Latest news
Paul Bérenger : “Le MMM se penchera sur son leadership”
Son intervention au meeting du Remake 2000, mercredi à Port-Louis, n’aura duré qu’une quinzaine de minutes. Paul Bérenger, qui a déclaré “agir dans la transparence” sur sa maladie, a annoncé que le Mouvement militant mauricien (MMM) se penchera, à la lumière des résultats de son traitement, sur le leadership du parti. Il a aussi sévèrement critiqué l’alliance gouvernementale, affirmant que le Remake 2000 se retrouve aujourd’hui “sans adversaire”.• SAJ souhaite un “tsunami politique” en 2015• Nando Bodha : “La démocratie est menacée”
02 May 2013, Le Matinal
Navin Ramgoolam : “Publication obligatoire des avoirs des élus”
Un projet de loi visant à rendre obligatoire la publication des avoirs des élus sera prochainement présenté au Parlement. C’est ce qu’a annoncé mercredi le Premier ministre lors d’un aparté avec les journalistes à l’issue de la cérémonie officielle marquant la célébration du Maharashtra et Shivaji Day au Mahatma Gandhi Institute (MGI).• “L’heure n’est pas aux célébrations”
02 May 2013, Le Matinal
4 Most Dangerous Assumptions CEOs Make About Business
Here are four common assumptions that CEOs make, and how you can avoid them.
02 May 2013,
Residential Care Homes in Mauritius – Wiser After the Event [2]
We have recently experienced our ineffectiveness at handling a flash flood causing the demise of 11 people and damaging personal belongings in flooded houses. We are, today, faced with yet another predicament which calls upon us to review our competences in respect of caring for susceptible persons in residential care homes. ...Read full article on Island Crisis: Residential Care Homes in Mauritius – Wiser After the Event [2].
02 May 2013, Island Crisis
Education: Strengths and Weaknesses of CPE in 2012
The Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) is the subject of several studies and reflections by the Ministry of Education, which wants to improve. Meanwhile, the performance of candidates in 2012 was shelled by the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate (MES).
02 May 2013,
Les Nouvelles ‘Speed Cameras’ Opérationnelles Sous Peu
Le ministre des Infrastructures publiques, Anil Bachoo, a annoncé que le système de permis à points entrera en vigueur dans quelques jours. Cette mesure sera accompagnée de l’entrée en opération des 50 nouvelles ‘Speed Cameras’ fixes installées un peu partout à travers le pays, même si aucune date précise n’a été avancée par le ministre.
02 May 2013,
How to Write a Sales E-mail
First time e-mails to potential customers must be short and make it easy to move to the next step.
02 May 2013,
New Technologies: The ICT Act Of 2001 Will Be Revised
The government will make changes to the ICT Act of 2001 to make it more appropriate to changes in the technology sector legislation. The bill, currently Parquet could be ready by August.
02 May 2013,
Petrol Stations Strike: Final Decision at Friday
The owners of service stations are the suspense about a possible strike on Monday. They met on Monday 29 April, the Commerce Minister Cader Sayed-Hossen and provide a new meeting with officers from the same department on Tuesday.
02 May 2013,
5 Decision-making Types: Which One Are You?
New research from McKinsey offers insight into how to play up your strengths and compensate for weaknesses when you're the one calling the shots.
01 May 2013,
The 7 Ways Successful People Approach Their Work
When it comes to work, everyone has their own methods for getting tasks done.
01 May 2013,
Windshield Damaged at Pamplemousses Garden: Who Incurs Costs?
A taxi driver went up against officials Pamplemousses Botanical Garden, as his vehicle, parked on the parking lot, had been damaged. The Board refused to pay repair costs, finding that the plaintiff is covered by an insurance policy.
01 May 2013,
Mauritius Business Growth Scheme: Rs 200 Million to 198 Companies
Rs 200 million. This is the amount of aid granted by the Mauritius Business Growth Scheme (MBGS) Department of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives in two years envelope.
01 May 2013,
Recruiters Reveal: How Can You Land An Interview Even When There Isn't A Posted Job?
As a former recruiter and now career coach, I’ve seen job seekers successfully get exploratory interviews even when there isn’t a posted opening. Then, if the meeting goes well, these job seekers are front of mind when something does open up.
01 May 2013,
Study And Work In New Zealand: Hundred Mauritians Claim To Have Been Scammed By Recruitment Agency
After a series of investigations into fraud Ponzi scheme, that other alleged scams reported to the police in Rose Hill.
01 May 2013,
Sugar Industry: 40% Wage Increase Claimed
01 May 2013,
Prepare Stories For Your Job Interview
Don’t show up for a job interview without a stockpile of good stories. These narratives should be parables with a moral at the end, showcasing the skills that are relevant to the position you’re applying for.
01 May 2013,
La DBM Va Rayer Les Dettes D’une Catégorie D’emprunteurs
Rayer les dettes d’une catégorie d’emprunteurs. C’est ce que compte faire la Banque de développement de Maurice (DBM) comme annoncé lors d’un point de presse, lundi.
01 May 2013,
Les Centres De Contrôle Technique Privés En Opération Dès 2014
Le projet de privatisation des centres de contrôle technique automobile (‘fitness’) avance à grand pas. Dans quelques jours, le gouvernement va accorder le contrat aux sociétés qui vont gérer ces centres. Mais ce n’est que l’année prochaine que ces centres vont entrer en opération, déclare le ministre des Infrastructures publiques, Anil Bachoo.
01 May 2013,
Avortement : une jeune femme fixée bientôt
Une jeune femme de 20 ans qui avait pratiqué elle-même son avortement alors qu’elle avait 15 ans sera fixée sur son sort le 7 mai.
01 May 2013, Le Matinal