Latest news
Wall collapses in Roches Bois, six injured
The wall of a building under construction, collapsed early Monday morning causing significant damage to neighbouring houses at Roche Bois. The incident occurred at the area called bord la rivière. The Port Louis North Criminal Investigation Division (CID) officials began an investigation on Monday to determine how large concrete panels from a building under construction [...]
05 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
VPM praises virtues of Mauritian democracy
Vice prime minister, minister of Finance and Economic Development Pravind Jugnauth believes that Mauritius is not like some African countries where there is no democracy. He warned the population of a small group of people who want to create division on the island. “We must be careful as some people are happy when they see [...]
05 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
One dengue fever case detected
One case of dengue fever has been registered in the country. An Indian worker at Real Garment Factory at La Tour Koenig is suffering from dengue fever. This was stated by Dr Nardawoo Joypaul from the Ministry of Health on Monday . “For the time being, the patient has been admitted to Jeetoo hospital. When [...]
05 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Ramgoolam cautions against anti-patriotism
On the occasion of Ugadi, the Telegu New Year on Monday, Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam appealed to the people of Mauritius to beware of anti-patriotic traps that are meant to divide the population. He was speaking at the celebrations held at the auditorium of the Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian Culture (IGICIC) in Phoenix. [...]
05 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Glamour Event At UOM Organized By Students Of Bsc ( Hons ) Tourism, Leisure & Recreational Management
The University of Mauritius organized a Hair and Make Up Show on Saturday 02 April. The students of Bsc ( Hons) Tourism, Leisure & Recreational Management ( 2nd year ) excelled in this great event. Students were given the option to participate in ‘Car tuning, Cultural Show, Electronic Sensation and Hair and Make-up show’. This [...]
05 Apr 2011, MauritiusHot
Ligue des champions: choc Chelsea-Manchester, le Real affronte Tottenham
PARIS (AFP)Le duel anglo-anglais entre Chelsea et Manchester United représente l'affiche des quarts de finale aller de la Ligue des champions mercredi, précédée la veille de la réception de Tottenham par un Real Madrid privé de ses principaux atouts offensifs et défait ce week-end.Le FC Barcelone, épouvantail de la compétition, reçoit le surprenant Shakhtar Donetsk mercredi, le lendemain d'Inter Milan-Schalke 04, entre le tenant du titre et le rescapé allemand.Mais c'est vers l'Angleterre que l'Europe du football va se tourner, pour la énième explication entre Blues et Red Devils. Les premiers, abonnés aux demi-finales de C1 (4 sur les 5 …
05 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Côte d'Ivoire: tirs à l'arme lourde entendus dans Abidjan
ABIDJAN (AFP)Des tirs à l'arme lourde étaient entendus mardi matin dans Abidjan, où les forces du président ivoirien reconnu par la communauté internationale Alassane Ouattara affrontent celles de son rival Laurent Gbagbo, après des frappes de l'ONU et de la France, a constaté l'AFP.
05 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
FIFA chief woos England after football World Cup blow
LONDON (AFP)FIFA president Sepp Blatter moved to win over the Football Association (FA) after the humiliation of last December's vote for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups by insisting it had not been part of his personal mission to take the competition to new territories.On his first visit to England since they lost their bid to host the 2018 event, Blatter had lunch at Wembley with FA chiefs as one of the first meetings on the campaign trail for re-election - FIFA have confirmed he will have just one challenger, Asian confederation chief Mohamed Bin Hammam, in the election on …
05 Apr 2011, Orange Ki News ?
WJA, Supreme Court host forum on int’l arbitration
The World Jurist Association (WJA) and the Supreme Court, Mauritius, are organising a conference from Tuesday to Thursday on International Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) at Grand Baie. Some 70 renowned delegates from 21 countries and about 200 participants, including judiciary members from the Attorney General’s Office, Director of Public Prosecutions, Mauritius Law Society [...]
04 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Hotel PRO reflects on tourism industry
In the latest edition of its magazine, Beachnews, the Beachcomber hotel group has warned against the industrialisation of Mauritius. In the edition, Malenn Oodiah, head of communications, talks about two main concerns for 2011. These are the imbalance between supply and demand and price quota for hotels. “It is very bad for the image of [...]
04 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
State steps up efforts to promote reading
In the context of World Book Day, celebrated on April 23, a series of activities will be organised in Mauritius from May 6 to 8 at the Caudan Waterfront in Port Louis. “On May 6, entertainment activities will be organised mainly for preschool children,” said National Library director Yves Chan Kam Lon. He added, “On [...]
04 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Training men to share duties, be better partners
Minister of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare Sheila Bappoo launched a five-month course as part of the ‘Men as Partners’ programme during a ceremony held at the Granum Multi Purpose Hall, Vacoas, on April 2. ‘Men as Partners’ is a programme that provides a platform for men to freely discuss gender sensitive issues [...]
04 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
No agreement reached at Tropic Knits
On their seventh day of strike on Monday, the employees of Tropic Knits, Vacoas, failed to reach a consensus with the management. The employees are from India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and have failed to reach a consensus despite many meetings with the leaders of the factory. The workers began their protest on March 29 [...]
04 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Rent defaulters clash with police
The inhabitants of Residence St Malot, Baie du Tombeau and the police were involved in an argument on Monday morning. Four houses were seized by the National Housing Development Company (NHDC) and the families were told to leave the place on Monday. Their houses were seized as they had not paid their rent. Around 50 [...]
04 Apr 2011, The Independent Daily
Killer 2010 year on roads: 160 die in traffic accidents
Mauritius witnessed a “black” year on the roads in 2010 – with 160 people dying in a total of 153 fatal accidents. In 2009, the number of fatalities was 140 in 129 deadly accidents.
04 Apr 2011,
Ring Road: People must pass through Reduces Sorèze to go to Port-Louis
Since the morning of Monday, April 4, residents of Sorèze beside Straws are forced to go back to Le Reduit if they want to go to Port Louis. Usually, they use the interchange leading to the area of straw.
04 Apr 2011,
Le Royaume-Uni serre les vis de l’immigration
Se rendre en Angleterre devient de plus en plus difficile. Le Département des Affaires intérieures a pris la décision de surveiller d’encore de plus près toutes les entrées d’étrangers sur... Read more »
04 Apr 2011, KotZot
Centara Poste Lafayette Resort & Spa Mauritius got new operator
04 Apr 2011,
Liquid Telecom's new project in Zambia
Zambia's Copperbelt Energy Corp. Ltd (CEC) and Liquid Telecom of Mauritius on Monday announced a joint venture company
04 Apr 2011,
Mauritius rejects 91-day T-bills for seventh week
04 Apr 2011,