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Daring Dortmund interrupt Bayern's feast
LONDON (AFP)The all-German Champions League final between Borussia Dortmund and Bayern Munich on Saturday marks the culmination of an intensifying and increasingly bitter rivalry.In one corner stand Bayern; German football royalty, and the Bundesliga's dominant force of the last 40 years.In the other corner stand Dortmund, who have captured neutral hearts with their humble, wise-cracking coach, Jurgen Klopp, and a team committed to smothering their opponents with breathless attacking football.Dortmund upset the balance of power in Germany by winning back-to-back Bundesliga titles in 2011 and 2012 -- a run that included five straight wins over Bayern -- only for the …
23 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
The Modern Workplace: Introverts Need Not Apply
Trends toward open-plan offices may actually be counterproductive to employee productivity.
23 May 2013,
Le Fait Du Jour: Zéro Pointé pour les “Speed Cameras”
Des consultations avec le State Law Office en vue d’annuler les contraventions aux conducteurs des véhicules flashés à partir du 10 mai
23 May 2013,
Loan: New Facilities for Export-Oriented Companies
The goal: to revive the industrial and manufacturing machinery in Mauritius. At a press briefing on Wednesday May 22, the Finance Minister Xavier Duval, has announced a new "Investment Package" will be available for export-oriented companies.
23 May 2013,
13+ Hotel Secrets You Need to Know
Hotel receptionists spill their best secrets – from how to score a discounted room to how to get that Wi-Fi charge waived from your bill! Plus, 12 hotels where you can get a free hot breakfast.
22 May 2013,
Basket: l'incroyable Nanterre en finale
PARIS (AFP)Nanterre, volant de sensation en sensation, s'est qualifié mercredi pour sa première finale du Championnat de France de ProA de basket en battant le tenant du titre, Chalon, 103 à 91 après prolongation en demi-finale retour.Déjà vainqueur 84-81 à l'aller lundi, le petit club des Hauts-de-Seine, monté en dix ans du niveau régional au sommet du basket français, a réussi un nouveau coup d'Etat, une semaine après avoir éjecté Gravelines en quarts de finale.Les Franciliens, souvent menés mais jamais battus, se sont imposés au terme d'un énorme combat disputé dans une ambiance torride, en survolant la prolongation pour déposséder …
22 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Fire in School Bus Caused Panic
Ten students of a school bus were admitted to hospital following a fire in the vehicle.
22 May 2013,
PAC: Improving in Public Management, But ...
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) noted improvements in governance though "some officials continue to be negligent, leading to excessive spending." This committee, chaired by Alan Ganoo and bring together legislators from the opposition and the majority, the PAC Report filed Tuesday afternoon on the table of the National Assembly on Tuesday afternoon.
22 May 2013,
Video of the Day: Unexpected Reserve Parachute Deployment
22 May 2013,
Achebe's body arrives home ahead of literary giant's burial
AWKA, Nigeria (AFP)The body of revered Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe arrived Wednesday in his home state in Nigeria, where hundreds of admirers packed a stadium to pay tribute a day ahead of his funeral.A wooden coffin transported the body of Achebe, the celebrated author of the novel "Things Fall Apart", who died in March in the United States at age 82.His coffin was taken on Wednesday to a stadium in Awka in Anambra state in Nigeria's southeast, where some 2,000 people gathered and the Anglican archbishop of Anambra prayed over his body.Some mourners dressed in shirts with his picture emblazoned …
22 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Picture of the Day: Makapuu Moon
Makapuu Lighthouse juxtaposed against a full moon. March 26, 2013. Location: Makapuu Beach, Oahu, Hawaii
22 May 2013,
Rugby: Toulon/Toulouse, entreprises de démolition
PARIS (AFP)Toulon et Toulouse, opposés vendredi (21h00) en demi-finale du Top 14, misent tous deux sur leur puissance pour faire la différence; le RCT en a fait sa marque de fabrique alors que les Stadistes l'utilisent avec parcimonie.+ TOULON: LES DÉMOLISSEURS DE L'EXTRÊMEFidèle à ses préceptes, le manager du RC Toulon Bernard Laporte a fait de la puissance de ses joueurs son fonds de commerce, avec l'idée centrale que "le rugby se fait surtout devant". L'entraîneur loue à l'envi les qualités de trois hommes notamment: le pilier néo-zélandais Carl Hayman, le deuxième ligne sud-africain Bakkies Botha et le troisième ligne …
22 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
RDC: 30.000 déplacés ont fui leurs camps en raison des combats dans l'Est
