Latest news
Driving While Intoxicated: The Supreme Court Reversed Seven Rulings on Appeal
In total, the Supreme Court should hear eight cases on appeal, including a conviction and seven acquittals at trial.
05 May 2013,
Yusuf Ismael (Economist) "One Out of Five Mauritian Earns Less Than Rs 10,000”
Two members of one family must work today to survive the household, says Yusuf Ismael. This PhD in economics sounds the alarm on the impoverishment of the middle class bell and decries the fact that one out of five Mauritius earn under Rs 10,000 in the country.
05 May 2013,
Work Permits for Foreigners : Application Process Reduced to 7 Days
Within a month, the application for a work permit for foreign workers process will be reduced to seven days. This was announced by the Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, Shakeel Mohamed, during a visit he made on Thursday May 2 at Star Knitwear factory in Coromandel.
05 May 2013,
Rose Hill: Stop the Noise!
The townspeople of Hugnin road, Rose Hill, want to attract the attention of authorities to the existence of a race bike practiced by the youth of the region. Race by Raj B., takes place at late hours. Sleep is disturbed residents.
05 May 2013,
Textile : le Marché se Redynamise
La morosité, qui a caractérisé le marché de l’exportation du textile-habillement durant les trois premiers mois de l’année, va s’estomper dans les trois prochains mois. C’est ce qu’a indiqué, mercredi, au Matinal, Dev Chamroo, Chief Executive Office d’Enterprise Mauritius (EM).
05 May 2013,
Penalty Points Will Came Into Force on May 10
The system of penalty points shall enter into force on May 10 The 60 "speed cameras" installed across the country will also be operational from that date.
05 May 2013,
Loto: Winner Walks Away with Rs 5.3 Million
The lottery has a winner in the draw of Saturday, May 4 The guy walks away with the jackpot of Rs 5, 359, 503.
05 May 2013,
Attorney General Yatin Varma Accused of Hitting Civilian
It seems that, nowadays everyone is trying to be Batman in Mauritius. And this time, we have Mr Yatin Varma, our “Honorable” Minister of Justice (Attorney General). The latter is involved in an incident where he reportedly hit and wounded a 19 year old driver. A police inquiry (which we’ll ...Read full article on Island Crisis: Attorney General Yatin Varma Accused of Hitting Civilian.
05 May 2013, Island Crisis
Le Prix du Pétrole en Baisse
Le prix du pétrole sur le marché mondial continue à jouer au yoyo. Il y a quelques mois, le cours du pétrole avait pris une tendance ascendante alors que maintenant, c’est tout le contraire.
05 May 2013,
Underground Economy - Black Money: Billions of Rupees
According to experts, billions of rupees in cash and undeclared circulating in the country. The latest scandals have come to highlight the phenomenon of black money.
05 May 2013,
Minister Yatin Varma Injured in Road Accident
A vehicle struck the car of the General Attorney Yatin Varma. The accident occurred this morning, Saturday, May 4, at the Avenue des Rosiers, Quatre-Bornes.
05 May 2013,
The IRS Main Buyers of French and South Africans
Board of Investment (BOI) says that French are main buyers of properties in the category 'Integrated Resort Scheme' (IRS) in Mauritius. Indeed, 37% of foreign nationals who have acquired IRS villas come from France, 30% of South Africa and 20% in the United Kingdom.
05 May 2013,
Loto : un gagnant de Rs 5,3 millions
Un joueur a trouvé la combinaison gagnante pour ce 183e tirage. Il gagne donc le jackpot de Rs 5,359,503. Le jackpot du samedi 11 mai 2013 passe à au moins Rs 5 millions.
05 May 2013, Le Matinal
Mauritian Minister of Justice accused of beating a driver after accident.
The news is all over the headlines of the different newspapers today. A 19 years old driver reported being beaten by the Minister of Justice, Yatin Varma, after their cars collided in an accident yesterday
05 May 2013, Yashvin, pages of my life
Mauritius Lotto Result For May 4th 2013 – Rs 5 Million
The Mauritius Lotto result for May 4th 2013 and the 183rd draw of the Mauritian Lotto is available below. This week’s jackpot is at: Rs 5 million. There is a jackpot winner for this week. The winning ticket was sold at: Winners Riche Mare. Winning Numbers: 2 – 9 – 11 – 22 ...Read full article on Island Crisis: Mauritius Lotto Result For May 4th 2013 – Rs 5 Million.
04 May 2013, Island Crisis
Accident Sorèze "The Brakes Failed" Say Passengers
Passengers are hospitalized in shock. Many of them claim that the recipient bus told them that the vehicle's brakes were released. The accident occurred at 9:10 Sorèze, this Friday, May 3, 2013 killed 10 people and wounded 45.
04 May 2013,
Scene of Horror Sorèze: Ten Dead and 45 Injured in a Violent Accident on the Highway (photo & video)
The official death toll from violent bus accident height Sorèze reported ten people, including the driver, and 45 wounded. The receiver told the passengers on the bus of the National Transmission Corporation (NTC) that brakes failed.
04 May 2013,
Accident à Sorèze: Sept Femmes et un Couple Parmi les Victims
Sept femmes et trois hommes ont péri dans le grave accident survenu à hauteur de Sorèze ce vendredi matin 3 mai. Parmi, le couple Ujodha qui laisse derrière lui une fillette de 11 ans. La majorité des victimes, soit six au total, sont des habitants de Quatre-Bornes.
04 May 2013,
China Town s’apprête à célébrer le festival culinaire et culturel
La neuvième édition du ‘Chinese Food and Cultural Festival’ (CFCF) aura lieu les 11 et 12 mai à Chinatown, Port Louis. L’annonce a été faite par Maxime Koon, président de la ‘Chinese Food and Cultural Festival Committee 2013’ au Ru Yi Chinese Restaurant vendredi dernier à Port-Louis.
04 May 2013, Le Matinal
La MPCB soutient deux ONG
La Mauritius Post and Cooperative Bank (MPCB) a remis des chèques à deux ONG au Hennessy Park Hotel, vendredi, dans le cadre de son projet de responsabilité sociale. Les ONG ‘Open Mind’ et ‘Befrienders’ ont respectivement obtenu Rs 187 000 et Rs 200 000 pour soutenir leurs activités.
04 May 2013, Le Matinal