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Carlos Tevez could turn his back on Man City, Roberto Mancini admits
Manchester City boss Roberto Mancini says he has no idea how long Carlos Tevez will stay at the club, admitting he could leave before the start of next season. Tevez’s... Read more »
23 Feb 2011, KotZot
Gratuitous violence on a child in Mauritius (Shocking Video)
Gete kuma Mauriciens in degenerer! Gete kuma ca [...] la p batte ca zenfant la! Kot nou p aller dans ca pays la??! This video which was sent to us... Read more »
23 Feb 2011, KotZot
Justin Bieber to visit Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion
Justin Bieber has requested a private visit to the Playboy mansion – along with his dad. Playboy founder Hugh Hefner said he would be delighted to grant him his wish.... Read more »
23 Feb 2011, KotZot
Facebook adds ‘civil unions’ to relationship status options
Facebook has added ‘civil unions’ and ‘domestic partnerships’ to its list of relationship status options, in a move which has been applauded by equality rights campaigners. The new options are... Read more »
23 Feb 2011, KotZot
New Zealand quake: 300 missing, 75 bodies recovered
Three hundred people are missing and 75 bodies have been recovered from the quake ravaged New Zealand city of Christchurch, local authorities said Wednesday. Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker said there... Read more »
23 Feb 2011, KotZot
iPad 2 is expected to be launched in San Francisco on March 2
iPad 2 is expected to be launched in San Francisco on March 2. It is the most eagerly awaited gadget of the year. The news that Apple is expected to... Read more »
23 Feb 2011, KotZot
Le Triolet Bypass inauguré par le Premier ministre
Le Premier ministre, Navinchandra Ramgoolam, a inauguré hier le Triolet Bypass en présence du ministre des Infrastructures publiques, National Development Unit, des transports terrestres et de la navigation, Anil Bachoo.
23 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
La Standard Bank soutient les écoles de l’APEIM
La Standard Banque réitère son engagement social en inaugurant le centre St Luc en présence Irene Alessandri, directrice de l´APEIM, les 25 élèves de l’établissement, le personnel enseignant et administratif et quelques personnels de la banque.
23 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Deux nouvelles lois du code de la route en vigueur
Deux nouveaux changements ont été apportés au règlement concernant le code de la route. Les autorités concernées ont procédé à un exercice d’harmonisation en ce qui concerne les limitations de vitesse.
23 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
En plein vol d’Air Mauritius – Un ancien ministre giflé par une Française
Il est tellement diplomate dans son approche, qu’il n’a pas réagi. Un ancien Senior Minister s’est fait royalement giflé par une Française à bord d’un vol qui se dirigeait vers... Read more »
23 Feb 2011, KotZot
And what if your kid was there?
Today, Mauritius has woken up with another shocking news reported by RadioPlus through a video showing an employee of a Crèche slapping 2 small kids.
23 Feb 2011, Yashvin, pages of my life
Attention : la gastro-entérite refait son apparition
La forte chaleur et l’humidité favorisent des maladies telles que la gastro-entérite. Plusieurs cas ont été rapportés dans les hôpitaux.
23 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Deux nouvelles lois en vigueur
Deux nouveaux changements ont été apportés au règlement concernant le code de la route. Les autorités concernées ont procédé à un exercice d’harmonisation en ce qui concerne les limitations de vitesse.
23 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Road Traffic Act : harmonisation des limitations de vitesse
Deux nouveaux changements ont été apportés au règlement concernant le code de la route. Les autorités concernées ont procédé à un exercice d’harmonisation en ce qui concerne les limitations de vitesse.
23 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
MyT : Mauritius Telecom va collaborer pleinement avec la Competition Commission of Mauritius
La Competition Commission of Mauritius (CCM) a avisé Mauritius Telecom le lundi 21 février qu’elle a décidé de mener une enquête sur MyT...
23 Feb 2011, Orange Ki News ?
Zournal Kreol – mercredi 23/02/2011
Title: Zournal KreolChannel: MBC2Start Time: 19:00Date: 2011-02-23End Time: 19:20
23 Feb 2011, MBC
JT de 19h30 – mercredi 23/02/2011
Title: JT de 19h30Channel: MBC1Start Time: 19:30Date: 2011-02-23End Time: 20:10
23 Feb 2011, MBC
Child Kicked by Adult on Mauritius Streets Video
The video showing an adult kicking a child in Mauritius is already creating a buzz of angry reactions on youtube. The video below shows a child of apparently 10 to 12 year old being subjected to violence and kicked hard till having his nose bleeding on a rainy day on our so beautifully praised Mauritian [...]Original Post at: Child Kicked by Adult on Mauritius Streets Video - To subscribe to our Daily News section, click here.
23 Feb 2011, Island Crisis
Rs 14.1 billion for road infrastructure
Now the government is undertaking infrastructural projects costing over Rs 14.1 billion till 2013, said Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam at the opening of the Triolet Bypass. Prime Minister stated that these infrastructural projects are in line with the vision of transforming Mauritius into a ‘garden city state’.
23 Feb 2011,
Puzzling death at Les Salines
Mystery surrounds Vicky Sunnasse’s rendez-vous with death at Les Salines on Monday.
23 Feb 2011, The Independent Daily