 30 degrés. Un phénomène qui ne se produit qu’une seule fois l’année. Il est symbole de renouveau. Et [...]
14 Apr 2011, MBC
Redknapp upbeat despite Spurs' Champions League loss
LONDON (AFP)Harry Redknapp has told his Tottenham stars to make amends for their Champions League quarter-final exit against Real Madrid by booking a return to Europe's elite club competition.Redknapp's side have enjoyed a memorable first campaign among Europe's superpowers, but that fairytale run came to an end at White Hart Lane on Wednesday as Madrid won 1-0 to secure a 5-0 aggregate success.Tottenham were already all but out after losing the first leg 4-0 in Spain and Cristiano Ronaldo confirmed their elimination early in the second half when his speculative effort squirmed through Heurelho Gomes's woeful attempted save.Even that disappointing …
14 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Julian Le Grand : “Des mesures courageuses prises par le gouvernement”
Julian Le Grand, professeur de politique sociale à la London School of Economics, s’est dit impressionné de la façon dont le gouvernement a géré la crise financière et économique, comparativement à d’autres pays. L’ex-conseiller de Tony Blair a vanté notre système éducatif et médical, précisant que Maurice est sur la bonne voie. “Le gouvernement a pris les mesures courageuses et justes pour aider le pays à faire face aux nombreux défis qui se sont présentés, en raison de la crise mondiale”, a-t-il soutenu lors d’une présentation sur le thème “Government and Individual Behaviour : Nanny State or Helpful Friend?” au …
14 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Accident à Plaine-Champagne : des freins défaillants provoquent 51 blessés
Une excursion s’est terminée par un accident, mercredi après-midi à Plaine-Champagne, faisant 51 blessés, y compris le chauffeur de l’autobus. Le véhicule de la Compagnie nationale de transport s’est dirigé tout droit vers une haie de bambous avant de terminer sa course dans un ravin, à hauteur du Domaine Saint Denis, à Plaine-Champagne, vu que les freins ne fonctionnaient plus. Les passagers dont des personnes âgées et des femmes, ont été blessés. “Nous avons échappé à un drame de justesse”, nous a indiqué un des passagers. Les pique-niqueurs qui étaient au nombre de 65, tous membres d’une association de Bon …
14 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ? Wishes You A Happy Varusha Pirappu
Puthandu marks the Tamil New Year’s Day and is celebrated in the beginning of Chithirai – the first month in the Tamil Calendar year. The auspicious occasion of Puthandu is also popularly known as Varusha Pirappu or the birth of New Year and falls on 13th or 14th April according to the Gregorian Calendar. Many [...]
14 Apr 2011, MauritiusHot
Jaccky Bhagnani will be seen as a cop in his next titled Mumbai Police
Jackky Bhagnani is still in (his words) "60 percent disbelief 40 percent ecstasy" about the surprise success of his home production. But the celebrations would have to be quickly taken care of. Jackky now goes immediately into rigorous training to play a gritty real-life cop in Roshan Andrews' Mumbai Police. The trick for Jackky is double-fold. He not only has to jump from playing a goofy college flunkey in F.A.L.T.U to a hardened no- nonsense law enforcer, he also has to ensure that his portrayal of a cop is different from what a gallery of superstars in Bollywood are playing …
14 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Accident At Chamarel – A Bus With 65 Passengers Ended In A Ravine
An excursion at Plaine Champagne ended very badly on Wednesday afternoon. Fifty one people were injured including the driver of the bus. The bus of the National Transportation Cooperation (NTC) headed straight in a hedge of bamboo before ending its course in a ravine. The cause of this accident is the faulty brakes of the [...]
14 Apr 2011, MauritiusHot
Sunny Deol to play angry Pandav brother Bheem
The Indian animation industry is to witness yet another mythological animation feature film, with Sunny Deol set to give his voice for Bheem, the angry gadadhari Padav brother in the Mahabharata. The actor has been roped in to dub for the Bheem in the animated epic taking his voice and his personality into consideration. Sunny agreed to work on the film after the release of Yamla Pagla Deewana. The animated feature film is directed by Aman Khan and produced by Dhaval, Kushal and Jayantilal Gada of Pen India, who presented the film to the actor. Mahabharata is scheduled to release …
14 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Shatrughan Sinha to host KBC Bhojpuri
Now here's a shocking piece of news. Shatrughan Sinha is all set to be the host of KBC's Bhojpuri version on Bhojpuri channel. The channel officials say that they chose to have Shotgun Sinha for his impeccable command over the Hindi language. Not just that, Sinha has also been signed up for the next season of the show as well! News has it that, Shatrughan Sinha's KBC will be aired on May 30, whereas the 'Real' KBC with Big B will be around October! With both the superstars on their respective 'Hot seats', becoming a millionaire is just a stone's …
14 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Abhishek Bachchan defends the bold title track of Dum Maaro Dum
One question that Abhishek is constantly being asked is about the bold lyrics of 'Dum Maaro Dum' title track. AB Jr.'s reaction was, "We have 1.20 billion people in India and all can't like the song. But the fact it is topping all radio charts and playing everywhere including night clubs means the youth have connected and loved the track. It's doing extremely well and I am very happy with response." Detractors of the sizzling, hot item song picturised on Deepika Padukone have been proved wrong. It turns out that the song is tracking extremely well with today's generation, especially …
13 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Akon insists on meeting Shah Rukh Khan
Suniel Shetty's company that's hosting Akon's 3-day trip to India has been thrown into a tizzy. Disregarding the tight minute-by-minute schedule Akon wants to meet his pal Shah Rukh Khan. Not only that. On the rapper's insistence, the venue for Akon's birthday party on the night of 15th April has been shifted from Mumbai to Pune to avoid a bottleneck of guests from Mumbai and Bollywood who would insist on being at the most happening bash this weekend. On his first, concert tour in India Akon has made a very special request to his organizers. He wants to taste the …
13 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Rugby: Michel Cacouault élu président de l'Aviron bayonnais
BAYONNE (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) (AFP)Michel Cacouault, qui portait la liste d'Alain Afflelou, a été élu mercredi soir président du club de rugby de Bayonne (Top 14) en remplacement de Francis Salagoïty, qui avait présenté sa démission en ouverture de l'assemblée générale de l'Aviron, a-t-on appris auprès du club basque.Homme de médias, Cacouault, 64 ans, était l'ancien vice-président du club avant de démissionner en 2010 en raison de désaccords avec Francis Salagoïty. Il était à l'origine de la venue d'Alain Afflelou, le lunetier principal parraineur du club, en 2008.La victoire du projet Cacouault-Afflelou s'est jouée dans un mouchoir après la révocation de l'actuel …
13 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?