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Science Adventure
C’est un nouveau concours que lance le Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre et qui s’adresse aux élèves de la 4eme et 5eme, de même que pour les élèves de la Forme 1 et 3. Le but est de développer l’esprit scientifique chez nos jeunes. Ceux intéressés doivent soumettre les formulaires de participation et le résumé du projet ainsi [...]
18 Mar 2011, MBC
La situation chaotique qui règne actuellement au Japon est suivie de prés au niveau du gouvernement mauricien
La situation chaotique qui règne actuellement au Japon est suivie de prés au niveau du gouvernement mauricien. Même s’il n’y a pas de cellule spéciale qui a été mise en place, le ministère des Affaires étrangères se tient au courant de l’évolution des événements à travers le consul de Maurice qui est basé à Tokyo. C’est ainsi [...]
18 Mar 2011, MBC
Rebranding: la compagnie Ceres Ltd devient INICIA
La compagnie Ceres Ltd, société pionnière dans la production et commercialisation des œufs à Maurice depuis plus de 30 ans, a dévoilé ce jeudi 17 mars 2011, sa toute nouvelle identité lors d’une soirée à la maison Eureka.
18 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La SIL consolide son expansion africaine avec SILBOTS au Botswana
La State Informatics Ltd (SIL), compagnie d’état leader dans le secteur des solutions informatiques intégrées, consolide sa stratégie d’expansion hors de Maurice.
18 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
L’élargissement de l’autoroute M1 de St Jean à Pont Colville Deverell.
parlons du projet de décongestion routière avec l’élargissement de l’autoroute M1 de St Jean à Pont Colville Deverell. Un projet de 240 millions de roupies exécuté par la RDA. Les travaux viennent de débuter et devraient durer un an. Par ailleurs, les travaux pour la construction d’une 3ème voie toujours sur l’autoroute M1 de Pont Fer à St [...]
18 Mar 2011, MBC
ADSL connection problems in Mauritius
Customers of Mauritius Telecom, ADSL and MYT were very irritated yesterday because of the very poor internet connection. Since yesterday morning, the internet worked intermittently. Mauritius Telecom (MT), the leading provider of Internet through the Orange brand, said that these problems were beyond the control of MT. “The concern is not located in Mauritius, but
18 Mar 2011, MauritiusHot
Un port pétrolier moderne à Mahébourg
La réouverture de la rade de Mahébourg et la construction d’un port pétrolier moderne pouvant accueillir des tankers, des navires-citernes, des vraquiers et autres cargos sont sérieusement envisagées par le gouvernement.
18 Mar 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Fatal accident in Floreal
Poojmawtee Fowdur has been hit hard by a car Tuesday morning while crossing the road near the Royal lights at Floreal. The local resident, 78 years old, has not survived cause multiple injuries.
18 Mar 2011,
Car theft at the Tour Koenig
A resident of La Tour Koenig had a shock on Wednesday, March 16, morning. He found that his car, a white Nissan March, AK 12, 24387ZR02 registered, had been stolen the day before.
18 Mar 2011,
Zournal Kreol – Vendredi 18/03/2011
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-03-18End Time: 19:20
18 Mar 2011, MBC
JT de 19h30 – vendredi 18/03/2011
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-03-18End Time: 20:10
18 Mar 2011, MBC
Duval pushes NEF on school gear distribution
Vice-prime minister and minister of Social Integration and Economic Empowerment Xavier Luc Duval is not happy. The first school term is ending in two week’s time and students have yet to receive the package. The National Empowerment Fund (NEF), which falls under Duval’s ministry, has been asked to collect school bags, uniforms, shoes, socks and [...]
18 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Rotary clubs to help needy people
Each year the Rotary clubs of Mauritius initiate various local activities intended to help the needy. Hence in the context to fight against poverty, all the rotary clubs of Mauritius have joined together to organise a collection of non-perishable goods. There are 13 Rotary Clubs across Mauritius and each rotary will be present in their [...]
18 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Eco-building meet, exhibition at Pailles
The second annual Eco Building Conference is currently being held at the Swami Vivekananda International Convention Centre at Pailles. It will end on March 18. This conference provides the property and construction sector in Mauritius with the latest developments in relation to projects, regulations, initiatives and their implications. On the same occasion, Holcim (Mauritius) Ltd, [...]
18 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Africa-EU energy experts meet
The 6th Joint Expert Group Meeting of the Africa-European Union Energy Partnership (AEEP) is taking place in Mauritius with a view to finalise the action plan for the provision of electricity to some 250 million Africans over the period 2010-2020. The meeting, which is organised at the initiative of the Ministry of Energy and Public [...]
18 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
BOI to operate as govt think tank
Vice-prime minister, minister of Finance and Economic Development, Pravind Jugnauth said the BOI has to act as a think tank of the government in investment policy matters. Jugnauth, was speaking on the occasion of the celebration of the Board of Investment’s (BOI) 10th year of existence on Wednesday at at Maritim Hotel in Balaclava. He [...]
18 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Infanticide accused back in police cell
Sujata Tania, who is accused of throwing her 12-day baby in a river, appeared at the District Court of Mahebourg on Wednesday morning under a provisional charge of murder of a newly born child. The police objected to her release and she was taken back to the police cell at Bel Ombre police station. She [...]
18 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
MMM leader supports Boodhoo
The leader of the Opposition, Paul Bérenger showed his support for Harish Boodhoo and claimed that the former politician had taken the right stand on MedPoint deal. “Boodhoo is a victim. His vehicle and that of his nephew have been burnt,” he said at a meeting at Chemin Grenier on Thursday. Bérenger continued his attack [...]
18 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
MCCI forecasts
The Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) has predicted a GDP growth rate of 4.5 per cent for the year 2011 compared to 4.2 per cent in 2010. This was stated on Thursday by Renganaden Padayachy, macro economist at MCCI in Port Louis. This estimate was calculated by the new economic tool MMCI GDP [...]
18 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily
Thumbs down in UN report
The UN Human Rights Council report on Mauritius and 11 other Commonwealth countries was made public. It assesses each country’s performance at the national and UN level. The report compares the pre-election promises made to the UN Human Rights Council by the government. According to the report, from mid-2008 until mid-2010, Mauritius was not up [...]
18 Mar 2011, The Independent Daily