KINSHASA (AFP)Plus de 30.000 personnes ont fui leur camp de déplacés près de Goma, dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo, en raison des combats entre l'armée et la rébellion Mouvement du 23 mars, a-t-on appris mercredi auprès du Haut-commissariat aux réfugiés de l'ONU."Le camp de déplacés de Mugunga I, qui compte 55.000 déplacés, s'est vidé à 45% et celui de Mugunga III, où 13.000 personnes sont recensées, s'est vidé à 70%", a déclaré à l'AFP Simplice Kpandji, chargé de communication au bureau régional du HCR à Kinshasa.Selon lui, "la population fuit vers Goma et Sake", deux villes dont …
22 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Falcao insists he is not thinking about transfer
SINGAPORE (AFP)Atletico Madrid star Radamel Falcao insisted he had not been thinking about a blockbuster summer transfer as he hogged the limelight in a friendly win in Singapore on Wednesday.The 27-year-old Colombian, reportedly courted by some of Europe's biggest clubs, came on to wild cheers in the second half of Atletico's 2-0 win over Singapore Selection.Falcao was unable to find the net in his half-hour cameo, although he gave a sign of his sought-after goal-scoring prowess when he forced a fine save from Singapore's Hassan Sunny.Earlier, Falcao told Britain's Sky Sports News that despite speculation linking him to Monaco and …
22 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Time to win Euro final, says Bayern's Ribery
BERLIN (AFP)Franck Ribery says the time for talking is over as Bayern Munich owe it to their fans to make up for their two recent failed attempts by winning the Champions League title in Saturday's final against Borussia Dortmund at Wembley."We have to win for the fans, the club and the whole team," said Ribery, after Bayern lost both last season's final at home to Chelsea and suffered defeat in the 2010 final to Inter Milan in Madrid."This is our third time, we have more experience, know what it means to play in a final, so it's nothing new for …
22 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Irak: 12 personnes abattues dans une maison close à Bagdad
BAGDAD (Irak) (AFP)Des hommes armés ont abattu mercredi douze personnes, sept femmes et cinq hommes, dans une maison close de l'est de Bagdad, a-t-on appris auprès de sources médicales et sécuritaires.Un responsable du ministère de l'Intérieur a indiqué à l'AFP sous couvert d'anonymat que les assaillants avaient fait irruption dans l'établissement et tué douze personnes en tout début d'après-midi.L'attaque s'est déroulée dans le quartier de Zayouna, où des magasins vendant de l'alcool avaient été pris pour cible la semaine dernière dans des attaques ayant fait 12 morts.La prostitution ainsi que la consommation d'alcool sont proscrites par l'islam.Zayouna est un quartier …
22 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
French composer Henri Dutilleux dies aged 97
PARIS (AFP)Henri Dutilleux, one of France's leading 20th century composers, died on Wednesday in Paris at the age of 97, his family announced.The internationally renowned Dutilleux, born in Angers in 1916, was a prolific composer of predominantly instrumental works ranging from symphonies, orchestral pieces, violin concertos and piano music.His latest work "Correspondances" -- recorded by the Radio France Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Finnish conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen -- came out in January this year to celebrate his birthday.Laurent Petitgirard, a classical composer and musical director of the Paris-based Colonne Orchestra, said Dutilleux was "one of the very rare contemporary …
22 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Sex and the CEO
A few notorious cases where CEOs have hit the headlines for the wrong reasons
22 May 2013,
Etats-Unis: le démocrate Eric Garcetti élu nouveau maire de Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES (AFP)Le démocrate Eric Garcetti a été élu mercredi maire de Los Angeles (Californie, ouest des Etats-Unis) battant d'une courte tête une autre démocrate Wendy Greuel, a rapporté le Los Angeles Times.L'ancien conseiller municipal âgé de 42 ans succède à Antonio Villaraigosa, un démocrate d'origine hispanique et l'un des hommes politiques les plus influents aux Etats-Unis qui tenait la ville depuis 2005. La loi ne lui permettait pas de se présenter pour un troisième mandat."Merci Los Angeles", a tweeté Eric Garcetti mercredi au petit matin. "Le travail ardu commence maintenant mais je suis honoré de diriger cette ville pour …
22 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?
Amorebieta, Boateng sign for Fulham
LONDON (AFP)Fulham announced on Wednesday that Athletic Bilbao defender Fernando Amorebieta and Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk midfielder Derek Boateng have both joined the club on free transfers.Venezuelan defender Amorebieta spent eight years at Bilbao and has signed a four-year contract with Fulham, while Ghana international Boateng arrives from Ukrainian club Dnipro on an initial one-year deal.Fulham have now added three players to their squad for next season, having already taken up an option to turn Sascha Riether's loan move from Cologne into a permanent transfer.The arrival of Amorebieta represents something of a coup, with Fulham having reportedly seen off interest in the …
22 May 2013, Orange Ki News ?