Latest news
Le Dress Code qui s’Impose aux Courses Hippiques
Les courses hippiques, très prisées des Mauriciens, sont aussi prétexte pour bon nombre de femmes et jeunes filles de porter leurs plus beaux habits. Grands chapeaux, bandeaux, longues robes, le Champ-de-Mars, tous les samedis, dévoile une panoplie de style vestimentaire.
19 Apr 2013,
Tromelin: Mauritius Surprised, the Embassy of France Reassures
The political positions in France on file Tromelin surprised Mauritian diplomacy. "That surprised us," said the express Minister of Foreign Affairs Arvin Boolell. Tromelin Island is the subject of a territorial dispute between Paris and Port Louis.
19 Apr 2013,
Automarket: The DIVA Accused New Dealers Want to Monopolize the Market
Vehicle dealers refurbished, grouped in the Dealers in Imported Vehicles Association (DIVA), on the frontline. They oppose en bloc against the dealers of new, mainly those of the Motor Vehicles Dealers Association (MVDA), and accuse them of wanting to take the monopoly of the Mauritian automotive market.
19 Apr 2013,
Transport En Commun : CNT, gel du Contrat de Carburant de Rs 850 M
Sur ordre de la Cour suprême, la Corporation Nationale de Transport (CNT) a été forcée à geler l’allocation d’un de ses plus importants contrats, soit l’approvisionnement en mazout d’un montant de Rs 850 millions pour sa flotte d’autobus.
18 Apr 2013,
Ponzi Schemes: the "banker" Dominique Wanted
The Daily Challenge revealed Wednesday that some persons involved in financial activities Whitedot International Consultancy Ltd and Sunkai Company Ltd have left the country in secret. On Wednesday, detectives CCID went in search of a man named Dominique, considered "the banker."
18 Apr 2013,
Road Infrastructure: Several Corrective Measures Identified
The Road Development Authority (RDA) has appealed to the consulting firm CCA Environment Ltd. to sponsor a report on the social impact that could have the implementation of the program of road congestion. A copy of the final report has been submitted to the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and domestic transport.
18 Apr 2013,
Race 6th day: Green Keeper Looking for a First Win in 2013
Beaten in the last stride on the opening day with Casey's War, Green Keeper, one of the flagships of the team Rousset, try this Saturday, April 20, to make amends. To do this, he will have to overcome the handicap of its 61kg.
18 Apr 2013,
Deux planètes, plus semblables à la Terre que jamais, ont été découvertes
Une équipe internationale d'astronautes a découvert, à l'aide du télescope spatial américain Kepler, deux planètes hors de notre système solaire qui sont les plus similaires à la Terre jamais observées, où la vie pourrait potentiellement exister, selon leurs travaux parus jeudi.
18 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Video of the Day: Unexpected Deep Puddle After The Rain
18 Apr 2013,
Picture of the Day: Zhangye Danxia Landform
Zhangye Danxia Landform is concentrated predominantly in Linze and Sunan counties in Gansu Province. It is both the largest and the most typical of China's arid area danxia landforms. Because of aridity, the Zhangye Danxia Landform differs from that of south China. It is very dry and desolate, without any vegetation, so geologists call this "window lattice and palace-shaped Danxia topography”.
18 Apr 2013,
Mobile: Chili Announces Price Drop
While rates of Chili are already approximately 25% lower than those of its competitors, Mahanagar Telecom Mauritius Ltd (MTML) announced that it will review its prices down on 24 April. Remember that Chili is the newest mobile phone network in the country was launched in November 2011.
18 Apr 2013,
ICAC Investigation of Eight Semi Body
Hard times for parastatal body. In addition to the flood of "tsunami" politico-administrative some of these organizations, eight of which are currently within the scope of an investigation by the Independent Commission against Corruption (ICAC).
18 Apr 2013,
Evergreen Increases its Coverage in Port-Louis
The Asian sea giant Evergreen offers a second service, which starts from May 5 This increases its coverage of Port-Louis. This service includes containers arriving from ports in Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka.
18 Apr 2013,
Sunkai: Man Confidence Bhimla Ramloll Arrested
The investigation into the alleged financial scam allegedly committed certain companies operating in the Ponzi scheme continues. Robert Chuttoo the man confidence Bhimla Ramloll, director of the investment company Sunkai Ltd, was arrested on Wednesday April 17.
18 Apr 2013,
Des morts et des dizaines de blessés dans une explosion au Texas (VIDEO)
18 Apr 2013, Le Matinal
Hospitality: Overcapacity "Unsustainable"
The price war, a hotel overcapacity crisis in the euro zone, a decrease of arrivals of European tourists ... These factors have contributed to affect the profits of operators. Result: companies are under administration, others are looking for buyers.
18 Apr 2013,
Fire in Several Shops in Pamplemousses
Two fires broke out early Thursday morning Pamplemousses. One in a hardware store, not far from the police station in the area. The other near the MCB bank where several shops, two stores, a shop, a hairdresser and was engulfed in flames.
18 Apr 2013,
FSC Suspends Two Offshore Investment Companies
The Financial Services Commission (FSC) has suspended the license of operation of two investment companies, "Nirvi Management Ltd" and "Lotus Fund Ltd", both located in Grand Baie. The FSC found them not to operate "in the regulatory framework in place."
18 Apr 2013,
Alleged Financial Fraud, a Man Named Dominique Left the Country with Rs 62 Million
A suspected agent of two companies operating in the Ponzi scheme had left the country with Rs 62 million in his luggage. Central CID intends to seek the help of Interpol to issue an international arrest warrant against him.
18 Apr 2013,
4 nouveaux timbres disponibles à partir d’aujourd’hui
La Mauritius Post lance officiellement, ce jeudi, quatre nouveaux timbres et une enveloppe commémorative consacrés aux sites et aux monuments historiques.
18 Apr 2013, Le Matinal