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Work Placement Programme
200 étudiants du Lower 6 des établissements secondaires et pré-professionnels ont été placés depuis avant hier dans des organisations publiques et privées. Une activité qui fait partie du Work Placement organisé par le HRDC, Human Resource development Council. Il faut dire que depuis 2007, quelques 3500 jeunes ont déjà bénéficié de cette formation. Le but est de les [...]
07 Apr 2011, MBC
Rotarians donate over four tonnes of food
Following the recent collection of non-perishable products across the country, the Rotary clubs of Mauritius handed over the proceeds to different non-governmental organisations at the State House, Réduit, on Wednesday. Among those present on the occasion were President Sir Anerood Jugnauth, First Lady Sarojini Jugnauth and the governor of Rotary district 9220 of the Indian [...]
07 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
‘Our only asset is manpower’
Speaking at the Mauritius Institute of Education graduation ceremony on Wednesday, Dr Abu Kasenally, minister of Housing and Lands, said our only asset is our human resources. Mauritius has even become a reference point on the African continent. The minister also stressed on the importance of education in today’s society. Addressing the graduates, he said, [...]
07 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Cavadee flag ceremony held at Corps de Garde mountain
The Siva Subramanya Kovil at Montagne Corps de Garde will be hosting the first Codi Etram (flag raising) ceremony as part of Sittirai Cavadee. The Kovil Montagne temple has gained considerable importance and national recognition. The temple is managed by the Hindoo Siva Tamulall Soopramanien Benevolent Society, founded a century ago. It has also been [...]
07 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
CGTantra's CGTExpo '11 scheduled for 28th & 29th May in Mumbai
Organized by community portal CGTantra, India's largest Career Guidance and Computer Graphics Technology Expo - 'CGTExpo' is all set to take place on 28th and 29th May at Nehru Centre in Mumbai. Currently in its fourth edition, the expo focuses extensively on career guidance and computer graphics on Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming Technology and Visual Arts. With an impressive line-up of activities, programs and conferences, CGTExpo every year receives a whole range of diversified participation from various national and international AVGC industries, with attendees and speakers flying in from all across the country. Shares R K Chand, member of the …
07 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Creve Coeur girl clinches best student award in UK
Sabrina Bhundoo, a student of Health and Social Care at Nottingham Trent University, UK, was awarded the East Midlands Shine International Student of the Year 2011 award by the British Council. In an interview with The Independent, the Mauritian describes her feelings after winning and also discusses her future plans. What does this award mean [...]
07 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Artist paints life on quirky media
A painting video installation by artist Nikunja is currently on at Imaaya Art Gallery in Pointe aux Canonniers. This will be on till April 16. The artist’s works are inspired by different themes such as dance of Vajrayoghini, Manga characters, Queen of Saba, the artist’s comments on the art of the world, the recent tsunami [...]
07 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Duval lauds circular migration
Vice prime minister and minister of Social Integration and Economic Empowerment Xavier-Luc Duval has said that circular migration is one of the strategies adopted by the government for its economic restructuring policy. He was speaking at a press conference in Port Louis on Wednesday. The government policy to encourage circular migration is twofold as it [...]
07 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Squad on trail of illegal betting
Police are still on the look out for illegal bookmakers, especially with the start of the racing season at Champ de Mars. The officers of the Anti Piracy Unit and Games Police are currently investigating three suspected bookmakers for taking illegal bets. This follows the arrest of Mohammad Ismael on April 2. He was caught [...]
07 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Police officers suspended
Two police officers were suspended from duty following their arrest. They were presented under a temporary charge for ‘damaging property’ at the District Court of Rose Hill court on Tuesday. They were temporarily interdicted from duty pending court findings in the case. They were accused of damaging motor vehicle. The two constables, Mahmoob Khan Wohedally, [...]
07 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Opposition tables 60 PQs for next assembly session
The MPs of Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM)) filed 60 questions on Wednesday at the National Assembly. Among them, 15 are addressed to Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam. The contract of the former advisor to the Prime Minister, case of Infinity CEO Jean Suzanne are some of the issues that will be questioned. Besides this the [...]
07 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
MMM to hold May Day meet in capital
The Mouvement Militant Mauricien (MMM) will organise its May 1 meeting at the esplanade of Port Louis. Starting Thursday, the party will organise a series of 12 meetings. The first one will be held on April 7 at Très Bon at the Diolle crossroad and the final one at Cité Barkly. According to the secretary [...]
07 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Sortie du PM contre les détracteurs de Neotown
Le Premier ministre Navin Ramgoolam n´a pas mâché ses mots à l´encontre de ceux qui s´élèvent contre le projet Neotown. "Des voix discordantes se sont élevées contre le projet Neotown dans un article de presse. L´auteur de l´article, ce mega bouffon, voit dans ce projet un méga scandale. Je vais lui montrer bientôt ce qu´est un méga scandale", a-t-il déclaré, mercredi, à Arsenal, lors d´une remise de chèques à une centaine d´employés de l´industrie sucrière qui ont pris une retraite volontaire. Le chef du gouvernement a dit qu´il va démontrer comment on gouverne un pays, quelles en sont les contraintes, …
07 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Tropic Knits : 55 travailleurs rapatriés
Cinquante-cinq travailleurs étrangers de Tropic Knits qui ont participé à une grève ont été rapatriés mercredi après-midi. Parmi, on compte 31 Bangladais et 24 Sri Lankais. La direction de l’usine affirme que 13 d’entre eux ayant fait preuve de violence et d’intimidation vis-à-vis de leurs collègues ont vu leur permis de travail révoqué par les autorités. Selon la direction de l’usine, 50 ouvriers ont signifié leur intention de rentrer dans leur pays dès que possible. Selon Shawfique Elsa, un des ouvriers bangladais qui ont été déportés, ils ont été forcés de quitter le pays. Il a indiqué que ce n’est …
07 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Corée du Nord: le Parlement devrait promouvoir Kim Jong-Un
SEOUL (AFP)Le Parlement de Corée du Nord, qui se réunit jeudi, devrait procéder à une nouvelle promotion de l'héritier présumé de Kim Jong-Il, son fils Kim Jong-Un, renforçant son statut de probable successeur.La quatrième session de l'Assemblée suprême du peuple (ASP), qui se tient à Pyongyang et entérine les décisions du régime de Kim Jong-Il, a été convoquée pour ce jeudi, selon l'agence officielle KCNA.L'intérêt de cette session sera de voir si Kim Jong-Un, plus jeune fils du leader nord-coréen et héritier présumé, sera nommé à l'un des postes de vice-président de la puissante Commission nationale de défense (CND).La constitution …
07 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Fukushima: le Japon utilise de l'azote pour éviter une explosion
TOKYO (AFP)Les techniciens de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima (nord-est du Japon) ont commencé jeudi à injecter de l'azote pour prévenir une explosion dans un réacteur endommagé et empêcher une aggravation de l'accident nucléaire le plus grave depuis Tchernobyl il y a 25 ans.Près de quatre semaines après le terrible séisme du 11 mars et surtout le tsunami géant qui a dévasté la côte Pacifique au nord-est de Tokyo, faisant plus de 27.000 morts et disparus, la crise à Fukushima Daiichi (N°1) est loin d'être réglée.Des volutes de fumée blanche, probablement de la vapeur d'eau radioactive, continuent de s'échapper de …
07 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Neotown Mega Scandal – Mauritius An Island Of Scandals And Corruption
During a video conference between the shareholders of Patel Engineering Ltd and the developer of the project Neotown in Port Louis, it was revealed that land valued at Rs 15 billion has been leased for an annual rent of Rs 15 million. It is a scandal of much greater dimension than the MedPoint scandal, says [...]
07 Apr 2011, MauritiusHot
Côte d'Ivoire: la France frappe des objectifs militaires à la résidence de Gbagbo
ABIDJAN (AFP)La force française Licorne a de nouveau frappé mercredi soir à Abidjan des objectifs militaires à la résidence où se terre le président ivoirien sortant Laurent Gbagbo, qui refusait toujours de se rendre, quelques heures après un assaut manqué des forces d'Alassane Ouattara.Alors que lundi soir des bombardements de la France et de l'ONU - sur la résidence, notamment - avaient fait s'écrouler l'essentiel du régime, mais sans obtenir que M. Gbagbo jette l'éponge, les tirs de mercredi soir sont survenus à l'occasion d'une exfiltration réussie de l'ambassadeur du Japon.Face aux "tirs nourris des forces pro-Gbagbo, situées dans et …
07 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Roy Keane to become Melbourne Victory's coach: reports
SYDNEY (AFP)Former Manchester United star Roy Keane is in line to become Melbourne Victory's next coach in Australia's A-League, according to reports.Keane, who was sacked by English League Championship Ipswich Town in January, was in Melbourne to finalise his contract, English reports said.The volatile 39-year-old Irishman was seen in the crowd in Sydney watching Sydney FC's AFC Asian Champions League game against Shanghai Shenhua on Wednesday, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.But Keane avoided journalists who attempted to ask him questions by repeatedly moving seats, Fox Sports said.Ernie Merrick, who had coached Victory since its first season in the A-League in …
07 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Sunny Deol to judge a stunt based reality show
After Akshay Kumar and Priyanka Chopra who hosted stunt based reality shows on T.V., it's now time for Sunny Deol to become a judge for a stunt based reality show called Jaanbaaz. Sunny, who is riding high post the success of Yamla Pagla Deewana, has now decided to do everything in his capacity to entertain his fans and what better way than judging a stunt based reality show. Taking into consideration the fact that Sunny was one of the original action heroes of Bollywood, it comes as no surprise to see him judging a stunt based reality show. We can't …
07 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?